
"Can we please stay here for awhile?" Hana asked.

He looked at her confused. "Oh uh sure, come in."

They sat down on the sofa.

"So Hana, what happened? Why are you here?" He asked.

"We got into a small argument. He wasn't happy when I told him not to retire and sell his company when he said he'd planned on doing that," Hana sighed annoyed. "Jungkook, please, what happened?"

Jungkook shrugged. "What?"

"You know what, you completely disappeared after you came to the hospital and saw Younha. She's yours, you know. You're her fa-" Jungkook angrily slammed the coffee table interrupting Hana's train of words. "You don't think I know that?! Of course she's mine! Why do you think I decided to cut ties with you?! You think I wanted to keep seeing you happy with your husband, who by the way is a complete bastard, repeat cheater and seems to get angry at every little thing that doesn't go his way, and daughter, who happened to be mine?" Jungkook angrily yelled.

"Please, calm down!" Hana replied. She held his hand and tried to calm him down.

He breathed in and calmly sat back down.

"What? What do you want from me Hana? Most importantly, what the hell am I to you? I can't just keep doing this! Having you pop out of nowhere when it's convenient for you! You need to decide what you want! And you need to let me know!" He angrily said.

Hana sighed. "I'm sorry. You were my very first love and I loved you. A lot."

Jungkook silently nodded. "And now? You're married and you have a family. What is this? What are we?"

"I-I don't know. Yoongi and I have been having problems but I can't leave him. Not now. Not after everything we went through to get this far," she replied.

Jungkook nodded. "Really? You can't leave him? Then why are you here? You're the one who ran away. You're always the one who runs away."

She had no way to answer him. He was right. She left Yoongi. And she broke up with him when he debuted.

Jungkook sighed shaking his head. "You can have the guest room tonight but I think you should find somewhere else to stay tomorrow."

He went back up to his room. Hana went up with Younha and her things soon after and they slept through the night.

"Hyung? You home? Your door was open!" Taehyung called out as he entered the dark and quiet apartment. "Hyung?"

He found Yoongi laying on the floor passed out. He ran over to him and shook him to wake him up. "Hey, hyung! Wake up! Hey!" He gave him a few slaps to the face and Yoongi eventually barely managed to open his eyes.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" Asked Yoongi. He sat up and stretched.

"Oh thank god! I thought you had died on me!" Replied Taehyung concerned. "Hyung, what happened? Where's Hana and the baby?"

"Oh, yeah they left," replied Yoongi. He took a gulp from the glass that was still in his hand.

"Huh? What do you mean they left?" Asked Taehyung confused, he grabbed the glass from Yoongi and placed it in the sink.

"Yeah they were gone when I got back home last night. She left me a note with some bullshit excuse on it. I threw it somewhere over there," said Yoongi pointing towards the kitchen as he held his head in pain.

Taehyung managed to find the note and read it.

"Ridiculous, right?" Said Yoongi with a smirk. He got up and grabbed a glass of water.

"Hyung, I thought you guys had a small disagreement. Why'd she leave?" Asked Taehyung.

Yoongi shrugged. "I dunno, maybe the bitch got tired of me and decided to go back to one her many exes." Yoongi laughed.

"You're still drunk." Sighed Taehyung.

"Yeah a bit." Smiled Yoongi. "Pass me that bottle."

Taehyung tossed him a small bottle of aspirin and Yoongi took a couple of pills to ease his pain. "You know, you were always there for me. Even after the band broke up. You even decided to continue making music at my record company. I could always count on you. Thanks, Tae."

Taehyung slightly smiled. "Well, what are friends for?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah." He said under his breath.

Hana woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Younha was still asleep so she quietly got dressed and went down to the kitchen to find Jungkook cooking some breakfast and Jimin sitting at the counter on his phone.

"Morning," Hana yawned.

"Oh, you didn't tell me you had some company over," said Jimin raising a brow as he looked Hana up and down.

"It's not what you think. She slept in the guest room with her baby daughter," said Jungkook rolling his eyes.

"So, Yoongi hyung being a dick again?" Asked Jimin in a playful tone.

"Leave her alone, Hyung," said Jungkook unamused.

"Sorry, geez," said Jimin.

Hana sat on the stool next to Jimin and Jungkook handed her a plate. She ate and as soon as she finished Younha had woken up, crying for her. She went up and got her and brought her back down with her.

"Wow, she's grown so much since the last time we saw her," said Jimin smiling. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure," Hana smiled and handed her to him.

"Wow, she looks exactly like you, except she's got your eyes, Jungkook," said Jimin.

"How'd you know she was his?" Hana asked.

"Please, Kookie and I are housemates. We tell each other everything or we overhear each other's phone conversations." Shrugged Jimin. "Does Yoongi hyung know?"

"I haven't told him. But deep down I feel like he already knows," Hana sighed and shrugged.

"Are you going into the office today?" Asked Taehyung.

Yoongi shook his head. "I don't think I'm in the right state to be at work right now. Can you please call my secretary and tell her not to come into work and tell her to tell my other employees the same."

Taehyung nodded. "Sure. I'll be right back."

Yoongi sat alone on his sofa as he held his head in his hands. He got his phone out and put in Hana's number. He pressed the call button and sighed as he waited for her to answer. The line kept ringing and then stopped.

'The number you have dialed is unavailable right now please leave a message or try again later.' said the automated voice.

Yoongi sighed and tried her number again and a couple more times but he just kept getting the same automated response. He eventually gave up and decided to just text Hana an apology and beg her to come back to him. He missed her and their daughter. He wished he hadn't said those words to her the day before. He wished that he and Hana would stop having problems all the time in their relationship.

"Agh! It's Yoongi, again," Hana said as she slammed her phone down. "What part of I need some space don't you understand?!"

"Maybe you should just talk to him." Suggested Jungkook.

"Wow, you really don't want me here." Hana frowned.

"Nah, we don't mind you here," said Jimin grinning.

Jungkook shrugged rolling his eyes as he went up to his room.

Hana gave Jimin an annoyed look.

"He'll be fine, he's just cranky cause he still has feelings for you and he can't get rid of them, but he has to except it, that you're already taken," said Jimin.

"That's the thing. I never stopped having feelings for him either but I knew I had to move on. What better way than to just move and start a completely new life. The thing is, I keep blaming Yoongi for our problems I mean yeah he may have been the problem to begin with when he cheated first but I'm mostly to blame for our recent problems. I just couldn't keep my feelings in check, especially after what happened with Jungkook that one night. When we visited him in the hospital, seeing him in a coma on the verge of death because of something I said or did, everything we used to be just hit me like a fucking truck. I realized I was just ignoring all my feelings after we broke up and I knew I still loved him even years after when we met again as strangers. He was no longer the famous, beloved Jeon Jungkook of BTS and I was no longer the naive little girl who fell in love and started going out with her childhood friend, but in fact just two regular people who were attracted to each other. What was I thinking? I never should've left him," Hana explained.

Jimin blankly stared at her wide eyed. "Whoa."

Jungkook silently stood at the top of the stairs as he listened to Jimin and Hana's conversation. Tears streamed down his face when he realized the whole time that they were not two ships just passing by but in fact soulmates who couldn't stay away from one another no matter what obstacles stood in the way.