Join me

VI,tan was going on about how happy he was, I don't think Intecqu have tear ducks but if he did I believe he'd be crying. I moved through the motions of comforting him and reassuring him how important he was to me, but my mind was more focused on the fact that id leveled up. It wasn't surprising no I just guessed that the nameless wood carrier had just died, and I'm just now being given the rewards for killing him.

"System open status window"

[Name] Meruem

Species Intecqu

Level [2]

HP [200]

MP [90]


Strength [44]

Agility [55]

Vitality [1]

Dexterity [184]

Intelligence [199]

Stamina [40]

[Attribute Points] [20]


bone manipulation level [5] allows the host to manipulate the bone of his body.

blood manipulation level [5] this skill also hosts to manipulate blood, both host and the blood of others.

blood essences transfer level [5] This skill is related to the host species as it is a skill that allows host to take the skills, energy (MP) and physical characteristics of species that host has taken blood from.

[system function] appraisals level [5] A system given skill that allows the host to appraisal objects and gains knowledge of the object, base on the host level.

Simple wood-crafting [0] Grants host information on creating simple wooden objects, knowledge included includes crafting bows, crossbow, clubs, spoons, wooden swords, boxes, beds, tables, etc. though because of the skill only being simple grade all crafts will require more host effort, though leveling up the skill can negate this.

Amateur armor crafting [0] Grants host information on crafting armor, though this skill goes best with. Leather crafting, and blacksmithing but since the host has neither the skill will not operate as effectively. This skill grants host information on armor for chest, arms, neck, feet, legs, back, hands and head. Though as stated this is amateur armor crating and as such cannot be used to craft any complex armors.

Hand mastery [0] This skill allows the host to gain more exp, and an increase in the learning ability of anything related to the use of host hands.

[Skill Points] [20]

[store currency] [20]

"System tell me why have none of my attributes or skill increased at all?"

[Host the reason for that is simple…. Have you changed at all? The system only documents your attributes and skills, not increase it. Then rewards you points and currency per level in which you can accumulate or spend them however you wish. Is that answer to your satisfaction?]

"yes, of course, my lovely system…. Forgive me for my lack of reasoning skills."

With that said I can assume I gain 10 points per level well at least for now. It's not in my nature but waiting appears to be the best bet. Now to get back to VI,tan, geez he's been profusely thanking me for some time now. It's a little heartwarming to know he cares so deeply for the name I gave him. Now, what should I say to complete my dominance over his mind.

"VI,tan you continue to go on about how much the name I give you means…. To you. What you don't understand is what your happiness and appreciation mean's to me…. Though I've just been born I've encountered many amazing Intecqu and some less so. And I want you to know… if your dedication towards me is true and your heart honest and bold… then fellow Intecqu VI,tan…. Join me in my quest to restore the honor of the Intecqu species I swear to never lead you…"

I looked away from VI,tan who looked down at me in amazement, staring at the crowd of Intecqu I wanted to convey the emotion of honesty and love to the best of my ability.

"I swear to all of my fellow Intecqu…. To never fall weather, I will be against armies or legions of sky devouring monsters, who's mere presence steal the life from all it touches. To never cower even if I stand before the god of death itself with eyes like black holes, to never shy away from any who do harm to any Intecqu, not even the queen will be spared from this vow. I swear to never betray these vows to all of you. Fellow Intecqu join me and break free from the dogma that suffocates the minds of all those who live in this state of…...slow death."

The room became devoid of sound, all that could be heard where the loud thumping of many hearts. None had knowledge of what to say, but I stood boldly and unflinching as though to solidify my belief in the words just spoken. Though I wanted to hear praises and words of support, that was simply already guaranteed. These were after all just lost children who desperately want nothing more than love from a parent, someone to guide them…. Someone to light a path out of the dark… haha, my queen, you've made it all too easy.

But like I said this was expected, what I was truly waiting for was the person who'd challenge me. Yes, like any organization there will always be those who need more convincing, and I've already found the nonbeliever. He, I believe to stand in the back and though it was clear he was conflicted it seems he's not exactly against me… but instead doesn't like something I said or did…

huh, let's let this silence go on for some time. After all, I have all the cards in my hand. They're the ones who need me to free them from this heavy silence, they need me to speak and lessen there load. To tell them something like "I force none to follow" or "you need not make your decision now" ha-ha its all just too funny.

Those that join me now would, in fact, be betraying the soon to be born king, and subsequently the queen. while if they rejected me now, they'd, in fact, be betraying their hearts, their pride as Intecqu. All but one yes that one whose heart beats strangely, whose muscles twitch as though he were a child in a classroom working up the courage to speak in front of the class. I decided to break the silence that controlled the hearts and minds of all those present, also because VI,tan looked to be Redding himself to speak…. And well I didn't want him to ruin this tension id built up.

"Ask what you want… thee who waits in anticipation"

Though speaking did break the tension of the room. It also filed it up with a more deadly feeling, I could tell they all felt as though I had singled them out individually and placed a timer on how long I'd allow my words to go unanswered. And well I'm known to dislike waiting. I had stepped back and assumed a more domineering position. They were right I had no interest in waiting for this one Intecqu who's heart, whose body did not react the same as all the others to gain the courage to speak up.

I guess ill punish them all with silence… allow them to struggle to work up the courage to even speak in my presence. I placed my hands behind my fact and didn't move an inch. I stood as though a statue of an ancient figure of a long-lost history.


Time went by as though it were frozen and just now began to thaw when everyone heard a knock at the door. "Perfect," I thought realizing it was Viticus. If his effect on Za,coken was anything to go off on then I can assume I've just won over these Intecqu. Which is in itself an amazing feat seeing as 49 Intecqu is nothing to scoff at. Viticus began knocking some more but stopped suddenly as though he remembered how I dislike repetition. He turned his head towards the guard down the hall giving him a confused look.

The guard confirmed that I was in with a similar look and Viticus simply yelled.

"Meruem I'm here to give my report."

I paid him no mind for a few minutes allowing him to sit outside like an obedient dog. Not because I viewed Viticus to be such no it's more to show these Intecqu who've been standing up for 12-20 minutes now just how strong my will is. Seeing as I haven't moved an inch other than my tail that slithered as though looking for prey.

As I opened the door with my mind and allowed Viticus in, I motioned with my hand that he was to stand aside. As I did this, I noticed that some had the courage to look and see Viticus standing there as though he had already joined the ranks of my faction. As Viticus walked up I noticed that many had lighter hearts. One even molded up enough courage to speak up. It was the snake-like Intecqu who had spoken up before.

"May I speak Meruem?"

It was strange it seems as though some have either grown accustomed to me, like VI,tan or like this girl/boy has opened up to me because of those I associate with. Ha, it seems ill need to figure out the social hierarchy in this place, seeing as I could have a possible wild card in the form of Viticus. As always, I chose not to answer her/his question simply waiting for her/him to work up the courage to speak his/herself… forced to wonder wither id punish her/him or not.