
*Ding Dong*

Hana stood up from her spot on the sofa and went over to open the door.

"Oh my god! Jieun! You made it!" Hana exclaimed excitedly hugging her.

"Well of course! My best friend getting married?! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Exclaimed Jieun.

She came in and they went into the living room to sit and catch up.

"So where's the lucky man?" Asked Jieun.

"He's at work, unfortunately. I guess it's debut time for one of his artists and he has to get them ready and stuff and it's all just complicated," Hana replied.

"Well that sucks," frowned Jieun.

"Yeah," Hana sighed.

"Anyways, that ring is just gorgeous," said Jieun as she took Hana's hand.

"Thanks," Hana smiled. "The proposal was really sudden, I mean he let me listen to one of his songs and we were just talking and out of nowhere he just popped the question."

"That's adorable. Wanna see if he has any friends, maybe someone for me?" Chuckled Jieun. "I'm kidding."

"Well of course," Hana laughed. "But let me get to the point. We've been best friends for years and I know we haven't seen each other in years but I wanted to see if you would be open to being my maid of honor."

It went silent for a minute. Jieun's face turned red.

"Of course! I'm so- wow- Yes! Of course! Yes! I'd be glad to!"

"Really?! That's great!"

They jumped up and excitedly hugged.

"Now that we got that out of the way, how've you been? What have you been up to?" Hana asked as they let go of each other and sat back down.

"Well, I live in Miami and I got my Ph.D. I'm the head doctor in my department, I'm an anesthesiologist. Other than that, nothing in my life has changed. Everything is just the same," replied Jieun.

"Well, I think that's wonderful. I finished law school and now I'm a lawyer, one of those high powered attorneys I guess. Yeah, not much in my life has changed, to be honest. Although my brother got a computer engineering job in Japan with some huge electronics company," Hana replied.

"Oh my god! SeokJin! It's been so long, I remember I used to have the biggest crush on him," Laughed Jieun.

"Oh god, really?" Hana asked with an 'ew' face.

"Hey, your brother is very handsome. I'm pretty sure everyone who ever met him would say the same thing, men and women alike," scolded Jieun.

"Ah yes. My brother, the handsome one of the family. Why'd he have to get all the good looks?! Huh?! What about me?" Hana whined.

"Nah, you're both beautiful. Chill," said Jieun.

"Hey babe, I'm home," said Yoongi coming in and dropping his things.

"In here," Hana yelled out.

He went in to find Hana and Jieun. "Ah, who's this?" He asked as he went over and gave Hana a kiss.

"Yoongs, this is Jieun. She and I have been friends since we were kids," Hana said.

"It's nice to meet you. Funny she never mentioned you to me, ever," said Yoongi. "To be honest I thought SooJin was your only girl friend."

"Ex-friend," Hana corrected him rolling her eyes and looking over at Jieun. "This is my fiancé, Yoongi."

"It's great meeting you too," said Jieun smiling.

"Well, I think I should head out. I'll see ya later Hana," said Jieun as she gave Hana a hug and left.

"So how was your day baby?" Asked Yoongi.

"Boring as hell. I've been home all day. Doing some wedding planning. I know it's like every girl's dream to plan their dream wedding but shit it's so tiring and time consuming," Hana replied. "How was your day?"

"Honestly I didn't really do much. I had another meeting with some CEOs from a few other record labels, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep again though," Laughed Yoongi.

"Aish," Hana shook her head.

"Don't worry baby, you know I'm very persuasive I bought their labels," replied Yoongi.

"Of course you did," Hana gave him a smile.

"Let's go out, get some dinner, celebrate," said Yoongi.

As Hana was making her way to the bedroom the doorbell started to ring followed by loud knocking.

"Are you expecting someone?" Hana asked.

"No," replied Yoongi shaking his head.

Hana went over and opened the door to find a frantic Jimin.

"Uh, Jimin? What are you doing here?" Hana looked at him confused.

"Uh, it's about Jungkook. He's hurt real bad. I had to check him into the ER last night. Did you happen to see him?" Asked Jimin.

"Uh yeah, I saw him. He was fine when I left him though," Hana replied. "What happened? Is he okay?"

"Well, he wasn't fine when I came back home. He was barely hanging onto his life. The doctor said I was lucky to have gotten to him when I did," Jimin replied.

"Was it some salesperson trying to sell to us again?" Yoongi said laughing as he came back in the room. "Oh, Chim."

"Uh hi Hyung."

"What's wrong? You don't look so good," replied Yoongi.

"It's Jungkook. He's hurt real bad," said Jimin. "I have to get back to him. I just thought you should know, Hana."

Jimin turned and left.

Hana closed the door and looked over at Yoongi. "We have to go see him. I know you told me I shouldn't see him anymore but-"

Yoongi cut her off before she could continue. "I agree. We should go see him."

Hana stared at him surprised.

"What? I have a heart, I know you care about him. Come on," Yoongi said.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the parking garage.

When they arrived at the hospital they went over to the desk and asked the nurse what his room number was. She promptly refused, but after a little persuasion from Yoongi she finally gave it up.

"1211...-here," said Yoongi.

They went in and saw Jungkook lying in the bed, his wrists were bandaged and he was hooked up to a bunch of beeping machines, sound asleep.

"Oh god. Kookie," Hana felt tears start to fill her eyes.

Yoongi pulled her into his arms. "He'll be fine, I'm sure of it." He gave her a light kiss on the head. They stood there at the foot of Jungkook's bed as Hana sobbed into Yoongi's chest.

"I didn't know he was in this much distress," Hana cried.

"He has a way of hiding his feelings, I just never knew it could get this bad," replied Jimin.

Hana and Yoongi looked behind them to see Jimin standing in the doorway. He entered and took the seat next to Jungkook's bed. "He really loves you. I know it's wrong but he's just a kid, so to speak, I guess he just couldn't take it anymore, I guess in a way, you broke him."

"I-I-I didn't want any of this to happen! What the fuck Jungkook?!" Hana started sobbing again.

Yoongi pulled her closer. He rubbed circles on her back and hugged her tighter. "I think we should head home. Baby?" He suggested.

"I think that's a good idea," said Jimin. "I'll call you if anything changes."

As soon as Hana and Yoongi arrived back home they both got in bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

"Why'd you have to break my heart? Wasn't I enough?" Asked Jungkook, his eyes were red and puffy. His cheeks were tear-stained. Then all Hana could see was red.

"Kookie!" Hana grabbed his wrists to stop the bleeding. "No! Why'd you have to do that?"

"What's the point in living if I can't have you? Huh?" He sobbed.

"NOOO!" Hana screamed.

"Babe? Hana! Wake up!"

Hana felt Yoongi shake her awake. She opened her eyes and looked up at him crying.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just can't help but think this is all my fault. Yoongs, Jungkook is laying in a hospital bed right now because of me!" She replied.

"No, you couldn't have possibly known that he would do anything to put himself in danger. Please stop blaming yourself. You didn't do anything," he said pulling her into his arms.

They laid back down and Yoongi was out like a light. Hana laid there, her head on Yoongi's chest as she cried herself back to sleep.