Chapter 29: [Double Raid]

[Underground Headquarters, England, London]

The moment the person called undead releases the undead Chaos Titans all over the city, reports kept flooding in like non-stop for a few minutes now

The whole city is in a panic, not only the civilians but also the military and user for the reason that undead Chaos Titans are on a way different level than them

The Undead Chaos Titans maybe slow but there too tough, strong, and powerful than ordinary chaos beings, even multiple chaos knights are needed to bring down at least one Titan

"Damn it! Where did all of these undead Chaos Titans came from?" Growled one of the officer

"Seems like the enemy is prepared!" Commented Sanaguchi

"Head Chief!" Yelled Alex

"What is it Head General?" Said the Head Chief

"Can we pull our troops back on the operations to help defend the city?" Asks Alex

Hearing this the head chief got the gist of the Head General idea

"Call back our troops now!" Ordered by the Head Chief

After the employees tried to get in touch with the outside force they immediately turned grim

"Sir! We can't! It seems like the outside force is in engage with multiple Chaos knights" said the employee


Hearing this the head chief replied to Alex as he gritted his teeth

"Looks like we're on our own"

Receiving this the Head General finally made a decision

"Seems that I the case.... Deploy all combat teams, send troops to the palace, and prepare a suit for me"

As he said that the Head Chief was baffled


With that Alex replied

"I'm going out there and take as many chaos Titan down as I can"

At those words the whole base begun it's operation

[Certain store]

At a certain store Ryuuji just got out of the convenience store after he bought some choco sticks when he suddenly received a call from Jessica

As he answered the phone he heard Jessica in a panic situation

(Ryuuji! Where were you? The city I under attack) said Jessica

Hearing this Ryuuji almost spit out the Choco sticks in his mouth due to surprise

"Under attack?"

As he said that he heard series of explosions nearby and when he turned around he saw people running while being chased by a undead Chaos Titans

(Undead Chaos Titans are attacking the city! We believe that the person called undead is the one responsible) said Jessica

Hearing that Ryuuji tried to withdrew but suddenly he saw a girl fell down so her family tried to pick her up but the moment they did this the Undead Chaos Titan reached down for them


As they screamed the palm crashed down to their position

Expecting that they would be crushed they realized that after few seconds the attack didn't hit them and when they opened their eyes they saw Ryuuji wielding Ifrit sideways to block the attack

"Go! Get out of here!" Yelled Ryuuji

As they heard that the immediately made a run for it while Ryuuji himself was being pressured by the heavy weight of the undead chaos Titan

As cracks formed beneath his feet the Undead Chaos Titan quickly punched him with it's other hand sending Ryuuji crashing through multiple buildings

At the headquarters Jessica saw everything so she kept looking at Ryuuji's status, she was worried at first when Ryuuji was sent flying but later felt relieved when she saw that Ryuuji's status is still intact

(Ryuuji fighting a Undead Chaos Titan is a suicide!) Warned Jessica

"Well I can't just leave it right?" Said Ryuuji as he gets up from his crash

"Luckily I manage to condense mana quickly or else I'll be dead" he added

As Ryuuji said that he launched himself straight at the Undead Chaos Titan


As Ryuuji swung down his sword Ifrit his swords Mana suddenly became hot fiery flames that engulfed the Undead Chaos Titan

When the Undead Chaos Titan stepped back by few steps Ryuuji landed on his arm and run up to his face and immediately slashed it's mouth before landing to the next building

Seeing that it was hurt the Undead Chaos Titan tried to retaliate by swinging it's arm side ways but Ryuuji immediately jumped away from there and stabbed the Undead Chaos Titan thighs and ripped it of downward

Since the Titan is already undead it didn't feel any pain so when Ryuuji jumped again it screamed so load that it made Ryuuji cover his ears and fall back to the ground


As Ryuuji fell down the Undead Chaos Titan punched multiple building making the debris fall above him

"Shit!" Cursed Ryuuji

Immediately Ryuuji made a run for it while defending himself from falling debris

Jump.... Dash..... Block..... Slide..... Slash... Jump... Side step... Slide.... Evade..... Duck..... Triple slash...

