Longest Night

When they arrived at the nightclub the first people Hana noticed were Jimin and Jungkook. It was like they knew she was gonna be there.

Yoongi looked over at her and then at the guys. "It's gonna be a long night." He went over to the bar and got himself a drink.

Hana laughed and joined him.

"Hey baby," said Jimin as he sat on the stool next to her.

"Go away," she flipped him off and got up.

"Oh come on baby," he got up and followed behind her.

She sighed. "Go away."

"Why can't you just leave her alone," said Yoongi from behind Jimin.

"Oh, hyung, the fuck you want?" Asked Jimin crossing his arms.

"Just want you to leave her alone," he replied.

"And since when did you give a fuck about her life? I thought she dumped you," said Jimin.

Yoongi frowned. He grabbed Hana's arm and pulled her out to the parking lot.

"Just forget about that idiot," she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss. "Let's just go home."

Yoongi smiled.

"Yoongi? Is that you?"

They heard a voice from behind them. Hana looked at Yoongi confused. They looked behind themselves.

"SooJin?" They said in unison.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Yoongi.

"Well you stopped returning my messages and stopped calling. I was worried and then I saw you at the bar inside," she replied. "Yoongi, I'm your fiancée. Well I thought I was."

Yoongi snickered. "Well it's complicated."

"Ha, I can see that," she replied. "You seem to have gotten back with your ex." She looked over at Hana. "So Hana, how have you been?"

"Ya know life was pretty good till now," she gave her a fake smile and rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand why you're saying that, you are the one who stole my fiancé," she replied annoyed.

"Whoa, hang on he was my boyfriend for years way before you two started being a thing. So don't be acting like-" Hana got cut off before she could finish.

"Let's just go home, please babe," said Yoongi pulling her to the car.

"Wait, I need to return something," said SooJin.

She looked down at her left hand and stared at the large rock on her finger. She pulled it off and threw it at Yoongi. "You are a real ass Min Yoongi," She stormed off.

Yoongi bent down and picked up the ring. He looked at it and put it in his pocket. They got in the car and headed back to their apartment. As soon as Hana got in the door her phone went off.

Jungkook- can you meet me?

Me- um, I just got home and it's kinda late

Jungkook- please?

Me- kookie, I'm sorry but I can't tonight, I can meet you later

Jungkook- please, I really need to tell you something it's very important

Me- I'll see what I can do

Jungkook- thanks

Hana placed her phone in her pocket and grabbed her purse.

"I just realized, I need to go to the drugstore. Do you need anything? Yoongs? Yoongi?" She went into the living room to find him passed out on the sofa.

Hana got in her car and headed for Jungkook's house. He was waiting for her on the porch steps.

"I'm here. What's so important that you couldn't wait to tell me?" Hana asked.

"I need to know, do you still love Yoongi hyung?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course I do," Hana replied. "Why?"

"I- Nevermind. I'm sorry to have wasted your time," he smiled and pulled her into a hug. "You should head back home, Yoongi hyung will be missing you."

Hana looked at him worried and got back in her car and left.

When Hana got back she laid down next to Yoongi and fell asleep. She wondered what Jungkook was trying to tell her. Perhaps he had feelings for her. But that can't be, just the way he acts. Could he really have that kind of love and those kind of feelings inside of him? All these unanswered questions floated around in her mind.