I still love you

After hearing Hana's words Jungkook decided that he would no longer try to hide his feelings and despite the situation, he'd face them head on. He went to the room Hana and Younha were staying in and knocked on the door. Hana opened the door.

"Hey, what's up?" Hana asked.

"I- Well I didn't mean to but I kinda overheard your conversation with Jimin hyung. I just want to be straight with you from now on. The thing is, I love you. And before you say anything I know you're with Yoongi hyung but I just needed to let you know and say it out loud to clear my mind," Jungkook smiled, his eyes looked so hopeful.

"I'm glad you're being true to yourself and feelings now. I guess it's time for me to be true to my feelings as well," Hana replied. "I love you too, Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook's eyes widened and an even bigger smile started to grow on his face. But before he could respond Hana began to speak again.

"But as a friend, I don't think we should get back together. Even if I do end up getting divorced from Yoongi. I think-"

before she could finish Jungkook piped up. "No! Why?! If we both have decided that our feelings for each other are the same what's the point of not doing anything about them and continuing with life as if nothing happened?"

"The thing is- I- I have to just get over my past and move on. I can't just go back to the way it was- the truth is I don't want to go back to the way it used to be. I need to separate myself from everything that reminds me of my past and start a new life completely. I'm gonna call my brother and see if I can just live with him. I'll be outta your hair in a day or two," she replied.

"No, please. Don't leave! Not again! I don't think I'd be able to bare it this time. Just stay with me and only me! I'll take good care of you. You'll be happy again! I promise! I won't let you down!" Begged Jungkook.

Hana felt bad and her heart skipped a beat but she ignored Jungkook's pleas and continued to call her brother.

"Hello?" Answered SeokJin.

"Big bro, it's me," replied Hana.

"Oh, sis? What's up? Is everything okay?" Asked SeokJin.

"I was wondering could Younha and I come live with you? Just for now?" Hana asked.

"What happened this time? Where's Yoongi?" Asked Jin worried and annoyed.

"The thing is, I kinda left Yoongi the other night. I need a place to stay. I'm at Jimin and Jungkook's place right now but I didn't want to be a nuisance. So can I come be a nuisance at your place? Please?" She practically begged.

Jin sighed. "Fine, since you're my adorable beloved little sister, plus I wouldn't mind the company."

"Thank you so much! I love you so much. We'll be there tomorrow night or the day after. Just send me the address and leave me a key and the code. See you soon. Love you."

"Yeah, love you too. Bye." Said Jin and he hung up.

Hana placed her phone on the bedside table, Jungkook stood in his place silent.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me," Hana sighed.

"No, it's fine. All I want for you is to be happy." Jungkook half smiled and left.

Hana managed to get plane tickets to Tokyo for the next day. She packed her and Younha's things and went to bed. When morning finally came she woke up early with Younha and they headed to the airport. They waited for a couple of hours and then boarded their plane and slept the whole flight. When they finally landed she got a car and they went over to SeokJin's apartment. She rang the doorbell and hoped he'd be home and to her surprise he was.

"Big bro! We're here!" Hana said excited as they hugged, he helped her get her things into his place. He immediately went over to Younha, who was sound asleep. "What a beautiful little angel," smiled SeokJin.

"Yeah, I know. She's such a good baby. She barely makes noise and she's so calm."

"Well your room is up the steps and to the left. I'll help you bring your bags up," said SeokJin.

"Thanks so much, I really owe you one."

Yoongi sat in his empty apartment and tried to call Hana once again, thinking she might pick up this time. Still no answer. He buried his face in his hands.

"Why?!! Just answer your goddamn phone!" He angrily yelled. He had thought and decided to try Jimin.

"Hello?" Said Jimin.

"Jimin, you answered!" He said relieved.

"Uh, yeah, what's up Hyung?" Asked Jimin.

"Where's Hana? She's not picking up, I'm worried something might've happened to her!" He asked worried.

"Oh she's fine, but you just missed her. She and Younha left for Tokyo this morning," replied Jimin.

Yoongi was speechless. It took him a few moments to find his words. "What?! She left for Tokyo?! Why?!" He exclaimed.

"She's staying with her brother," said Jimin.

"What the fuck?!" Yoongi couldn't believe it. She really left him. "Do you know for how long? When will she be back?" He asked trying his best to keep his cool.

"I don't know. You'd have to ask her," replied Jimin.

"That's the thing I can't! She's not answering her fucking phone! AGH!" Yoongi yelled into the phone. "Just please tell her to call me if you hear from her. Please?"

"Uh, sure thing, bye Hyung." Jimin replied hanging up.

Yoongi placed his phone on the coffee table and tried his best not to show how seriously ticked off he was. He got up and angrily poured himself a drink.

"What's wrong? Hyung?" Asked Taehyung.

"She went to Tokyo," replied Yoongi.

"Hana? She went to Tokyo? Why?" Asked Taehyung confused.

"I don't know. She's staying with Jin," shrugged Yoongi. "I- I just don't know what to do, what if she leaves me for good? What if she doesn't love me anymore? I can't live without her. What do I do? I just wish we never had that stupid argument. Tae tell me what I'm supposed to do! Please!" Sobbed Yoongi.

Taehyung shook his head and hugged his Hyung. "I don't know. I'm so sorry Hyung. But everything's gonna be alright. I swear."

Hana begged SeokJin to stay back at his place and watch Younha so she could go out and have some time to herself. After those past couple of days she just really needed to be alone. She found herself wandering into a bar. She sat at the counter and got herself a drink.

"Rough day?" Asked the man sitting on the stool next to her.

"Uh yeah, you could say that," she sighed.

When she looked up from her drink at the man she couldn't believe her eyes. He was a tall, dark eyed, dark haired handsome as hell man, and she just couldn't help but keep staring. She smiled slightly. He smiled back.

"Well, if you wanna talk about it, I'll be glad to listen," he said.

"Really? Well sure I guess."

The next thing she knew she and the mysterious man were practically drowning in alcohol and they had talked the night away. It was the first time in awhile, since she and Yoongi got married, that she had felt so alive and happy. This man was just the thing she needed in her momentarily annoying life.