Family at last

"When will this end! I just wanna push this thing out!" I angrily complained.

Yoongi laughed. "You'll be fine."

"I can't stand it anymore. My feet hurt, I got fatter, I can't seem to keep anything down and I just feel like crap!" I cried.

"Come here," said Yoongi patting the space next to him.

"No," I shook my head and folded my arms pouting.

Yoongi sighed. "Babe, come here. Please."

"Fine." I sat down next to him and he pulled me in his arms and kissed me on the forehead.

We fell asleep. I woke up feeling wet only to realize that my water had broken and I was in labor. I quickly got up and shook Yoongi. He opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked yawning.

"Uh, my water just broke!" I exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" He jumped up and grabbed my stuff and practically carried me out to the car. We got through traffic as fast as we could and made it to the hospital.

"Uh, hello?! I need a doctor! My wife is in labor!" Exclaimed Yoongi.

"Stop yelling! You're embarrassing me!" I yelled at him.

"I'M SORRY!" He yelled back.

A doctor came over and took me into a room. They didn't even have time to give me an epidural. It was time to push, so I pushed and pushed as if my life depended on it, this baby was finally going to be out and we were finally going to be a family. Yoongi stood beside me the whole time and held my hands. I screamed and cried and pushed some more and after a few hours I had finally given birth to a beautiful baby girl.

"Congratulations," said the doctor gently wrapping my daughter in a blanket and handing her to me.

I smiled widely as I finally got to hold my little bundle of joy. I handed her to Yoongi so he could hold her. He smiled hugely.

"Hey," he whispered to her. "I'm your daddy. I can't believe I finally get to meet you."

I couldn't help but to smile as I watched Yoongi holding our daughter. He looked so comfortable and content.

"Younha," said Yoongi. He turned and looked at me.

"I love it," I replied.

Yoongi put her in the bassinet and got in bed next to me and we fell asleep.

"Knock knock,"

I opened my eyes to see Namjoon coming in.

I smiled. "Hey."

"Hey," he smiled back. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm exhausted, but glad. I love my daughter," I replied.

Namjoon went over to the bassinet and smiled as he admired her. "She's beautiful, what's her name?"


"A beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl," said Namjoon.

"Thank you," I said.

"How's Yoongi hyung doing?" Asked Namjoon.

"He's going to be a great father, we're finally going to be a family," I replied.

Namjoon grinned. "That's great."

"Thanks," I smiled back.

"Well I gotta go, it was great seeing you and I'm so glad I got to meet your daughter," said Namjoon.

I laid back down and looked over at Yoongi and smiled and then over at Younha. I couldn't believe I was finally a mother and we were finally going to be the family I always wanted us to be. I fell back to sleep.

"How's she doing?"

I opened my eyes to find the owner of the voice. It was morning and Yoongi was already up and talking to someone outside the door. I couldn't see who it was because the door was covering him but that voice, I could never forget it.

"Jin?" I called out.

They came in.

"Hey baby sis," said Jin coming over to me.

"It's really great you came. You wanna meet your niece?" I replied.

"Of course," he went over to the bassinet and looked in. Baby Younha was sound asleep. "She's gorgeous. She looks just like you."

I smiled. "I know."

"Uh what about me?!" Complained Yoongi.

I laughed.

"I don't know, I don't really see it," said Jin with a big grin on his face.

"Ha Ha very funny," replied Yoongi unamused.

"I've called mom and dad. They say hi and congratulations. You should visit them sometime. Dad is sick, he may not have long," said Jin.

"What? What happened?" I asked worried.

"He had a stroke the week after your wedding," replied Jin.

"What?! Why didn't they tell me?" I asked confused.

"They heard you and Yoongi were having problems, they didn't want to alarm you or overwhelm you," said Jin.

I rolled my eyes. "I swear sometimes I really hate when they leave me out and just talk to you."

"I know, I've told them. Anyway I have to get back home. I'll see you later," said Jin giving me a hug and kissing me on the head. "I love you."

"I love you too." He disappeared out the door.

I looked over at Yoongi. "Don't you have work?"

"No, I'm taking a break to take care of you and Younha," replied Yoongi.

I smiled. "You're wonderful. I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled back and gave me a kiss.

"Hey, could I come in?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Hey," said Jungkook.

"Kookie? You came," I said.

"Well yeah, where's Yoongi hyung?" He asked.

"I don't know. Probably on some work call," I replied.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"The fact that I just pushed a screaming human out of my vagina, I feel pretty damn exhausted," I tiredly laughed.

He laughed. He peeked into the bassinet at Younha. "Wow, she looks just like you."

"I know right?"

"She's beautiful, just like her mother," he smiled. "So I talked to the doctor and she's doing the paternity test for me. We'll soon find out who the father of this kid is."

"Great," I replied blankly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just don't know what I'm gonna do if this child doesn't end up being Yoongi's." I shook my head.

"Are you ashamed of me? You secretly don't want this child to be mine do you?" He scoffed. "Look I'm sorry. I'll stay away. Obviously what happened between us was an accident," he said backing away.

"Wait no that's not what I'm saying-" before I could finish he was out the door and gone. Ugh! Me and my big mouth. Why can't I just shut up for once. I face palmed and laid back down tears started to fall down my cheeks. I regret so many things I've done in my life. I should be the ashamed one.