Truth Be Told

"Babe, wake up."

Hana blinked a few times to see Yoongi smiling down at her.

"Morning," she yawned as she sat up. "What's up?"

"I wanna go out. We haven't been on a date for awhile since we got back together," he replied.

"Aw, what a sweet man you are," she stretched and got up on her feet. "I'm just gonna go shower and change then we can leave."

Hana was still thinking of what Jungkook had said or was trying to say at least.

It was a good day. Yoongi and Hana went out to one of their favorite restaurants and then went for a walk on the beach and watched the sunset. It was such a cliché but it was also what they did on their very first date together.

"I just had so much fun today," Hana said as they stopped in their tracks.

"I'm glad. I missed us so much. I'm just so happy you decided to give me another chance," replied Yoongi smiling happily at her. He leaned in and gave her a sweet kiss.

When they arrived back to their apartment Hana noticed the shadow of someone outside their door. When they came up to the door they saw who it was.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Hana asked.

"I needed to see you," said Jungkook.

Hana looked over at Yoongi. "Uh, I'll see you inside."

He nodded and gave her a kiss before he disappeared into their apartment.

"Look, I really needed to tell you this. I didn't get to say it last time," started Jungkook.

"Okay, I'm waiting. What do you want to tell me?" Hana replied starting to get a little impatient.

"I can't believe I would ever say these words but I-" he hesitated for a minute. "I love you."

She stared at him.

"Could you please say something?" Said Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I- I don't know what to say. I'm with someone else and I'm happy," Hana replied.

Jungkook sighed. "But, how could you still be with him? How could you go back to him? He cheated on you. I know how we met was kinda weird and kinda inappropriate but look I did what I promised myself I would never do again and I fell in love with you."

"Jungkook, I'm flattered but I just can't. I'm with Yoongi and I love him, I'm sorry," Hana gave Jungkook a hug and went into her apartment to join Yoongi.

"So what was that about?" asked Yoongi as they laid in bed together.

"He just wanted to talk, it really wasn't anything important," Hana sighed.

"Babe, you won't even say his name, what did he say?" Asked Yoongi.

"He told me that he loves me. I told him that that I'm with you and that I couldn't because I already love you."

Yoongi smiled and pulled Hana close as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too."

They fell asleep.

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

Hana woke up to the doorbell ringing incessantly. She looked over at Yoongi and he was still fast asleep. She tried shaking him awake but he just wouldn't budge. "Glad some things haven't changed," she said under her breath and she rolled her eyes and got up.

"Hey sis," said Jin.

"Jin, it's like-" she looked at the clock, "7:00 in the morning what are you doing here?" She complained as he entered the apartment.

"I need to have an excuse to see my little sister?" he smiled.

Hana laughed a little, "at 7:00 in the morning? On a weekend, yeah, I'd say so." They hugged and SeokJin left a kiss on her forehead.

"So how are you doing, especially after that night with Jimin and Jungkook?" Asked SeokJin. "I swear those two idiots, they're like my kids."

"Um yeah, I'm fine. And of course you know I'm back with Yoongi. And so far It's been really good. How're you doing?" Hana replied.

"It's great. I just wanted to stop by see if you'd come out with me. We rarely see each other and I wanted to see you before I left," said SeokJin.

"Really? Where are you going?" Hana asked curious.

"I'm headed to Japan. I got a job offer over there and it's at a pretty big company. I might also stop to see mom and dad. I'll say hi for you," he replied.

"Oh that's great. I'm very happy for you. Yeah, lemme just get washed up and changed." Hana said as she went back to her bedroom and found Yoongi still fast asleep. "This boy, honestly he could sleep through a freakin' tornado," she laughed to herself.

She got back in bed and practically tackled him awake.

He tiredly opened his eyes and yawned. "Babe? What time is it?"

"Morning Yoongs," she said kissing him. She got up and went into the closet and got some clothes out and laid them on the foot of the bed.

"What are you doing up so damn early?" yawned Yoongi.

"Jin's here. He wanted to take me out before he left on his trip."

"Nooo! How dare he take my baby away! I won't allow it!" Whined Yoongi as he grabbed her and brought her back into bed and into his arms.

"Ugh, you're so dramatic. I rarely get to see him. I promise I'll give you the best night ever when I get back," she caressed his cheek and kissed it.

"Alright, I'll be waiting, I love you." He attacked her with kisses before letting her get back up.

She finished getting dressed and grabbed her purse and went back out to the living room to join SeokJin.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yep," she grabbed his hand and they went down to his car and to the restaurant for breakfast.

At breakfast.

"So what kind of job is it?" Hana asked.

"It's a computer engineering job," replied SeokJin.

"Ooh, nice. I bet that check gonna be huge," Hana laughed.

"Oh you have no idea," he laughed a little.

"Well I'm just super happy for you. My big bro is gonna be in the big leagues, with the big boys," Hana quietly cheered.

"You're so weird. I'm really gonna miss you." He smiled. "Also fair warning stay clear of Chim and Kook. Those two-"

"Are idiots?" Hana finished for him.

He smiled. "Yeah."

They both laughed.

After they finished their food they went out and did some shopping and then went out to see a movie. After having the best sibling bonding day SeokJin brought Hana back to his apartment to have a little sibling sleepover.

"Well, I'm gonna miss ya. Take care of yourself and make sure Yoongi takes care of himself as well," said SeokJin as he headed into his bedroom. "I love you. Night baby sis."

Hana smiled. "I'm gonna miss you too. Night big bro." She went into the guest room and closed the door.