As he successfully escaped Ryuuji activated his eyes and a huge surge of Mana gathered around Ryuuji as he launched himself forward

With high speed Ryuuji was able to dodge the Undead Chaos Titan's attack and inflict a huge damage in return

Receiving multiple damage it slammed Ryuuji making him crash to the ground and spitting out blood from the impact

"Guhah!" Reacted Ryuuji

As he fell down he immediately positioned himself as he launched again

As Ryuuji slashed it's shoulder he used hell flame again to damage it's back making the undead Titan bent on his knees while it was bent Ryuuji stabbed its sword to the back of the Undead Chaos Titan before it used third layer making the undead chaos titan burn from The inside permanently killing it

As he killed the Undead Chaos Titan Jessica was elated

(Ryuuji! You did it! It's just too bad that you have broken ribs) said Jessica

"Don't mind it's just a broken rib" said Ryuuji as he endured the pain in his chest

"I'm just lucky that I fought it in a narrow space or else the outcome would ha e been different" he added

(That's true! I can't even help because it didn't show to any response in my scans... Maybe because it's an Undead already?) Pondered Jessica

As she worried about that Ryuuji jumped above the small building and saw multiple Undead Chaos Titans roaming around while users and military are fending them off

When he decided to help them a huge explosion suddenly caught his attention

"Thats!" He exclaimed

(Ryuuji go to that place looks like the buckingham palace is under attack) alerted Jessica

Immediately Ryuuji went straight to Buckingham palace and what he saw stunned him

Multiple guards and knights lay down unto the floor either dead or knock down

"It's like a hurricane just passed by" said Ryuuji

(Be careful) warned Jessica


When he said that he immediately head I side the palace and when he got in there he saw multiple bodies of users, military, and knights lying unto the floor

Seeing this Jessica turned grim

(Where's the Queen?) She asked

With that Ryuuji quickly heads out to deal with the intruder

Ryuuji searched everywhere.for the Queen but she can't be found anywhere so he quickly dashed to the last room he haven't checked the library

When he got inside there were also bodies there and a open hidden passage

As he stood right infront of the entrance he gathered his resolve and dashed straight down

[Hidden Chamber]

As the Queen backed away Undead approached her while throwing the unconscious knight

When the Queen held out her sword she smiled

"If you want the book! You have to go through me"

Hearing this undead smiled


With that signal three chains attacked the Queen but the Queen herself tried to defend herself by using the sword technique that she was taught during childhood

As the chain and sword clashes, one of the chains chicken the Queen while the other tossed the sword away

While being chocked the undead smiled

"I wonder if having a good quality of Queen's corpse will be a great addition collection" said the undead

"Any last words?" Asks the undead

"Go..... Go to hell" cursed the Queen

"After you" said the undead

As the Undead was about to Pierce the Queen and killing her a sword suddenly flew out and almost hitting him but also separating him from the Queen

"Hello ugly! How about you pick on somebody your own level!" Taunted Ryuuji

As the undead looked at Ryuuji it sigh

"Well there's another one"

As the undead said that chains spring out from the walls and attacked Ryuuji

Immediately Ryuuji dodged the attack and held out his hand

Quickly his sword flew back to his hand and the moment Ryuuji got a hold of his sword he slashed the chains as if it was nothing but another batch of chains him again forcing Ryuuji to take a huge step back

"Tsk!" Gritted Ryuuji


With that attack the chamber entrance suddenly exploded and when the explosion. Cleared chains co wrong the entrance was seen

"What?" Reacted Ryuuji

Immediately Ryuuji stabbed the ground and shouted


Instantly six fire dragon appeared and created a hole through the chain wall and quickly Ryuuji made a dash for it to attack undead

The undead was caught surprised so he tried to defend himself by covering his body with chains

As Ryuuji slashes the undead the latter itself attack and defend at the same time

Slash... Slash..... Slash.... Upward slash.... Downward slash.....

