Meeting Them

Note: This chapter takes place in the past.

"Hana, Come down!" Yelled out her father.

Hana got up and went down to find him in the kitchen.

"Meet your step brother," he said.

Hana looked at the tall young man behind him.

He smiled and she smiled back.

"Seok-" he started.

"Jin" Hana said.

"You know who I am?" He asked.

"Yeah of course, you're a member of that boy group BTS," Hana replied. "And I have to admit I am quite a fan."

"Well I'm always glad to meet a fan," he smiled.

"And meet your new stepmother," said her father.

Hana looked over at the woman next to him.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Hana." She smiled.

"It's great to finally meet you. Your father's told me so much about you," she said bringing her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding," Hana said.

"It's fine. It wasn't that fun anyway," she said with a wink and a light chuckle.

Hana laughed. "Well that's good to know," she jokingly said.

Hana looked over at her father who was smiling widely. It had been years since she'd seen him smile like that, not since mom passed away. She was glad to see him look so happy and content.

"Hey, sis," said Jin.

Hana looked up from her phone. Her eyes grew wide.

"KIM NAMJOON!" She practically screeched.

He smiled revealing his adorable dimple.

"Wow," Jin frowned. "Why weren't you this excited when you first met me?"

Hana laughed. "I love you," She hugged him.

"But I can't believe you brought Kim Namjoon here! You are the best brother ever."

"Well, I know he's your bias and you've been so busy with finals I wanted you to take a break, and what's a better way of taking a break than going on a little date with your bias and "president"," laughed Jin.

"Omg! Shut up!" She punched him in the arm.

He laughed. "Ah! You know we know all you Army's jokes."

Hana started to blush uncontrollably.

Namjoon laughed. "Well I guess we should head out." He reached out and grabbed her hand. "My First Lady."

"OMG!" She hid her face.

"Have fun kids," said Jin.

They went out and got in Namjoon's car.

"So, where to?" He asked.

"Wow I still can't believe I'm going on a date with the one and only Kim Namjoon," Hana said still freaking out.

"You're just so adorable," said Namjoon with a smile.

"Okay, don't laugh but I kinda wanna go to Target right now," she said.

He looked at her and tried so hard not laugh. "Okay, sure," he smiled and than started to laugh.

"Shut up!" I tried to not laugh but I couldn't help it. She burst out laughing.

They headed over to the store. When they got there they parked and went in. As soon as they got in they were cornered by screaming fans.

Namjoon turned to Hana and shook his head.

"I don't think this was a good idea," Hana said giggling.

They immediately ran out and got back in Namjoon's car. "Well that was eventful."

Hana nodded. "Lunch?"


They started driving and ended up at a gate in front of what looked like a luxury apartment building. Namjoon parked and they got out and went up to his apartment. It was huge.

"I thought we were going to get some lunch," Hana said.

"We are, I never said where though," replied Namjoon. "So welcome to our humble abode."

"Namjoon hyung is back!" Said Jimin coming out from what was probably his bedroom. He stopped when he noticed me. "Uh, whoa who is this? Hyung?"

Namjoon laughed. "This is Jin-Hyung's little sister, Hana."

"Oh wow, he never said how gorgeous she was," said Taehyung.

Hana turned to find him coming in.

She was completely speechless, she was standing in the apartment of the famous boy group BTS and she was surprised she was even keeping her shit together. She was surrounded by these hot men calling her gorgeous and she honestly didn't know what to do. She started to tear up.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Hoseok coming out of nowhere.

She started sobbing even more. "Ugh! I'm so sorry! I'm just so excited and overwhelmed. You guys are like my most favorite group in this whole world and I can't believe I'm standing in your apartment and meeting you guys."

They all started to laugh. Namjoon turned and brought her into a hug. "It's okay. You'll be alright. Now why don't we have that lunch we came here for. Just don't mind them."

"Yeah pretend we're not here," said Yoongi. He winked at her and disappeared to what was most likely his studio.

They went into the kitchen and sat down to eat. They had a good lunch and conversation.

"I'm back..." said a familiar voice.

"In here," said Namjoon.

"Well hey there," said Jin. "How is my baby sister doing? She didn't start crying did she?"

She looked at him annoyed. "Ugh! You're so annoying sometimes!" She whined.

He laughed so hard. "I love you!"

She rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever."

"I came to bring you back home. In case you forgot, you still have some studying to do," Jin pulled her into a hug.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon. Here's my number, message me when you get home," said Namjoon handing her a post it. He brought her into a hug and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

Her face turned completely red and she was in a daze. She felt like she was floating and like there were butterflies in her stomach.

"Aish! Look what you did!" Complained Jin.

Namjoon shrugged. "I can't help if I'm irresistible."

They went out to Jin's car and headed for home.

"So? How was it meeting the guy?" Asked Jin as they sat in traffic.

"It was great. I'm so glad you set us up," Hana replied.

Jin looked at her.

"That was what you were doing? Right?" She asked.

"Yeah, he just really needs to go out more and enjoy life instead of being in his studio writing songs 24/7, besides he obviously really likes you," said Jin.

"Wow, you're adorable. Caring for your members. Like a mother," she said in a baby voice.

"Ah shut up, I just want my friends to be happy," he said.

They arrived back at home, Jin didn't have time to go in so he just kissed Hana goodnight and left. Hana went in and was greeted by her father.

"So, how was your date?" He asked.

"Oh my god, you too? I swear do you guys have like no faith in me?" She whined.

"Of course we do, we just want you to be happy and find what makes you happy," he said.

"I love you guys but I can deal with my life. I'll find who and what makes me happy I promise," Hana said. "Night dad,"

"Night sweets," he said.

Hana went up to her room and got ready for bed. Got her pjs on, brushed her teeth and fell asleep the minute she laid down.