Together Forever

"Babe?" Said Changkyun as he entered the quiet apartment. "You home?"

Hana slowly entered the room with a shocked look on her face.

"Babe? Hana? Are you okay?" Asked Changkyun as he went over to her. "What's wrong? What's that in your hand?"

Hana nodded and handed Changkyun what she was holding in her hand. He looked at it and a smile grew on his face.

"Are you serious? Are you really-?" He asked.

Hana nodded. "I-I'm pregnant."

He brought Hana into a warm tight hug. He placed a kiss on her lips as he twirled her in the air. "I love you so much!"

Hana beamed. She hadn't seen Changkyun this happy in what seemed like forever and she was so happy. "I love you too!" She said.

Changkyun put Hana down and quickly ran over to his studio to grab something before quickly running back to her.

"Well I was saving this for later. But I just can't wait anymore," said Changkyun as he held the small black box out in front of him.

Hana gasped. She started to cry. "Are you for real?" She asked.

He opened the box and out shown a large shiny diamond ring.

"Hana Kim, will you marry me?" Asked Changkyun.

Hana smiled and nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Yes! Of course! Yes!" She exclaimed.

Changkyun smiled. He pulled the ring out from the little box and placed it on Hana's finger.

"You, me and the little guy will be together forever," said Changkyun as he pulled Hana into his arms.

Hana nodded. "Yes, together forever."

The night was still young and so they decided to celebrate all night long. The next morning after Changkyun left Hana's first call was to her brother to tell him the wonderful news.

"Hey guess what?!" She said excitedly over the phone the minute SeokJin picked up.

He yawned. "Good morning to you too, little sister. How are you? I'm good, what about you?"

"Yes, good morning, I'm fine and all that, do you want to hear my news or what?!" Hana replied annoyed.

SeokJin sighed. "What is it?"

"Well first of all, Changkyun asked me to marry him! I'm engaged!" Hana said practically squealing over the phone.

"Seriously? Wait! How long have you been back together? When did this happen?!" SeokJin asked practically jumping through the phone.

"It's been a couple years now," replied Hana.

"Come on you can't be doing this! You two were so young when he proposed the last time! What about Yoongi?! Yoongi is like- he's literally your soulmate! I know you've had some problems but I'm sure you guys could've worked them out. I mean isn't that what relationships are about? You literally ran away the minute things started to get—"

"I'm pregnant!" Hana blurted out cutting SeokJin off.

"WHAT?" SeokJin exclaimed in complete shock.

"That was my great news, I'm engaged and pregnant," Hana continued. "And I wanted my big brother to be the first one to know this wonderful news. That he was going to be an uncle again."

A painful silence filled the room for what felt like an eternity.

"Look this clearly wasn't a good idea. I don't care if you agree with this decision or not but I'm going through-"

"He still has Younha," SeokJin said cutting Hana off.

"What?! Where? When?!" Hana's voice started to break and her eyes filled with tears.

"He lied. He never gave Younha up for adoption," said SeokJin.

"B-B-But when I went to get her back she-"

"He left her with his brother. After you left with the intent of never going back to him he took her back and decided to raise her on his own," SeokJin said. "He has sole parental rights to her."

Hana hung up and quietly sobbed. "My baby."

"Who was that?" Asked Namjoon.

"My sister. She's thinking of getting remarried. And she's pregnant again," said SeokJin placing his phone in his pocket. "I— I need to talk to Yoongi, I'll be back." SeokJin grabbed his keys and ran out to get into his car.

He practically ran into Yoongi's apartment building and got on the elevator. When he arrived in front of his door he could hear Yoongi laughing and Younha laughing along with him. He felt like he hadn't heard his laugh in what seemed like forever. He hesitated before knocking on the door.


SeokJin turned to find Taehyung behind him holding a bag full of baby toys and clothes.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Taehyung.

"I…I'm here to see Yoongi. I have to talk to him about something," SeokJin replied.

"Oh, then let's go in, I'm just here to drop a couple of things off," said Taehyung as he opened the door. "I'm back and brought someone to see you," he gestured to SeokJin.

Yoongi looked up and his smile faded. "Hyung? What're you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," said SeokJin.

"Hey, Tae? Can you?" Asked Yoongi.

Taehyung nodded and went over to grab Younha and take her to her room.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Yoongi. "Is Hana okay?"

SeokJin nodded. "That's what I need to talk to you about. She's fine. She's kinda- she's engaged. And pregnant."

Yoongi didn't say a single word. His facial expression was slowly becoming angrier. "Who is it?" He asked.

"Her ex, from way before you guys met. They were engaged before but they were really really young and ended up breaking it off after some infidelity in the relationship. They ended up meeting again and started going out again," replied SeokJin. "Look the point is, I don't think she should go through with it. I don't condone what you did to her but you two were still so great together. I even said that to her. She of course hung up on me. She really likes this guy.

I ended up telling her that you still have Younha and that you planned on raising her by yourself."

"Why are you telling me this?" Asked Yoongi.

"There's just something that doesn't sit right with me about their relationship. It's the same feelings I had before when I first found out about them," SeokJin replied.

Yoongi stared at him. "Well I don't know what to tell you. She left me. Most importantly she's pregnant again. With someone else's kid..again. It just doesn't seem possible."

"Maybe if you meet up with her, something might spark between you two. You know, like old times," said SeokJin. "I know you still care about her. Younha reminds you of her, doesn't she? That's why you couldn't leave her with your brother, right? Think about it."

SeokJin patted Yoongi on the back and left.

"What's going on?" Asked Taehyung as he went back out to the living room and handed Younha to Yoongi.

"He wants Hana and I to get back together," Yoongi replied. "She's getting remarried. She's also pregnant again."

"You gonna do it?" Asked Taehyung.

Yoongi shrugged. "He says he's worried about her. He basically said he didn't trust her new fiancé. I choose to trust Jin hyung's gut feelings."