I’m Fine

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Jimin was beside him sound asleep. He reached out and shook his arm. His eyes shot open.

"Kookie, you're awake. Oh thank god!" Exclaimed Jimin. "Hold on I'm gonna go get the doctor," he jumped up and ran out of the room.

Jungkook sat up and stretched, just as Jimin came back with the doctor behind him.

"So how are you doing?" Asked the doctor.

"I feel fine. Just a little tired," Jungkook replied.

"Good. Everything looks fine. We'll have to keep you here overnight just in case anything happens like your stitches open or if you suddenly fall back into the coma but as far as I can tell you'll be able to go home tomorrow. You should be able to remove your bandages in a couple of weeks. Then a couple of weeks after that I'll be able to remove the stitches," said the doctor.

"Thanks doc," Jimin replied.

The doctor nodded and smiled before leaving.

"Are you okay? Can I get you anything?" Asked Jimin.

"I'm fine. And no," Jungkook replied bluntly.

"Good, cause now I can do this," Jimin started to angrily yell. "I can't believe you would do something so stupid! And over a damn girl! What's wrong with you?! Huh?! You seriously could have died! I mean come one! Is that really how you wanted to go out?!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't understand."

"So make me understand then!" Jimin continued to yell.

"Okay fine, I hurt. She fucking hurt me. I never knew what heartbreak felt like till I met her! I never knew what true love felt like till I met her! She was right in my grasp but I let her slip away! I'm not like you hyung! I can't just sleep with someone and move onto another," Jungkook yelled back equally as angry.

"Fuck you!" Replied Jimin, he rolled his eyes and stormed out slamming the door behind him.

Jungkook shook his head and laid back down.

When Hana woke up she looked over to her side and saw Yoongi was gone. She got up and went out to the kitchen to look for him and then the living room but couldn't find him. She grabbed her phone and called him.

"Babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Yoongi over the phone.

"Where are you? I couldn't find you when I woke up," Hana replied.

"I'm at work. Are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry to call you at work," Hana said hanging up.

*ding dong*

Hana placed her phone on the counter and went to see who was at the door.

"Hana," said the man with a warm smile.

"Joonie? What are you doing here?" Hana smiled and brought him into a hug.

"I really missed you Hana. Jin hyung called me," replied Namjoon.

"Of course he did." Hana rolled her eyes.

She took his hand and brought him into the living room so they could sit on the sofa and talk.

"Why didn't we ever get close to the marriage step when we were together?" Asked Namjoon.

"Mm, I guess it just wasn't in the cards for us." Hana shrugged with a smile.

Namjoon smiled back.

"Aish, I miss that little dimple when you'd smile at me," she couldn't help but to poke his cheek.

"I also came back to try to talk to you about your decision to marry him, I mean I'm just recalling all those nights you'd call me after you two broke up. You know the saying; once a cheater, always a cheater. I'm just looking out for you," said Namjoon.

"Ah don't worry. We're doing fine. We love each other and Yoongi will never make such a mistake ever again. He learned his lesson," Hana replied.

"Well I'm happy for you guys then," said Namjoon.

She smiled hugely and laughed.

"So, you wanna maybe go out, catch a movie? Have some dinner, reminisce about the old days?" Asked Namjoon.

"Sure, why not," she grabbed her bag and they headed out and down to Namjoon's car.

When Yoongi arrived back at the apartment he called out to see if Hana was home but she didn't answer. He assumed she had just went out to get something to eat but her car was still in the garage. He didn't know why but he was suddenly really worried that something had happened to her. He got his phone out and decided to call her. He ended up getting her voicemail. He tried again and got her voicemail again. He tried a third time and again got her voicemail. He placed his phone on the coffee table and hoped that she was okay and that she'd call back. He started to work on some lyrics for a new song when his phone started to buzz, he jumped up and grabbed it.

"Baby?! Are you okay?!" Yoongi asked worried.

