
*ring ring* *ring ring*

Hana opened her eyes and squinted as the lights shined in her eyes. The sound of the phone kept ringing and ringing. She looked around but didn't see it so she let it go to voicemail and laid her head back down on Yoongi's chest and listened to his heart beating as he slept on. She felt so warm, his arms were still wrapped around her, she couldn't help but let out a bright happy smile. It was awhile since they last had rough sex and it was awhile since she was able to wake up in Yoongi's arms since he always had to leave for work earlier than her. She felt so happy and safe right then and there. She couldn't understand how she didn't forgive him for what happened and how she kicked him out. She never realized how much she missed him till that very second. She could stay like that forever.

"You just gonna keep staring?" Asked Yoongi with a smirk, his eyes were still closed.

"Yeah," Hana replied smiling.

Yoongi opened his eyes and smiled back at her.

"Aigoo why can't I just marry you right now?" Yoongi said wrapping his arms around her.

"Let's do it. This weekend. I don't wanna wait any longer," Hana said.

"Whatever you want my beautiful baby girl," said Yoongi. "If you want to get married this weekend than we will get married this weekend."

Hana smiled and kissed him on the lips.

*ring ring* *ring ring*

The phone went off again.

"Ugh," groaned Yoongi. He got up and grabbed the phone from the table. He went and laid back down with Hana.

"What's up?" Hana asked.

"Jungkook's awake," he replied.

"Can we go see him?" Hana asked.

Yoongi tiredly smiled. "Sure. If it'll make you feel better."

They got dressed and went over to the hospital where they were greeted by Jimin outside of Jungkook's room.

"How's he doing?" Hana was eager to know that he was hopefully okay.

"He's doing pretty well. Doctors say he'll be able to go home tomorrow. I'm sure he'd be glad to see you guys," replied Jimin.

They went in, Jungkook was sitting up in his bed and playing on his phone. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey guys," he said happily.

"Kookie, it's so good to see you awake," Hana went over and took his hands in hers.

"Well I'm glad you came to see me," he replied.

"But now that you're awake I can scold you," Hana frowned. "How could you be so dumb?! Why would you do such a thing to yourself? Do you understand the pain you would put everyone in if Jimin hadn't showed up when he did?! Huh! If you hadn't survived?!" Tears were piling in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook stopped for a minute. "I guess I just wasn't thinking. I just couldn't stand not being able to be with you. By the time I realized how I felt you were already engaged to Yoongi hyung, I didn't see a point in living anymore."

Tears started streaming down Hana's face. She felt so bad. Why didn't he just tell her how he felt?! Yoongi went up behind her and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

"I think we'll be going. We're really glad you're okay," said Yoongi as he pulled Hana out of the room with him.

They got on the elevator and went down to the parking garage.

"Are you okay?" Asked Yoongi as they got in the car.

"Yeah. I just can't help but think this is all still my fault," Hana sighed.

"Ah, baby, none of this was your fault. Please stop blaming yourself," replied Yoongi as they pulled out of the garage and headed for their apartment.

"Hey, babe? I need to tell you something," said Yoongi breaking the silence.

Hana turned her head to face him. "Yeah?"

"I got a call while we were at the hospital. It was about work. It turns out I have to go out of town this weekend," he explained.

"But we were supposed to get married," Hana frowned.

"I know, but it's really important. If I don't go to this thing I could lose a lot of money. I promise I'll get back in time for our day. I swear," Yoongi said.

They pulled into the parking garage of their building.

"Yeah sure whatever. I just thought our big day would be more important to you than any business thing. But I guess I'm just learning the hard way that nothing is more important to you than work. I swear sometimes I wonder about you," Hana said as she got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Wait! You know that's not true! Baby?!" Yoongi got out after her but was too late to catch up with her, she was already out of sight.

He locked the car and went up to the apartment.

Hana kept getting calls followed by texts from Yoongi begging her to come home and to forgive him, but she ignored them and turned her phone off. She wandered to a park and sat down on a bench.


She turned to find the owner of the voice.

"Joonie? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just taking a walk. Clearing my head," replied Namjoon. "Are you okay?"

She started to tear up. "No."

Namjoon sat down next to her. "You wanna talk about it?"

"We were supposed to get married this weekend but he has to go out of town for some business thing. I swear I think he loves his job more than me," she said as she started to sob.

"I'm sure he loves you very much. I know you know that," reassured Namjoon.

"Well I'm not sure I know anything anymore," she shook her head. "Sometimes I just really miss you. I wonder what it would be like if we had stayed together and gotten married and maybe had kids, and to be in your arms again, to fall asleep and wake up to your beautiful smile."

She gave him a hug and headed back to her apartment.

"I'm back," Hana sighed as she entered the quiet apartment.

"Babe, where'd you go? I was worried," replied Yoongi going over to her and bringing her into a hug. "Are you okay?"

"No Yoongi, I'm not okay. You're leaving town and literally on the eve of the day that we're supposed to become a family. Yoongs, I love you, I really do but sometimes I just wonder about your love for me, I wonder do you love me or do you love the money more?" Hana sobbed.

"Baby, I-" he reached out to grab her hands but she pulled away. "Save it. I just need to lay down for a little bit." She went into their bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Yoongi stood in his spot speechless and quite literally confused. They had never had a disagreement about his work ever when they were together.

Hana heard knocking at the door followed by Yoongi asking her if she was okay and trying to apologize. She didn't answer and pretended not to hear a single word he said. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she laid there alone listening to his words.

"Hana, I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'd do anything for you. I just want you to have a good life. I want you to be happy. Everything I do is for you, for us. Please forgive me!" He said through the door.

She sighed in annoyance. She got up and angrily opened the door.

"I love you too but money doesn't solve everything. I already love my life. I have a loving boyfriend and I have a comfortable living space and I have my family and friends who care about me. My life is perfect. I'm already happy. As long as I get to stay by your side my life will always be complete and I will always be happy, rich or poor I don't care," she replied.

He stared at her in complete silence.

She scoffed and went back in the room. He went in after her and got in bed next to her and pulled her closer. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I understand and I love you. But I won't be gone all weekend. My flight leaves tomorrow morning. I'll be back Saturday night. We'll have the ceremony Sunday afternoon." He placed a kiss on her neck.

She laid in silence and ignored him, soon falling asleep.

Hana was woken up in the middle of that night by her phone constantly ringing. She got out of bed to pick it up when she noticed that Yoongi hadn't joined her in bed, she went out to the living room to find he was passed out on the couch with a drink in his hand. She got her phone from the coffee table and answered it.

"Hello?" Silence. She checked the caller I.D, it was Jungkook. He must've pocket dialed her, she was about to end the call when she heard him talking to someone.

"You know you're a real dumbass," said Jimin.

"Why can't you just leave me alone hyung? So what if I love her? She's engaged to that cheating bastard. There's really nothing that can be done," replied Jungkook.

"What do you mean there's nothing that can be done?" Asked Jimin.

"Hyung, stop. I know that look and it never leads to anything good. Whatever you're thinking just stop. Nothing will change her mind. That's just how life is," replied Jungkook.

She ended the call and placed her phone back on the table. "What was Jimin thinking of doing?" She thought to herself.

"What are you doing up this late?" Asked Yoongi.

Hana jumped and turned to see Yoongi yawning and taking a sip from his glass. She frowned and took the glass away from him. "Yoongs just come to bed," she said as she dumped the contents of the glass out and placed it in the sink.

She went back into their shared bedroom with him following behind her. He laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her and they fell asleep.

The next morning when Hana woke up she was cold and alone. Yoongi and his bags were gone.