Part 3

Part 3

After returning to the dormitory, I told Horikita which class we would be against, in chat form, and then I began to consider the role of Commander. In other words, this is my first time facing a school exam.

To be honest, if this was an individual battle, it would be impossible for me to lose.

However, my task for this special exam is to direct all the students in the class.

Fighting can only be done within the class' skills.

Even an extraordinary strategist, like Sun Tzu, who directs an army of children to fight against adults, the chance of winning would be one in ten thousand.

Although only the 'intervention' that the Commander can use is the key, in the end, there must be a main premise to serve the battle.

In other words, I need to understand the potential and possibilities of all of Class C.

Who likes who, who hates who, who is good at doing something and who is not good at anything.

If I don't understand these things, there is no chance of winning.

And regarding my ability to gather information and leadership, I am quite low in class when counted from the lower caste. I don't know anything, like Shinohara and Onodera's favorite food.

So what should be done first?

I don't need to think about it. Of course, I want to ask people who know my class well.

Even though it sounds simple, it can't be avoided.

Those who fulfill these requirements include 'Kei', 'Hirata' and 'Kushida'.

Not just asking one person, I also want to ask all of them about the situation.

However, seeing the current situation, only Kei would be willing to help me.

Hirata is now in an impossible situation. As for Kushida, it would be due to the impact to her reputation caused by the voting in the class. Even though she didn't show his expression at all, she should be quite angry with Horikita. I don't know how much she doubts me, but I'm sure that his vigilance is far greater than before.

It was around 6:00 p.m. when it was dusk.

A visitor rings the doorbell.

I didn't think about anything and welcomed the visitors to the room.

"... Hello."

The visitor ... Karuizawa Kei, was still wearing a school uniform.

"Are you still in school?"

"However, I'm different from you, I have many friends. Besides, I'm the protagonist of today. "

Kei uses rather strange words and directs her gaze at me.

"Kei is the protagonist? Why?"

When I showed a confused expression, Kei looked a little angry.

"... How can you feel fine? Compared to this, it's very rare for me to come out at a time like this. You also said you don't need to worry about anyone else. Don't you have problems if others see?"

Kei seems to be quietly looking around my room.

"No problem. After all sorts of unexpected changes, as a result, their needs are greatly reduced."

"Because Hashimoto-kun from Class A and senior students have also seen us, right?"

"Almost like this."

"My relationship with Kiyotaka, it will be open to the public, little by little ... Is that okay?"

"No problem. "

Was it because of my quick reply, she felt calmer, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"If it's like that, it can't be helped."

Indeed there are some actions that are easier to do when my contact with Kei is unknown.

However, the situation gradually began to change.

Also, from now on, compared to behaviors such as spying, it's easier to take action on the bright side.

"But ... we are boys and girls of the same class, aren't we? If they find out that it is just 'the two of us', strange rumors will arise."

I thought she was someone who did not care about that kind of thing?

"This time I assume responsibility as Commander. Isn't it natural to call Kei who is the central figure in the class?"

To make sure, I added these words.

"Hmm ... Well, that's true."

At this stage, it seemed like Kei was still worried.

"Why did you take the role of Commander? Even though you have protection points, you're not the type to feel guilty about it, right?"

Is that a good thing to know about me?

"Regardless of how you want to mention it, after all, I have to show the impression that I'm worried about my classmates. Besides, Yamauchi just left school, and I'm still under suspicion in class. So doing this is the best choice."

"Is that all?"


"If I got the protection point, I wouldn't be the Commander, no matter what anyone says."

Because Kei had built such a position, even if she protected her 'protection points', no one would blame her. That is good.

"Putting that aside, tell me the details of the people in the class."

"First of all - where should I start? I don't know all about it? Especially the situation of boys."

"That doesn't matter. I'll ask Kushida and Hirata after that."

However, that would only be another perspective.

Whether it will really be needed or not, the situation is still unknown at this time.

"Of course, if you can hear it from them, you will be able to understand everything in class ..."

When Kei said that, she thought of the circumstances that made it difficult.

"Apart from Kushida-san, how is Yousuke-kun doing? Looks like he's really frustrated."

"Are you worried too?"

"Of course. No matter who everyone is in class C, Yousuke-kun's current situation is difficult to accept."

A Class C where Hirata does not exist. There will definitely be lots of damage with no benefits. There is no sense of stability in the class because there isn't anybody to act as a mitigator.

"In short, start with you."

"By the way, it's hard to talk in general, so let's put it in the form of questions."

If that's what she wants, then I will ask her about each girl one by one.

I began to plant a picture of all the Class C girls in my mind in the order of the student absence list.