swaying of the flock

"Well, Meruem… I'm curious If we join you what would you have us do?"

I wanted to burst out laughing to roll on the floor balling my eyes out. This was quite the curveball; I lack all manner of knowledge of this world and well it seems as though I grabbed my saddle before I even had a horse. Now, what to do? She/he placed me in quite a pickle.

I can't continue to regurgitate the same garbage of starting a hunting party and simply marching out there. It's good that I don't always answer quickly seeing as it gives me time to think without appearing weak. Well, I guess I'll just have to give her fluff for now until I finalize my plan.

"Do you know the dream I have…. Of course, you don't. well you see earlier you told me about how previous generations failed to carry out the orders of the queen and because of that, she grew distant and cold towards her… children towards you… well, I must inform you I seek not to repeat the same mistakes as the queen. I believe it foolish that she'd risk so many Intecqu lives for such little gain. I don't wish to march out into the world of beast and monsters that's killed so many of my fellow Intecqu blindly. If you'd do me the honor of joining with me, id in quick succession have you working on weaponry to aid us in the conquering this planet…. Also, id like to pose a question to you…? My apologies my question would be how far could an unarmed, non-warrior Intecqu travel outside the cave?"

My words appeared to stump her/him, she/he didn't know what to say and it was clearly written on her/his face. But I'm not the type to panic nor thirst for conversation, so I allowed the silence to continue. But it didn't last long seeing as her/his lips started shivering and she/he spoke once again.

"Thank you for your kind words and to answer your question an unarmed nonwarrior Intecqu could maybe at most travel a quarter of a mile. Before they are killed by one of the monsters of this planet…... Why did you ask that?... and what type of weaponry would you like us to create."

As she/he said that I heard someone in the back say "yeah" in support of her last question about the type of weaponry. Honestly, this girl/boy is really getting to the heart of my lack of knowledge, but like everything else, I already had a broad answer to this question as well. And as for why I asked her the question pertaining to how far an Intecqu could travel outside without being killed. I chose not to directly answer seeing as it felt more like a demand and well… I won't have things demanded of me.

"Do you find honor in death... or suffering? Well, I must inform you I do not. When we conquer this planet it will not be by honorably fighting these monsters as though they were our equal… as though we and they were in some bid for this planet's resources…. No of course not the moment thee Intecqu landed on this planet was the moment every other living creature had one of two choices either submit… OR die. Because we deem these monsters to be just that monsters I see not a reason to fight them as anything other than pest… as such our efforts will be on weakening the bodies of these supposed monsters… primarily by finding genetic weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Primarily to paralysis or senses dampening drugs. The first few missions out into the unknown will be to capture then study the monsters that primarily frequent a mile radius of our current situation."

"We can do that Meruem!.... Though the…... queen believes us to be the weakest of all generations. We have…... fought and made a name for ourselves as being the... smartest of recent generations. We focus on exactly what you're looking for, If you allow us we could bring your dream to…. completion…. No please allow us to bring your dream to completion."

As she/he spoke I noticed the hint of pride and fear. In his/her voice as though she/he was scared that i'd pass up on the offer of support in favor of some other generation. It's so very sad how these Intecqu feel as though they've been abandoned by the one person, they wanted to love them the most. Each generation paired against one another, and from the way she speaks about her generation. Its as though they were a mistake.

I thought they were created to be the smart ones who managed the technology, but it seems they are a product of a failed genetic experiment by the queen. But I wonder "If they're a failed recreation then I wonder what the original looks like," I thought to my self before responding to her. it seems leaving her/him in anguish has in a way lessened her/his opinion of her/himself. Good the less you love yourself the better.

"If you truly wish to join me… then would you allow me to give you a name, seeing as you don't appear to have one. What about all the rest of you do you wish to join me?"

As I said this the one id been waiting on finally spoke… I felt a tinge of happiness travel through my body.

"You're just giving them hot air…. Lying to them… falsely promising them a way out. A means of escaping but you don't truly have anything of substance to give do you?"

