No more drama in my life please

14 hours and 16 minutes later...

When they finally landed it was morning yet Hana felt like she could sleep for a million more years. She looked over to her side and Seonghwa was wide awake.

"Did you sleep at all?" She asked concerned.

He looked over at her and yawned. "Huh? Oh yeah, I did. I woke about an hour ago."

They got off the plane and went to get their bags from baggage claim. While they were waiting they got bombarded a couple of times by some fans who wanted pictures with Seonghwa, it wasn't that bad but it was a little awkward, mainly cause every time someone would ask Hana if she was his girlfriend. They'd just stare at one another and shake their heads.

"One sec, I'm gonna call my brother to come pick us up," Hana said as they stood outside of the airport.

"Jin? Ah! You answered! Yeah we just landed please come pick us up?!" Hana begged. "Oh thanks big bro! We'll be waiting. Yeah love you too." She hung up and placed her phone in her pocket.

"He's coming. I'm really sorry I dragged you all the way here with me, I know you could be doing better things in your life right now," Hana apologized.

Seonghwa shook his head. "No don't worry about it. I care about you and I wanted to come. Besides this'll probably be the only time I can get some peace and quiet from those 6 chaotic children of mine." He laughed.

"Right Hongjoong can take care of them," Hana said laughing.

"Yeah," smiled Seonghwa.

They waited for about another 30 minutes when Jin finally came rolling up in his car.

He rolled his window down, "Whoa sis, I didn't know you were bringing your new boyfriend."

Hana rolled her eyes. "First of all he's not my boyfriend and so what if he was and second of all I'm an adult what I do and who I date is none of your business."

"Alright chill. I don't think Yoongi will be very happy when he sees him though," said Jin.

"Ha! Yoongi? Who gives a fuck what he thinks. He's not my husband anymore," Hana replied annoyed.

They put their things in the trunk and drove away.

"So, you're the Ateez me?" Asked Jin.

"Don't listen to him. He's just being a dick," Hana replied.

"What? I was just curious. Well you certainly have the looks," Jin laughed. "I'm kidding."

Seonghwa looked at Hana with a very awkward smile.

"Yeah I'm sorry about him. He's a weirdo," she sighed.

When they arrived at the house they all got out and went in. Both their parents were waiting to greet them.

"Why did you let him take her?!" Hana exclaimed.

"Honey, please calm down! Don't yell at your mother like that!" Her father yelled back at her.

"No, I told her to take care of Younha for me and as soon as I leave, my crazy ex shows up and takes my daughter away and she let him!" She angrily replied.

"I didn't let him, he came and asked to see his daughter, he is her father why shouldn't I have let him take her?" exclaimed her step mother.

She angrily sighed. "Because he's not her father!" She blurted out.

The room went completely silent.

"Oh boy," said Jin under his breath.

"What?!" Asked both their parents in unison.

"Yeah, Yoongi isn't her father. Jungkook is. It was a mistake and that happened and there was nothing that could be done about it," she replied.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Asked their father.

"Why do you think? Look at your reactions now, clearly you're all thinking, "what a slut, she cheated on her husband, maybe that's why they're divorced," she angrily replied. "Ugh, just forget it. Jin lets go." She pulled both him and Seonghwa out to the car with her.

"Where are we going?" Asked Jin.

"To my old apartment, I need to talk to Yoongi. I need to at least try to convince him to reconsider about court and filing for custody. We can fix this like civil human beings," she replied.

Jin nodded. "Fine."

They got in the car and headed downtown to her old apartment building. When they arrived they went in and up to the apartment. Hana rang the doorbell and Taehyung answered.

"Oh, Hana. What's up?" He asked. "Come in."

They entered. "Is Yoongi here?" She asked.

"Uh, Yeah. He's in his studio, I don't think he's left it since you left," replied Taehyung. "I'll go get him."

They stood at the door and waited. Taehyung came back out with Yoongi behind him.

"Hana?" Yoongi tiredly smiled.

"Can we please talk?" She asked.

"Who is he?" Yoongi asked pointing at Seonghwa. "Who are you? What are you doing with my wife?"

"Yoongi, forget about him, we need to talk. Where's Younha? Where's my daughter?" She exclaimed.

Yoongi frowned. "She's gone."

"What? What do you mean she's gone?" She asked worried. "What did you do?"

"I gave her a new life," said Yoongi.

Hana felt tears starting to form in her eyes. "Where is she! You asshole! Where is she?! Where is my baby girl!?" She screamed as she started to hit him angrily. Jin had to pull her off of him. Seonghwa brought her into a hug as she sobbed into his chest.

"Yoongi what did you do?" Asked Jin.

"Isn't it obvious? I gave her up for adoption. It was private so the files are sealed," replied Yoongi.

Jin shook his head. "Why?"

Yoongi shrugged.

They left.

"Why'd you lie to her?" Asked Taehyung.

"What and give her what she wanted? After what she did to me? Younha isn't even mine! Besides she'll be fine with my brother and his family," replied Yoongi. He went and locked himself back in his studio.

Taehyung sighed and went back to his work. "Unhealthy."