Friends Again

"Hyung, let's go out," Changkyun suggested as he stopped Kihyun on his way out since he had just finished work as well.

Kihyun smiled. "Sure."

They got to a bar and started downing glasses and glasses of beer and whiskey.

"So, how's it going with Hana?" Asked Kihyun as he finished another glass.

Changkyun nodded. "Yeah, it's great. It's as if we've met and fallen in love all over again. I'm glad we got a second chance at this."

"I'm happy for you two. I really am," replied Kihyun.

"Thanks hyung," said Changkyun. "I'm planning on asking her to marry me. I love her and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together."

"I support whatever decision you make. What do you think your parents will say? They don't particularly like her after what happened," asked Kihyun.

Changkyun shrugged. "They already disapproved when we got back together. I don't think they'd change their minds if I tell them I plan on marrying her. But honestly, I don't care. I don't care what they think. If they hate her that much then they don't have to be apart of my life."

He looked over to Kihyun expecting an answer but instead he was passed out. He rolled his eyes as he picked him up and dragged him to his car where he put him in the passenger seat and buckled him in before getting in himself and driving away. He pulled up to Kihyun's apartment building and got out and pulled Kihyun out of his car and dragged him onto the elevator and when they got to his floor and into his apartment he dragged him to his room where he practically threw him onto the bed. He shook him a few times trying to wake him up but he was out cold. He sighed and decided there was nothing else left for him to do so he left.

When he made it back to his apartment he made sure to be as quiet as possible because of how late it was already. He didn't want to wake Hana knowing she'd probably throw a fit about how late he was getting home and not answering her messages. He got cleaned up and changed and got into bed beside her. He soon fell asleep due to how much he had drunken.

The next morning when Changkyun woke up his head was throbbing and he felt queasy and unmotivated. Basically he just wanted to sleep all day. Surely enough he was hung over.

"Well good morning sleepy head," Hana said as she stood over him.

He looked up at me and squinted. "Morning."

"Long night? Drinks with Kihyun? Again?" She asked as she passed him a glass of water and some aspirin.

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Well I'm glad you two are finally talking again. But you keep coming home late every night, drunk and I'm worried," she said as she stroked his hair.

"There's nothing to be worried about. I promise I won't go out drinking anymore. Unless it's for a good reason," replied Changkyun.

She rolled her eyes and started to get up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him. "I'm kidding. I won't stay out drinking if you don't want. I just really needed to talk to Kihyun hyung last night."

She smiled. "Fine. You're forgiven."

He smiled back and brought her into a kiss.

"Now get up. You got work," she said getting up from his grip and going to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Changkyun got up and went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. He was already running late so he went out to the kitchen to quickly eat his breakfast and left.

"Morning," said a tired voice from behind Changkyun as he entered the building.

He turned to see the tired face of his friend.

"Wow, you look like crap, surprised you even made it to work today," he said with a light chuckle.

Kihyun rolled his eyes, "you're talking, you look like you haven't slept in months."

Changkyun nodded. "Yeah I guess."

"So you wanna talk about it?" Kihyun asked.

"It's nothing really, I just couldn't help but think about our conversation the other night."

"About marriage? I mean you were ready last time, what makes you think you wouldn't be ready this time? I know how you feel about your parents and their thoughts about Hana, but maybe you should just have a talk with them," said Kihyun.

Changkyun nodded. "Yeah, thanks. I'm just- I have some work to do. I really appreciated this talk. We should go for drinks later."

Kihyun laughed. "No problem. And yeah, no I don't think so, I don't think I can handle another night."

Changkyun laughed. "Fine, I'll see ya later." He patted Kihyun on the back and headed down to his studio.