Remembrance of things past

Note: This chapter takes place in the past.

"Did you guys have fun tonight?" Said Namjoon through the mic.

"YES!!" Yelled out the many fans that filled the arena.

Namjoon laughed. "Well I'd like to say thanks to all you Army out there who came out tonight and especially to my biggest fan, my amazing girlfriend Hana Kim."

Everyone went crazy screaming. "AWWWW!"

He smiled hugely. "Hana please come out here." He ran off stage for a minute and brought her out.

She blushed uncontrollably. The other members started laughing.

"Yes, they are so in love," said SeokJin rolling his eyes.

Namjoon laughed.

The fans started screaming uncontrollably again.

After the concert backstage.

"Well I'm exhausted!" Said Jungkook as he laid on the sofa.

"Here." Hana brought him a bottle of water.

He tiredly smiled up at her. "Thanks."

"That's my girl," said Namjoon smiling and pulling her into a hug. "Thanks so much for coming." He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Of course. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. You did great." She smiled hugely.

"Aye! What about us?" Asked SeokJin and Jimin offended.

She laughed. "All of you did great."

"Alright guys, we're heading out," said their manager.

"Hana, I'll take you home," said SeokJin.

"Great. Hold up," Hana said pulling Namjoon with her somewhere private.

"What is it baby?" He asked.

"I know there's been rumors about you having a girlfriend." She sighed.

He looked at her confused. "Yeah? What about them?" He asked.

"I just- I didn't really feel comfortable with you bringing me out tonight. I-"

"What's wrong?" He asked worried.

She took her phone out and showed him her notifications. She was getting new follows on her Instagram and Twitter. She was getting dm's from people she didn't know asking her about her relationship with Namjoon and BTS. Frankly she was very uncomfortable.

"Hana, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted everyone to know how happy I am," replied Namjoon.

"I know and I completely understand. I just didn't want any of this attention. I purposely told SeokJinnie to not associate any part of himself to me and not to mention anything about me being his younger sister because I knew this would happen," she shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would never have brought you out tonight. I never meant to put you in a situation like this," said Namjoon looking down at her and holding onto her.

"Hana, are ya done saying goodnight to your president? I wanna go home I'm so exhausted," whined SeokJin popping his head in the doorway.

She turned to face him. "Yeah, sorry." She turned back to Namjoon. "I guess we can talk about this later. I love you. Night." She pulled away from his grip and went out to the parking lot with SeokJin. They got in his car and started driving. The whole ride was completely silent.

"Hey sis?" Said SeokJin breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Hana continued to look out the window.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" She replied shrugging still looking away.

"You just seemed so down after we left. What were you and Namjoon talking about?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing important. It's actually kinda stupid." Shs shrugged and smiled.

"Alright. You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

It wasn't long before they reached the large iron gates leading to their parents' driveway.

"Well here we are," said SeokJin as they pulled up in front of the door.

"Thanks for dropping me off," Hana said as she started to get out.

SeokJin grabbed her hand. "I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

"Yeah. I love you too. I'll tell mom and dad you say hi." Shs smiled. "Night big bro."


She got out and went in. It was already super late so everyone was asleep and the house was pitch black. She didn't want to make a commotion so she tried to hurry up to her room but she ended up bumping into a few things.

"Shit! Ouch!" She quickly covered her mouth and listened to see if she had accidentally woken someone up. Thank god she didn't hear any noise coming from the second floor. Phew!

"You okay?" Asked a voice.

"What the? Who are you?! I-I'm armed!"

He turned his phone flashlight on. "Chill. It's just me." He tried to keep his laughter in.

"What the hell are you doing here? You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Hana sighed in relief.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"How'd you get in? And why are you sitting in the dark?" She asked confused.

"I got here after the concert. Your parents let me in and I was sitting in the dark because the power suddenly just shorted out," he replied.

"Oh yeah sorry it's an old house. Sometimes that just happens, I just gotta go downstairs and restart the generator," she said turning her phone flashlight on.

"You want me to come with you?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine. I'll be right back." Shd went down and got the lights back on.

"So why are you here again?" She asked as they sat down on the two adjacent sofas in the living room.

"I needed to see you. I missed you," he replied.

"I'm with Namjoon now and I love him."

"You loved me once. Why can't you love me again?" He asked.

"It's just after you left to become a trainee the whole thing was just waiting to fall apart. I mean I hated that I had to pretend that I didn't know you when Namjoon brought me over to see you all during practice."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just thought that we could've made it work once everything started to die down," he replied.

Hana gave him a look and a half smile. "You and I both know everything was not going to die down."

He snickered. "You're right. And I'm sorry for that."

It went silent.

"Well I guess I better get back. Goodnight Hana," he said as he got up and disappeared out the door.

"Uh yeah, goodnight Kookie." Hana sighed and went up to bed.