
"I'm exhausted," Hana sighed as she quietly made her way back into the living room to join Yoongi on the sofa.

He quietly laughed. It was finally quiet for awhile until Younha started crying again.

They both turned and looked at each other with tired eyes. "It's your turn." Hana tiredly said.

Yoongi sighed and got up and made his way to the bedroom.

"She sure has a restless spirit just like you babe," said Yoongi yawning as he came back in.

"Ha Ha, very funny." Hana tiredly mocked him.

They ended up falling asleep on the sofa. The next morning Hana was awoken by the smell of bacon and congee. Yoongi was up already cooking breakfast as Younha laid in her bassinet asleep beside him. She got up and joined them in the kitchen.

"Morning," Hana yawned.

Yoongi turned and smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"I never thought I'd say this but that couch has suddenly gotten very uncomfortable. I'm so damn tired!" She whined.

He laughed. "I woke up last night around 2 or 3 and moved to the bedroom. Slept like a baby."

"Oh my god! You ass! Why didn't you wake me?!" She angrily hit his shoulder.

"Ow! I'm sorry baby, you just looked so tired I didn't wanna disturb your sleep more," he replied.

"Ugh, thanks I guess. But I swear I don't care how tired I am wake me up next time!" She complained.

He nodded. "Sure, Anyway breakfast is ready." He placed a plate and bowl in front of her and they started eating.

"Mmmm, it's been ages since you cooked breakfast. I forgot how much I loved this." She leaned over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled. "Hey, I have some news."

Hana looked up worried. "What now?"

"What's with that face? It's good news, trust me." He furrowed his brows.

Hana sighed in relief.

"So I've been thinking, about selling my company. I mean now that we're a family I'd like to be able to spend as much time as I can with you two. I mean we're pretty well off anyway. We can move into a house and live our lives," he replied.

She stared at him shocked and shook her head.

"No! Why would you do that to yourself? You love making music, I don't wanna be the reason you become miserable," she frowned.

He paused and stared at her confused? "What? What would make you say that? I won't be miserable. I have you and Younha." He sighed. "Hana, this is my own decision. I thought it through and I came to this decision. I thought you'd be happy, I mean I'd be home everyday, you'd see me every morning when you wake up and night before you fall asleep." Yoongi's smile disappeared. "I- I have to get ready for work."

He got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and change.

Hana sighed. "What have I done?" She quietly asked herself. She felt her eyes getting warm. She quietly sat there, she didn't know what to do with herself. When Yoongi finished getting ready she heard him grab his briefcase and keys and leave without so much as a single goodbye or see you later. He was ticked off and she couldn't blame him. He was thinking about them and she turned his decision down.

"Fuck! What did I tell you about this? What were you thinking?!" Yelled Yoongi angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll fix it right away!" Exclaimed his secretary as she scurried away back to her desk.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Asked Taehyung as he entered looking worriedly behind himself at Yoongi's quiet almost to tears secretary.

Yoongi ignored him and continued on his work.

Taehyung sighed. "Is it Hana? What happened?"

"I told her I'd sell my company and retire. So that we could spend time as a family. And do you know what she said?" Said Yoongi.

"No?" Taehyung asked.

"Ding ding ding, she said she didn't want to be the reason why I would become miserable. I mean seriously? Why would I become miserable being with the woman I love and the child we made?" Yoongi asked getting more frustrated.

Taehyung nodded his head. "I'm sure she meant well. I mean you love making music, she's just looking out for you. Why don't you try talking to her? See how it goes. Please Hyung, you guys have come so far. Please don't throw it away over a small tiff."

Yoongi sighed and went back to work.

Taehyung half smiled and left.

"Wait, why did you come here? Did you need something?" Yoongi asked stopping Taehyung in his tracks.

He turned and shook his head. "No, it can wait." And he walked away.

"S-Sir? I-I fixed it, would you like me to send it out again?" His secretary asked quietly as she stood in his office door.

Yoongi looked up and sighed. He nodded. "Yeah."

"Very well." She turned and started back to go to her desk.

"Wait, come here," said Yoongi stopping her in her tracks.

"Yes sir?" She asked, worried she might have made another unforgivable mistake.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Please forgive me," He said looking back down at his papers.

She smiled gently and quietly went back to her desk. "It's completely okay." She whispered.

"I'm home." Sighed Yoongi as he walked through the front door into his quiet condo.

There was no answer. He slid his shoes off and dropped his things on the table. "Babe? You here?" He went into the living room, then the dining room but didn't find a trace of his wife and daughter. He went into the kitchen to grab a drink when he found the note on the counter. It read:

'Yoongi, I love you but there are times when I just can't understand you. I've thought it over and I decided I really need some space and time for awhile so I'm going to stay with a friend for awhile. I'll come back when I feel ready. I'm sorry. This is what's best for the both of us. I hope you understand. Lots of love, Hana.'

Yoongi stared at the note as he took a large gulp of his drink. His eyes were turning dark and an unpleasant and huge amount of anger overtook his body. He crumpled the note and threw it across the room and angrily got himself another drink and another until he could no longer see straight. He had collapsed on the sofa after his 7th or 8th drink. He looked over at the end table next to him and picked up the photo of his beloved wife. He stared at it for a couple of minutes before his anger got the better of him and he threw the photo to the floor. "Fine! If you wanna fucking leave me than so be it! I don't fucking need you! FUCK!" He got another drink and then soon passed out on the living room floor.

"Yes! Hold on I'm coming! Do you have any idea what time it is?" He swung open the door annoyed.

Hana looked at him and smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Hana? What are you doing here and with Younha?" He asked.

"Can we please stay here for awhile?" Hana asked.