Aww, finally he/she has chosen to speak the quiet nonbeliever has broken his shy mold and now wishes to challenge the teacher. Killing him/her wouldn't sway any to follow me and would only serve to make me appear as a dumb brute. No ill leave that role to the future king, I have been waiting quiet patiently for you my nonbeliever.

Though I was waiting for him I chose not to give him my full attention instead choosing to pay more attention to the snakelike Intecqu of the same generation as the non-believer. I ignored him and decided to name her/him…

"You shall be known as Le,via than, for you shall be the destroyer of monsters thousands of times your size. You shall be someone with strength beyond any monster. So, when any ask your name tell them you are Le,Via Than. The destroyer of monsters."

I didn't bother asking how he/she liked the name I gave her/him and simply moved on to the one nonbeliever who now stood alone seeing as everyone seemed to like the name I gave to Le,Via Than. But I found it amusing how dedicated he was to his resistance. Growing more and more paranoid every second I didn't respond to him and everyone else seemed to shun him.

"What took you so long to answer…. Have you finally found the courage to voice your concerns. Tell me what you fear that I am"

He wasted no time and quickly shot out an answer not wanting to be swallowed up by the silence once again, not wanting to be shunned by the stares of his fellow Intecqu who have now nearly all decided to join and be named by me. In this cold barren room of dirt walls, I was committing treason and he knew it.

"You haven't actually done anything all your doing is spouting off nonsense about conquering this planet… yet I doubt you even know how long how many warriors have lost their lives attempting what your attempting… you're a newborn with no idea what the hell your even doing….. so… so… so stop.... fucking around get off whatever drug you're on and realize your no better than any of us. Who've been constantly fighting for survival. You don't have the magical solution so don't fill their hearts and minds with pointless hope… well just wait for the king… he'll save us"

So that's it. he's some idiot whos decided that just giving up all control to someone else is the best bet. I wonder do you truly believe the words your saying. or is this just a means of rebelling for the sake of rebelling.... are you a prideful fool or genuinely just a week will person... well there is the possibility that you genuinely feel the king will save you but I doubt it. he/she appears nearly dead with slow sluggish movements practically personifying his inner thoughts.

Either way, your rebellion must end now seeing as you've managed to shake up some of the flock and that won't be tolerated. I wonder how I should defeat you? I wish I could refute what you're saying, but the knowledge given to me by the liquid I drank only went over language and the history of how we got here. So, if I can't refute what you said I guess I can only run into it.

"It seems you're mistaken about something… I do not wish to speak boldly only after obtaining everything I require… no quite the contrary I'm the type to walk into a room filled with broken lost Intecqu and offer my hand as salvation. Not because I have the solution now. No, its because I believe I can obtain it. I welcome those that doubt me…. those that laugh and belittle me… cause you see I know what the future holds, I know I won't fail… so I stand tall and continue to raise the stakes cause you see I love it….. I truly love the feeling of being the "fool" who no one believes in… I love the feeling of standing above a sun, with a noose tied around my neck, as the rope becomes thinner and thinner, with every word I speak. only for me to continue talking more and more to it, thinning it out faster… because you see I truly… love it. It's as though you were given a chance to see the future. in this future, you succeed and accomplish everything you ever wanted. Yet while in the present you have fools telling you how you "can't" or that you're "arrogant". After seeing the future wouldn't you just love watching them prance around… wouldn't you find it funny. You say I don't know what I'm doing I say I've already accomplished what I want. It's you who hasn't seen the future as I have."

Yes, it's my obsession I love it I truly love it. Raising the stakes when I'm already neck-deep about to drown. Hahaha, it's just so fun, the feeling just before you think your about to lose it all. But that's not all I also need to appear to be more than just an Intecqu, by mentioning the future they'll wonder if I truly can see the future, and when I succeed, they'll start doubting their all so rational minds.

That's when I'll get them, that's where the name Meruem will be more than just a name.