Inspite of these attacks the undead didn't get any injuries and attacked by extending it's arm out to send multiple chains out to attack Ryuuji

Seeing this opportunity Ryuuji lets go of Ifrit to be attacked by the chains while he charged forth to the undead and with a photon saber he stored as a last result he slashed the undead's unguarded arm separating it from it's owner

Immediately after this Ryuuji punched the undead until it crashed to the wall

Seeing its arm cuts off he panicked for a while but smiled again quickly, while Ryuuji was staring at him he used his chains to grabbed his arm and bring it to him

When he retrieved his arm he sticks it back to it's body and later on it reattached itself to his body

With this scene it left Ryuuji and the Queen loss for words

"You.... Your not human are you?" Asks Ryuuji

Currently Jessica was also stunned from this scene

"No! I was human! But after I experimented my body I turned to a living undead which can't be killed no matter what!" Said the undead

"Impossible!" Murmured Ryuuji

Instantly the undead suddenly appeared infront of Ryuuji and punched him with his fist covered in chains sending Ryuuji away

As Ryuuji tried to stand up he grabbed his sword nearby and stood up ready to attack again

The moment that Ryuuji attacked the undead dodges every atta k Ryuuji made while his other chains sprung out of wall and took hold of Ryuuji

With him restrained the undead moved his hands in different ways causing the chains that took hold of Ryuuji to drag him around the room bumping him to different parts of the room and crashing him to the hard part is the structure

After that he threw the bloodied Ryuuji and then he turned to the stone wall and used his chains to dig out the object behind it

As it took hold of the object the undead finally retrieved the book and when the Queen saw this she grew furious because the book was successfully stolen from the palace but she can't do anything as the chains choked her

While the undead was smiling Ryuuji stood back up again

"Hoh? Your still alive?" Said the undead in amazement

Seeing this Jessica became worried

(Ryuuji that's enough! If you continue you have a high possibility of dying)

But inspite of the warning Ryuuji chose to ignore it

"You... Your.... Your not getting away that easily!" Muttered Ryuuji angrily

Hearing that the undead smiled

"Alright then suffer!"

[Above the palace]

Instantly a huge explosion. Occured at the front lawn of the palace and a body flew up and crashed to the floor while almost instantly the chains pinned him down

As undead approached him he said

"Quite unfortunate eh! Your are kinda strong except you joined the wrong side! If only you could release all your powers without minding the safety of others! So sad" said the undead

As he said that he used his chains to grabbed Ryuuji's sword and cutting off his dominant arm

"GAAAAHHHH!!!!" screamed Ryuuji in pain as his right arm was cut off his body

"An arm for an arm!" Declared the undead

"It's quite fun hanging out with you after all your the first one to cut off my arm so you got my praise but my mission I over so tally hoh!" He added

As he said that the undead said something in his comms and suddenly a portal appeared behind him and before he left he said something

"Supporter I know your listening!" He said

With this Jessica felt threatened

"If I may be blunt you better go back to your city or else you won't be able to see it again" he said

With this Jessica tried to decipher what he said

"I just sent out an army of chaos beings in your doorsteps so maybe I assume your city will have at least 0% of survival!" He added

As he said that the undead vanishes to the portal leaving Ryuuji writhing in pain to the floor and the Queen frustrated by the situation

By this time the back up of chaos breakers and military arrived but they immediately realized it was all over

So instead of quevering on it they tend the Queen and the injured Ryuuji while Jessica was left in shock and despair as she can't do anything to help Ryuuji at all when the other near employee and supporters saw her they immediately comforted her and asked what happened and so she told them what the undead said

[Ruined Bay Outside Of Grandora City]

At the outside of the walls of Grandora city there is a bay full of chaos beings in different levels ready to attack the city and the only thing that's separates them is the sea

While far from the back a huge creature bigger than a titan sent out it's aura to the sea causing the land underneath the ocean to rise up from the ground and forming a pathway to the city and with this the chaos beast march begun as they assault Grandora city

Author's notes:

Grandora city is mainly separated by the sea to the mainland