"Yeah Yoongs, I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I was worried, when I got home you weren't here and I thought something happened when you weren't answering your phone," Yoongi sighed. "Now that I know you're fine, I can breath better."

"Sorry, I went out with a friend and we were watching a movie. We're at dinner right now. I should be back in about an hour," she replied.

"Ah, okay. I love you," Yoongi said.

"I love you too. Kisses," she said before she hung up.

Yoongi placed his phone back on the table and went back to work. His phone went off again, not paying attention to the caller I.d he answered it.


"Mr. Min?" Said the man over the phone.

"Who wants to know?" Yoongi asked.

"This is the head of the Kim family, regarding my daughter and your little side business," replied the man.

"Listen, I told you guys to leave me alone. First of all your daughter is insane and second of all I'm not in that business anymore. Stop calling!" Yoongi yelled angrily into the phone before hanging up and slamming it onto the table.

"Yoongi, I'm home," Hana yelled out as she slid her shoes off and threw her bag and keys on the table. "Babe?"

Yoongi went over to her and brought her into a warm hug and a sweet kiss.

"Where have you been?! I missed you so much!" Whined Yoongi. "Don't ever leave my side!"

Hana rolled her eyes. "I swear to god you're so dramatic sometimes."

Yoongi laughed as he pulled her onto the sofa with him.

"So who was this friend you were with?" asked Yoongi.

"Namjoon," replied Hana.

"Oh? Your ex? Did you have fun?" Yoongi asked, he sounded kinda annoyed.

"Someone sounds jealous," Hana smirked.

"What? No! I'm not!" Yoongi replied in a defensive tone.

Hana laughed. "You're so adorable. I love you and only you. Namjoon and I are just friends."

Yoongi gave out a relieved sigh. Hana couldn't help but laugh even more.

"Ah stop laughing!" Complained Yoongi.

"I'm sorry I can't help it," she continued to laugh.

Yoongi frowned and pushed her down onto the couch. He hovered over her and smirked. She stopped laughing, she knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Aish baby, why you gotta tease me so much? You know how sensitive I am," said Yoongi in a stern tone.

"Aw is daddy mad at his lil kitty?" Hana replied in a teasing way.

In a matter of seconds he had ripped her clothes off, leaving her completely exposed. She hugged herself to hide her body but he pulled her arms open holding them above her head with one hand and admired her bare body. He got undressed and got on top of her and started to kiss her lips slowly making his way down to her chest.

"Aah!" She couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

Yoongi stopped to look up at her. He made his way down in between her thighs. He flicked his talented tongue into her throbbing wet pussy and ate her out licking up all her juices as if he was a starving kitten who had finally got its milk. She threw her head back and screamed out. "Aaaah!! FUCK!" Her legs started shaking. She pulled at his dark soft locks as he went deeper. He got up and smirked at how much of a mess she was.

"Ah, I forgot how sweet you tasted," he licked his lips.

Hana sighed in relief and started to relax, but then without any warning he thrusted his hard dick into her making her scream so loud the neighbors below could probably hear her.

"Oh god! Fuck!" Hana screamed.

"You like daddy's hard cock inside you?" He said in a deep teasing tone.

Hana squeezed her eyes shut and nodded. "Fuuuckkk!"

He thrusted deeper and deeper and then stopped.

Hana let out another sigh but then he started thrusting faster and harder.

"Oh fuck! Daddy! Fuck!" Hana screamed out. "I-I'm gonna cum!"

"Fuck!" Yelled out Yoongi. He threw his head back. "You want daddy to come inside?"

"Y-Yes!" She stuttered.

He thrusted deeper and deeper a few more times and then released inside her. He moaned aloud and then pulled out.

Hana laid still on the sofa, she could barely move or speak.

"You gonna tease me again?" He whispered in her ear.

"N-No," she shook her head.

He smirked and got up and grabbed a blanket from the bedroom and laid down beside her. He brought her into his warm arms and pulled the blanket onto them.

"I love you kitten," said Yoongi.

"I love you too," Hana whispered.

He gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and they dozed off into dreamland.