Chapter 34 - Information Gathering(?)

After Sora left, Kalifa quickly went back to work. She signaled the other members to communicate that night. She had to contact them about defeating Sora, as well as detaining him to get the blueprints of Ancient Weapon Pluton from him.

That night...

Rob Lucci, Kaku and Kalifa stood in an empty room discussing what their next move on Sora should be. Even if he didn't actually have the blueprints, he knew their objective. He also probably knew who everyone of them were.

Rob Lucci: "Let's eliminate him. The Marines put out a wanted order for him stating to capture him alive, but the World Government has given the order to kill him on sight. Soon, they might even send us to assassinate him."

Kaku and Kalifa nodded. After this they would probably have to leave the island and give up on their current mission, however the head of Voi D. Sora, brother of Fire King Ace and Dark King Sabo was extremely valuable to them.

Kaku: "When should we make our move? The time for a Log Pose to reset on this island is about a week, so we know he'll be here for at least a week."

Rob Lucci: "We'll attack just before he leaves at an opportunity where he is alone. Supposedly, he's strong, but I doubt he's really every fought Admiral Akainu. Perhaps he simply saw him and ran. He's likely to be a weakling with a high bounty due to his brothers. Eliminating him will be a great help to the world government and a severe damage to his brothers."

Both: "Yes!"

After that, they quickly dispersed while eliminating any trace of their gathering. Little did they know Sora already expected their plan and didn't care. They were too weak to pose a threat, not even knowing haki. Haki couldn't even hurt him! As he thought about it, he shook his head. It was unlikely they would end up fighting him. At least, he thought so. Franky still existed after all!

Luffy wouldn't end up fighting then due to the interference of Sora. Due to Sora, they focused all their attention on him. He mentioned their objective, and also, he was a big target for the World Government. Sora himself knew CP0 or Cipher Pol Aegis Zero would be sent after him soon, too. Too him, that was simply an opportunity to meet Stussy! They would send a beautiful gurl straight to him doorstep, how nice of the World Government! He really planned to thank them later by allowing them to say their final goodbyes before dying!

Although, he was worried about how to deal with Stussy due to her sadistic side, but he did hear that every sadist has a hidden masochistic side. Maybe he could use that. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'I'll deal with it when I meet her! For now, I gotta focus on Kalifa!'

The next day...

Sora went out to meet Kalifa again. He hoped to get a normal conversation from her today. Even a conversation about how it was sunny today would be fine. Once again, he waited outside Galley-La company until Kalifa was sent out by Iceburg to drive him away.

Sora: "Hello, Kalifa! Lookin' beautiful again today!"

Kalifa: "Shut up, I have no interest in a pirate. You should know my identity already, seeing as you know my objective. I will catch you and enforce justice while also taking the Ancient Weapon Pluton blueprints from you!"

Sora: "So it looks like we can't have a normal conversation today either. Sheesh! Well in that case, I assume you've spoken to Lucci and the other CP9 agents here about me? Just to let you know, I'm going to be here awhile. I'm waiting for someone and some stuff."

The phrase 'waiting for someone' caught Kalifas attention, so she decided to ask Sora about it. He didn't seem to care much about giving information away, and any information she could gather was a good thing. Maybe CP9 could eliminate another threat using this!

Kalifa: "Who are you waiting for? Another woman?"

Sora: "Sahahaha! No! I'm waiting for you to join my crew and become my wife!"

Kalifa: "Why would I EVER join you filthy, evil pirates? Why would I want to be your wife? You.."

Sora: "Well, only my wives can be part of the crew so... yeah. I'm also waiting for my other brother. I have to brag to him about my bounty, you see. Don't know how long it'll take for him to arrive though."

Kalifa was about to leave in anger and frustration when Sora revealed who he was really waiting for. She knew it was important information when she heard 'other brother.' As much as she wished to leave this damn pirate already, she needed to know who it was, so she grit her teeth and begrudgingly asked.

Kalifa: "What's his name?"

Sora: "... who's name?"

Sora hadn't answered as such because he was trying to hide Luffy's identity, instead he, like all other D clan member apparently, sometimes dazed off during a conversation. This didn't usually happen to him, but it happened sometimes, nonetheless. Kalifa thought he was messing with her though, and was annoyed by him even more. She couldn't wait to beat him to a pulp!

Kalifa: "Your brother. The one who's not Ace or Sabo..."

Sora: "Oh! Sorry, my bad! His name is Monkey D. Luffy. He's strong. He's probably looking for a shipwright."

Kalifa nearly jumped for joy! She had gathered plenty of information she could send back to the World Government! There was a fourth brother, Monkey D. Luffy, and confirmed Sora was a womanizer. This would make any future assassinations easier, since they knew men wouldn't even be able to get close to Sora now.

Kalifa quickly made an excuse to get away and returned to notify the World Government. She also notified Rob Lucci and Kaku. They would plan their next moves based on this. Kalifa would deal with Sora, while Kaku would try to meet this 'Luffy.' If all went well, they would take out two huge threats!


Ok, so I've written up so Sabaody, and after that it's just a little bit left; Fishman island, dressrosa, zou, big mom, wano/kaido, Im. After finishing up One Piece, I think I'll do Pokemon, Monster Pet Evolution and Yu-Gi-Oh! I'll mix the way the world works together for the three, so monsters are able to be captured in pokeballs or something, but no pokemon or monster really have set evolutions like in pokemon. Yugioh monsters will work the same except they'll be real monsters summoned and stuff plus they can evolve through battle in various ways too. There'll also be evolution materials scattered around soras world for civilians and stuff he collects into the world to use for their own monsters. What do ya'll think about that?

Also, someone please figure out a name for soras world, im sick of typing soras world. I cant think of one myself.