Part 2

Part 2

The next day. I was told by Horikita that she had arrived early at school.

"In this exam, I won't be able to count Hirata-kun as a contributor."

Yesterday, even Koenji made some comments in the discussion after school, but Hirata refused to participate.

It was natural for Horikita to come to this decision after seeing this situation.

"An understandable decision. If you attempt to rely on him, it would create too many worrying factors."

Even if you force him to participate, it seems like it would only be counterproductive.

"Although his absence is acceptable for this exam, depending on situations in the future, it may create larger problems."

His concern is not a big problem.

Everyone really hoped that Hirata would recover, but it is still unclear what is needed to be done for him.

"If you think that leaving Hirata out doesn't matter. Is there a way to get him to drop out of school?"

After I gave her this proposal, she was somewhat surprised but calmly accepted it.

"That's right ... well, he might be thinking about it too. Luckily this time, he hasn't decided to drop out yet. If he did, he would have volunteered to become the Commander"

In this special exam, Hirata had the opportunity to volunteer to become the Commander and deliberately lose, resulting in his expulsion. This would have been easy for him.

However, even though he had no attachments to this school, he did not want to make other people feel upset.

For this reason, he made no steps to become the Commander.

The reason he is still in the school now is, if he drops out, the class may get a negative evaluation. He doesn't want to make trouble to others when he leaves.

However, this viewpoint may be only limited to 'now'.

"But no one can guarantee that he will always continue to be a good person. I don't know when he will accept this himself ..."


If Hirata accepts it himself as Horikita said, I don't know how Hirata will handle it. If it were like that, what will happen?

If he dropped out of school, it would lead to the downfall of half the class, I can't guarantee that he will never do this.

"Because of that, I don't want to play with bombs now. Then, in order not to trigger the bomb, I will have to be the one to unite the class."

The thing that Hirata regrets the most is his inability to unite Class C.

To avoid a difficult situation, Horikita had actively participated in the exam since the beginning to try to keep the class together.

"You really worked hard."

"You are the Commander, your future will be very difficult now."

"All of that will be left to you. Including the job of the Commander. You can certainly make the right decisions."

She stared straight at me.

"Can you win this?"

"I do not know."

"Well ... I am willing to win. Will you accept that?"

I didn't need to say that.

"So I have to actively participate in class discussions, to determine the rules of intervention for every member in each event as a Commander? You can try to imagine this scenario."

After I said this, Horikita's expression gradually became stiff.

"... Incredible, I can't imagine it."

"Is that so ?"

However, I was at the bottom of the class. Even though I became the Commander, that won't change.

If I suddenly started making instructions like that, the situation will be chaotic.

I will use the strategy compiled by Horikita as a benchmark.

In the middle of the conversation, I felt that the atmosphere in the class suddenly changed.

Hirata had arrived at school. Many students try not to approach him, but they still care about him.

"Good morning, Hirata-kun"

Mii-chan attempted to greet Hirata who was almost late. This is a brave act in the class' tense atmosphere. But he continued to ignore her.

Hirata who didn't care about anyone, sat calmly in his chair.

Even so, Mii-chan didn't give up.

"Who could have imagined that he would end up like this?"

"Nobody. "

Mii-chan's struggle also seems futile, and Hirata continues to act the same.

"However, only she doesn't give up on greeting Hirata-kun. I don't believe they even know each other very well ..."

Horikita also noticed that Mii-chan really cares about Hirata.

Then, she began to wonder why she continued to constantly do this kind of thing.

"Isn't that because Mii-chan is a good person?"

"Because this is the problem, it's strange that she doesn't do the same thing to other students."

"That is true."

After Yamauchi dropped out, Mii-chan continued to worry about Hirata. No wonder.

If so, there is only one reason to continue talking to Hirata.

"Maybe love is what drives her."

"That's the only possibility ... what a boring feeling."

Horikita was shocked, she crossed her arms, was unable to understand and shook her head.

"The class resources provided to him may also be limited ..."

She had thought that everyone would leave Hirata alone for a period of time.

"Shouldn't this be difficult?"

"There is no such thing. There is no one except her who actively talks to him. "

Hirata decided to ignore even the most loyal Mii-chan.

Besides that, not many students have the ability to do this.

"No matter what the motivation is, I really hope she can forget it soon."

Horikita thought about how she should give up.

"If she is just greeting him, I can't complain about that. But it's definitely getting worse."

"It's impossible to think about it."

And every time Hirata was involved in something, the classroom's atmosphere would get gloomy.

Mii-chan, who was always ignored by Hirata, once again approached him fearlessly.

"Hmm, Hirata-kun, for lunch today—"

Mii-chan intended to invite him to lunch, but ...

"Can you stop it?"


In the quiet classroom, Hirata suddenly said these harsh words. He showed a strong rejection towards Mii-chan.

"You're so annoying."

Although his tone was normal, his voice contained a cold feeling.

"Th-that, I ... just thought, having lunch together ..."

Mii-chan tried hard to keep her smile, but her emotions crushed her.

"I don't want to eat with you."

There is nothing more of a direct rejection than this.

The other girls didn't want to see Hirata like this, and they looked away.

"Hey, Yosuke-kun. Aren't you taking I too far? "

At this moment, Kei acted. No, maybe in this case she really needed to act.

I can easily imagine a scene where Kei's followers asked her to do this. If Hirata was stopped here, Kei could protect his character as well as calm the class temporarily.

But ---

"Can you not call me by my first name like that? And I have nothing to do with you."

"Yes, that's right ... In that case, Hirata-kun, you are overreacting to Mii-chan."

After Kei corrected his name, she still bravely faced him.

As the leader of the girls in the class, she must fulfill that obligation well.

"Compared to your usual attitude towards others, it not any different."

Hirata did not stop the counterattack.

"What ... I-This is for the class ---!"

"Can you shut up? If not ... you understand, right?"

Hirata forcefully shut Kei's mouth, who planned to continue speaking.

If Kei does something excessive, Hirata will reveal everything - this was a threatening statement.

Hirata knows Kei's weakness. At least for her, she would definitely understand what he is trying to imply.

"What? Huh? I'm sick of this. I don't care about you anymore."

That is the end of the problem, and nothing can be done anymore.

She can only leave helplessly and choose to retreat.

"How long will you stay here?"

Hirata who easily pushed away Kei, turned to Mii-chan still standing and almost crying. She was completely rejected by Hirata and could only bow her head and return to her seat.

Hirata might also believe that Mii-chan will never come to talk to him again.

"The morale of the class has dropped significantly ..."

"Koenji doesn't seem to care at all."

Even though the classroom was very gloomy, only one person did not care.

Even though Hirata and Mii-chan, and Kei were fighting, Koenji didn't pay any attention at all.

"Why are there so many problem children in this class?"

I thought Horikita was one of them too - however I didn't dare say this.