Part 3

Part 3

No matter how bad the atmosphere is, time will continue to pass.

After class ended, it was natural to leave school.

The second class discussion. More precisely, the third one, if I include the discussion that I missed.

It has been three days since the special exams began. It's almost time to make a move.

Hirata immediately walked out of the classroom by himself.

Mii-chan looked at him in confusion and she stood up.

However, her feet could not move forward.

The strong rejection by Hirata in the morning, came to her mind.

Her legs that had just stood up, now retreated back in her chair.

"Leave it be---"

Even though Horikita's words sound cruel but she means well. The best choice right now is not to get involved with Hirata. Horikita and others understand this well.

The boys usually complained about Hirata, but I can't hear it now. They isn't anyone who hates on people who are down, or maybe because it is Hirata, so they can't say any bad things?

"Mii-chan, after today's discussion, let's go home together?"

Kushida was worried about Mii-chan's situation, and she talked to her.

"She is always very reliable at times like these."


Kushida could not leave her friend who was in trouble.

If she can't save Hirata, she should at least save Mii-chan. This is Kushida's policy.

Even if is behind the motive of improving her reputation, it's not a problem as long as it's a positive thing.

Mii-chan nodded slightly and agreed.

"Then I'll leave first."

Sure enough, Koenji did not seem to have the intention to participate. He also left the classroom after Hirata.

It was like a pride for him, only because this need to participate had been eliminated by Horikita.

In the end, the discussion will be conducted by 37 people.

After seeing Koenji, Horikita went forward.

Chabashira-sensei narrowed her eyes and left the classroom.

"So. Has everyone thought about an event that you are good at?"

"Wait a minute. There is something to note before we begin."

Before the discussion, the first person to raise his hand was Keisei.

"What's wrong, Yukimura-kun?"

"I'm afraid someone will be eavesdropping on our conversation."

Even if they aren't close to our classroom, they can still hear our voices if they are in the corridor outside the room.

"Yes. In this school it is not even possible to have a proper discussion."

"Don't you have a countermeasure? For example, send some people to keep watch. If you don't take precautions, just discussing where anybody could hear would be rather problematic."

"Yes you're right. "

Horikita understood, and nodded in response.

"But I don't think being cautious is an effective preventative measure."

"... Why?"

"Are you proposing to warn everyone not to eavesdrop, and not to approach our classroom? Corridors are shared and can be used by the students of any class. No, as a matter of fact, this classroom is also a shared room. We have no right to refuse students from entering our class. "

Horikita is saying that if we prevent others from going through the corridor, it can cause dissatisfaction.

"So it's no use even if we guard the room."

"Then, will we just freely let all our conversations leak? Who is good at what and who isn't good at what? That would be risky."

"For that, we will solve it using this."

Horikita pulled out a cellphone.

"We will have a group chat for the whole class and we will discuss the special examinations in here. We will discuss important matters here while we exchange opinions verbally, so that if other classes hear it will not be a problem."

After hearing this idea, Keisei understood and nodded.

"I see ... then that is not a problem."

"So, can I invite everyone to the chat?"

To this question from Kushida, there was no objection from Horikita.

It's not a surprise to say that she is the only student who has the contacts of all the students in the class.


In the middle of Horikita and Keisei's conversation, Mii-chan suddenly stood up.

"Sorry. Today, I ... That, a little ..."

"Mii-chan ... are you going to catch up with Hirata-kun?"

When Kushida asked, Mii-chan nodded lightly.

She moved her heavy legs and tried to catch up to Hirata.

"Wait, there's no point in doing that now."

"Horikita-san ... what do you mean?"

Hearing Horikita speak in an unexpectedly strong tone. Mii-chan asks.

"It's useless now. You will be dragged down with him."

"II don't want to abandon Hirata-kun."

"This isn't about abandoning, but now it is best for you to leave him alone."

"Then? Can you help Hirata-kun?"

"... That depends on him."

"No. That kind of thing is not the right thing to do!"

After saying that, Mii-chan left. And she left the classroom without listening to her advice.

"Really - He should leave him alone for now."

Of course, no one chased after Mii-chan. So Horikita tried to take the initiative.

"I'll be gone for a while. You guys wait here. I'll be right back."

Horikita said that. It seemed like she wanted to bring Mii-chan back, so she walked out of the classroom.

It seems like she can't entrust this to others.

"Everything's getting messed up ... Because of Hirata, we can't stay a proper discussion."

As a result, complaints came from Keisei.

So, we ended up making a little progress on the third day. I got up from my chair.

"Hey, Ayanokouji, are you going after him as well? Suzune told everyone to wait!"

Sudou reminded me. Indeed, if someone left Hirata like this, the situation would only get worse.

"I know. "

"What do you mean you know, Oi!"

I went outside and called out to Horikita who had just left the classroom.


"... I'm sure I told you not to go."

"If you intend to bring Mii-chan back, then you shouldn't go. I'll do it. You have a responsibility to lead the class."

"You are also responsible for leading the class as the 'Commander'. This is not a problem for anyone else. If you do not analyze the strength of our class, you will be unable to play the role of Commander."

"It's okay to leave it to you. After all, I can't do anything."

"That's not what I meant..."

"Can you solve the problem with Hirata?"

"That ..."

"Those who know what is best, will not pursue it."

Horikita, is one of the factors causing Hirata to be depressed, she shouldn't get too close to Hirata.

"So, in your opinion ... can you solve it?"

"That depends on the efforts of the people around him."

"If that was the problem, shouldn't it have been solved long ago?"

Not just Mii-chan. Many students talked to Hirata because they are worried about him.

And because Horikita was convinced that it would not change anything, he began to doubt Mii-chan's actions.

"In short, I'll see you later. If we keep talking here, I won't be able to catch up to Mii-chan."

"Come back as soon as possible."

She gave me a message that came out like a mother. When I stepped out, I suddenly encountered Hashimoto.

The conversation I had with Horikita just now, there is a possibility that he heard.

Hashimoto didn't look surprised, but greeted me with a smile as if he felt something interesting.

"Yo, Ayanokouji."

However, I did not have the time to talk to him.

"Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry now."

"If you want to chase your classmates, he went that way."

I nodded in response, then left to chase after Mii-chan.

The patterns adopted by Hirata over the past two days was the same.

In order not to avoid contact with anyone after school, he would definitely go straight to his dorm room.