Part 2

Part 2

Function room in a special building. It seems to be the core of this special exam.

"Looks like three people besides you have arrived."

The door to the room opened. What caught my attention was the teacher who was in charge of each class and several students. Class A is Sakayanagi, Class B is Ichinose, Class D is Kaneda.

As expected, they were all students with protection points.

In the room, there was 2 computers and a large screen placed directly opposite of one another.

"We will decide which class to face when the Commander of each class has gathered. Everyone will draw a lot from here. Students who get the red circle on paper will get a choice."

Lottery box.

Mashima-sensei brought it to us and urged Class A to take the first draw, but Sakayanagi refused.

"There are blessings in the leftovers, so I have no problem being the last. Please continue with Ichinose-san."

"Oh. I won't hesitate ---"

Class B Ichinose picks first. Then Class C and class D in sequence. The marked paper is not folded, and the results can be known immediately after being pulled. Class D, the last Kaneda, gets a paper with a red mark.

In other words, class D has the right to choose an opponent.

"Mashima-sensei, it looks like the last paper doesn't need to be confirmed."

Mashima-sensei raised the last remaining paper. Of course, there is no red circle there.

"Oh, it looks like there's no luck with leftovers."

"Is that so? I'm always unlucky in the draw."

"Of course, for Class A, no matter who the opponent is, you don't need to worry, right?"

"There is no such thing, I want to avoid your class if conditions permit, Ichinose-san."

I myself do not know whether what Sakayanagi said was a lie or her sincere words.

"Can you tell which Class you would like to choose?"

At Mashima-sensei's request, Kaneda nodded slowly.

Class D should have had a discussion in the morning and after school.

Discuss which class you want to fight.

"Then I'll say it. We, Class D - I hope to play against Class B."

What Kaneda said, was an unexpected declaration of war.

"What about Class B?"


After receiving their second confirmation, Mashima-sensei decided for another class.

Because Class D has chosen Class B opponents, it is automatically a match between Class A and Class C is decided.

"I thought you would choose class C, but why choose class B?"

Sakayanagi asked Kaneda for a reason.

"If we want to turn things around now, at least we have to take points from the upper class. But, even though I like that, I still want to avoid fighting with class A."

"Is that so? For me who wants to avoid the strong Class B, it is also very helpful. I wish good luck for Class D."

Sakayanagi nodded and thanked Kaneda. However, there are a number of tricks behind the formation of this situation. Of course, it was pure coincidence that Kaneda had the right to vote, but no matter who got the draw, it would be the same result.

Previously, I contacted Ichinose and Ishizaki after school.

Then I made a request to compete against Class A.

I only hoped to choose Class A as an opponent, but Ichinose agreed to give up Class A because of my request. As for Ishizaki, it seems that the real policy is to choose Class B, so there will be no contradictions here.

All this for the sake of fighting against Sakayanagi from Class A.

The only thing that might be a nuisance is if I end up having the right to choose.

Because Horikita said that she wanted to choose Class D, if I get a lottery then I have to find some reason for choosing Class A.

The odds of drawing are 1 in 4, so I don't need to worry. In other words, the interaction here is only in the same direction to determine the outcome. Sakayanagi also had to understand that I had done some work in preparation.

Thus, the opponents of each class are decided.

"Now I will explain the system for a special examination day. In this multipurpose room, you will use two similar computers. In this competition, all Commanders will be assigned to select participants from each event using that computer in real time."

The computer screen on the left is projected on a large monitor.

When Chabashira-sensei operated the computer, Mashima-sensei continued to explain.

"For example, this is a list of Alass A students. Move the mouse, drag a photo of the selected student's face and place it on the frame of the event. If you make a mistake or want to change it in the middle, use your mouse to put the face photo back outside the frame. You can repeat it. It's also possible to tap the screen with your fingertips. "

"I feel like this is a TV game show."

"Really ~"

The atmosphere of dialogue between Ichinose and Hoshinomiya-sensei seemed pleasant.

"There is a time limit for selecting students in each event. The amount of time that counts down now is the time of your choice. The more people you need, the longer the election time you have. You can immediately understand that you have 30 seconds to choose each person . "

In other words, an event that requires 10 people has 300 seconds.

"If you do not finish within the specified time limit, the computer will randomly select students based on the number of students who have not played. Be sure to pay attention to this. Conversely, if the electoral time is passed, students' photos will be removed from the event frame."

In other words, we must not exceed the allotted time.

"After the exam starts, the big screen will display the exam in real time."

The screen displays a chess match that appears on TV. This is a reference image.

"After the exams begin, the Commanders' intervention conditions will be displayed on a computer screen as text messages."

The big screen has been changed to a computer.

The screen shows 'Pause, Commander can repeat this step.'

This is an explanation of 'Commander intervention'.

"When you can confirm content, you can intervene by clicking on this condition. Remember that!"

Then the big screen switches back to the game.

"The instructions given by the Commander are not carried out in the form of calls, but the computer will automatically read the text in the form of chat. If you enter text and press Enter, it will be sent directly to the participant's headset."

After that, the computer will automatically read the messages and deliver the instructions. The reason for not receiving this form of call might be to prevent inappropriate behavior. The example just mentioned is the intervention 'Commander who can take this step again.' If the information is combined skillfully, it can also convey instructions 2 to 3 steps.

"If the Commander takes action against the intervention, it will be considered a violation of the regulations in place."

Moreover, it's better to have published information that will be carefully reviewed by third parties.

"At each event, only one person is allowed to use the headset. Even if it is a team battle, there is only one person who can receive instructions from the Commander. Who is the person who uses the headset is also appointed by the Commander."

There is more to be done than I imagined.

Even though general content has been predetermined, the Commander must always consider unexpected situations.

"The Commander can intervene at any time in accordance to the event's rules."

We can freely use our own computer to view, replace, or enlarge or reduce images.

For example, observing students participating in an event or preparing for the next event. So, the Commander must do many things.

"The above is the role of the Commander and how to operate it. Do you have any questions?"

Mashima-Sensei sent a glance to everyone, but there seemed to be no doubt from us.

"So, this is the end of today. If you want to reconfirm the method of operation, you are allowed to go to the multipurpose room with your teacher. Time is limited to the week before the test. Thus the explanation of the Commander is finished."