New Life

It's been a few months since Hana left Yoongi and ended up living with the boy group that is called, Ateez. It's been...interesting. Hana felt like she had 8 brothers; 8 chaotic, funny, and loving brothers. It definitely felt like a dream.

Hana woke up to the loud arguing between Mingi, Yunho and San. She tried to go back to sleep after realizing what time it was but the noise just got louder so she gave in and decided to welcomed the day. She got up and jumped into the warm shower. When she finished getting dressed and ready for the day she went out to join them in the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Good morning," said San.

Hana smiled. "Morning."

"Did you sleep well?" Asked Yunho.

"Yeah. Just like a baby," Hana replied.

"Did we wake you?" Asked San.

Hana chuckled. "Yeah. But it's fine. What were you guys even arguing about?"

"Who the better dancer was," replied Yunho.

Hana raised a brow. "Oh."

"So Hana, who do you think the better dancer is?" Asked Mingi. "It's clearly me."

Hana silently smiled. "Uh, I-"

"No, it's me!" Exclaimed San and Yunho in unison.

"Come on guys, it's clearly me!" Said Wooyoung as he entered.

Hana just sighed. "Oh boy."

"Right? Hana?" Asked Wooyoung with his puppy dog eyes.

"Guys!" Hana exclaimed over their loudness. They stopped and stared at her expectantly. "You're all great dancers. Now can we please eat?! Where are the others?"

"They should be coming down soon," Yunho replied.

And as if right on cue Seonghwa and Yeosang came in yawning. "Morning," they said as they took the two seats opposite of me.

"Morning," Hana said. The others nodded along.

"So what was all the yelling about this time?" Asked Seonghwa.

Hana laughed. "Do you really want to know?"

He tiredly laughed and shook his head. "No, not really."

"So how're you doing?" Asked Seonghwa.

"Pretty good. I'm so grateful you guys put up with me. I-" Hana was cut off when her phone started to buzz. "Excuse me, I'm sorry I have to take this."

Hana got up and went back to her room and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hana?" Jin's voice came through the receiver.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's Yoongi," replied Jin.

"Yeah? What about him?" She asked.

"I got a call from mom, she says that he took Younha and that he's filing custody papers. You have to come back now. If you don't he'll take her away and we'll never see her again," Jin said frantically.

"What?! No, he can't take her! Get her back! Please Jin! He can't have her!" She exclaimed. "I-"

Someone knocked on her door. "Hana? Are you okay?"

"I'll try to get over there as fast I can but right now I have to go," Hana said as she hung up. She wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes away.

"Yeah, come in," Hana said.

It was Seonghwa. "I came to get you for breakfast, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I- I never told you but I have a daughter. She's barely a year and now it looks like my ex is about to take her away. He's filing for custody, he's gonna take me to court," Hana started to cry.

Seonghwa went over and sat next to her and brought her into a hug. "I'm sorry. What do you need?"

"I- I just don't know. I have to go back and stop this. If he takes her away then I'll never be able to see her again," she sobbed. "Do- you think you could come with me?"

"Back to the states? With you?" Asked Seonghwa. "I'd have to check if it was okay, but sure if you need me I'm there."

"Thanks. Can you stay with me for now? I just really need to cry right now," she asked.

Seonghwa nodded. "Sure." He rested his chin on her head and continued to hug her.

After sometime they finally went back down and ate.

"Are you okay?" Asked Yunho as he joined Hana on the sofa.

She gave a half smile. "Yeah."

"You wanna talk about it?" He replied.

"Not unless you wanna hear the drama going on in my life," she laughed.

He smiled, "I would gladly listen." He said as he brought his arm around her shoulders.

"Nah, I'm just gonna head back home to the states for a few weeks and then I'll be back," she replied.

"Well I hope everything goes well, I'd hate it if you didn't come back," said Yunho. "I still have to take you out on a night in the city."

"Don't worry I'll be back," she smiled.

"So it's a date. I'll definitely be waiting," replied Yunho with a giant satisfied smile. "Well I'll let you go, I have to get going anyway. We'll see you later tonight."

Hana got up with Yunho and he brought her into a tight, warm hug. "Yeah, see you."

When it was finally quiet in the dorm and Hana was all alone she decided to get some work done and look over some files that her boss had sent her and decided to also look for two way tickets to get back to the states to sort out the whole Yoongi situation. She ended up finding a flight that would leave at the end of the week. She got two tickets just in case she would have company but she wasn't very hopeful. Before she knew it she had dozed off and was awoken when she felt a hand on her cheek. She opened her eyes to find Seonghwa sitting beside her.

"Oh hey, What time is it? When did you get in?" She asked as she started to sit up and stretch.

"It's a little after midnight. We got in a couple hours ago. Everyone else went to bed. Did you eat? I can make you some food if you want," replied Seonghwa.

"Uh, no. I'm good, thanks," she replied shaking her head. "Oh, before I forget, I managed to get two two-way plane tickets, can you come?"

"I talked to my manager he said I could, but I'd have to get back not long after, you know schedules and all. But I'll go with you," replied Seonghwa. "When do we leave?"

"Uh, the end of the week. Does that work for you?" She asked.

"Yeah, that should be fine," nodded Seonghwa.

"Great. Now i'm gonna go to bed. Night." She got up and went to her room and fell right asleep.

Seonghwa wasn't far behind, he got cleaned up and went to bed.

The end of the week...

"Are you ready?" Hana asked as she brought her suitcase out to the foyer.

Seonghwa nodded. "Let's go."

They got in the SUV that was waiting for them out front and went to the airport. They safely got through security and quietly waited at their gate to board the plane.

Not too long after the flight attendant came over the loudspeaker. "Flight 412 to New York now boarding, Will all first class passengers please get in line at the gate."

They got up and joined the other passengers in the line. When it was their turn the flight attendant scanned their boarding passes and let them on the plane. They took their seats and relaxed as they would be on the plane for 14 hours.

"Are you good?" Asked Seonghwa.

"Huh? Yeah, just a little tired. You don't mind if I sleep the whole flight do you?" Hana asked.

"Not at all. I'll probably join you," laughed Seonghwa.

As soon as they got up in the air they fell straight to sleep.