Moving on

Hana sat at the exit of the airport as she waited to be picked up. It was already so late and the airport was practically completely empty, just a few people who were either waiting for their flights or waiting to also be picked up. As Hana was waiting and scrolling through her Instagram her phone started to go off. She immediately answered after seeing the caller i.d.

"Hey," she said.

"We're here, just outside the exit," replied Seonghwa.

"I'm coming out then," she said as she got up and walked out the door. "Where? Wait never mind I see you."

He had gotten out and waved at her from across the street. She immediately ran over to them.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked as he brought Hana into a hug.

"Well, I did it. I'm free of him," She replied with a half smile. She looked over and saw a shorter guy behind him. "So, who's this?" She asked gesturing towards him. "Wait, no don't tell me. I googled all of you." She stared him down. "Wooyoung!" She finally said.

Wooyoung smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you. Hana, right?"

She nodded. "Yep."

"Well, we should get going. You don't have any luggage?" Asked Seonghwa.

"No, I didn't really get time to pack, I told my ex to just send me my things. Could you give me an address to tell him?" She replied.

"Uh, sure." He put his hand out indicating for her to hand him her phone.

It was quiet and a bit awkward as they sat in the car and waited in traffic. For how late it was the streets were surprisingly busy.

"You googled us? Really?" Asked Wooyoung breaking the silence.

Hana started to laugh. "I'm sorry! I'm a bit embarrassed. Seonghwa was the only one I knew cause I met him, I mean I did know what group y'all were from and I did listen to a few of your songs. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't get into you guys when you first debuted," she frowned.

Seonghwa smiled. "It's fine. You don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed. I actually kind of find it funny."

"Ah, wait, your ex is Min Yoongi sunbae? From BTS?" Asked Wooyoung as he was still looking at his phone.

Hana turned to face him and nodded. "You googled me?"

Wooyoung half smiled. "Yeah."

She started to laugh. "Yeah, it wasn't the greatest relationship. I'm glad we're no longer together."

"Is that what your business in the states was? Did you divorce him?" Asked Seonghwa.

"Yeah, it was a bit awkward. Me popping out of nowhere just to say to him, hi sign these divorce papers and file them, bye now," she shrugged.

"Well, you did what you felt was right. No one's going to hold it against you if you weren't happy," replied Seonghwa.

"Thank you! At least someone finally understands," she sighed.

About an hour and a half later they finally made it back to their dorm.

"We're back!" Wooyoung yelled out as they entered the quiet dorm.

"Shut up!" Yelled a muffled voice from behind one of the closed doors.

Seonghwa face palmed. "We have a guest room with a bathroom, you can stay in there and don't worry there's a lock on the door." He led Hana down to the end of the hall and into a vacant room. There was a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a television. The bathroom was just a typical bathroom; toilet, sink, shower and bathtub. "You can stay here as long as you want. We're gone most of the time so you'd have the whole place to yourself most everyday. There's plenty of food in the pantry and fridge so you'd most likely never starve. But if you ever do want to go out shopping for food or anything else you can ask me or any of the other members and we can take you." Said Seonghwa. "Oh, and if you need anything my room is just down the hall and to the left, just give me a knock."

"Thanks so much. You didn't have to do all this. I'm so grateful," Hana quietly said and smiled.

"Well it's pretty late I'm gonna head to bed. Night Hana. I'll probably see you later tomorrow," said Seonghwa as he left closing the door behind him.

Hana sat on the bed and sighed. She couldn't believe she just went from leaving her husband to staying in a dorm with 8 roommates who happened to be guys and who she happened not to know anything about 6 of them. She was definitely in a for an interesting ride.