In-Human experiments

'Where the hell am I?'

A certain gang boss woke up with a big headache. He sat on the cold ground and rubbed the sore spot at the back of his head as he looked around to figure out where he is.

It took some time for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but after a short while, although not clearly, he was able to see things. He was imprisoned inside a metal cell like some sort of bird cage. What shocked him was that he wasn't the only one.

'Judging based on the airs of those people, I'm pretty sure we're in the same line of work. What the hell do they want with us? Why is nobody talking?'

"Help!!! Someone fucking do something! What the fu.... "

It came from one of the cells nearby but was unable to see the guy, it seems like a man in similar position to himself just woke up and is now making a fuss. He decided to keep quiet and see what happens to people who are making a fuss.

'These sort of people don't go silent just because they are captured. But.....'



The man who was yelling out loud fell to the ground and began to twitch like someone being electricuted. It went on for five seconds stopped for three and resumed like a cycle which stopped after 10 repetitions. The man laid on the ground piss and shit covered his pants, saliva and tears flooded the floor.

'Idiot..... We don't even know what we're dealing with. So that's why nobody is speaking huh. Now why are we here though. The guy said ship, ughh maybe they're gonna cut us up for research or something I need to escape from this place.'

The answer came after a few days. He was strapped onto a surgical table and in front of him is a child no more than eight years old.

"Well hello there."

The masked child said with an almost creepy smile on his lips. Then continued...

"I am glad you are awake, I will explain to you what is about to occur. I'm going to turn you into a werewolf. Do you know what that is? First lets turn off your sense of pain so you wont die from shock."

The man continued his explanation, asking questions he didn't want answered. Like a cat playing with its prey while poking and prodding at different parts of the gangster's body.

'Something must have been weird with his head because he looked like he enjoyed himself while looking at another man. Hahaha I am sooooo gonna die.'

"OK done, let's inject the werewolf venom for now. You must be thankful, not everyone is given the chance at this even when they fantasised about it in their heads hahaha, then again your fate is in my hands it would be wise to remember that I can make or break you anytime I want."

The boy spoke as he injected what he called venom into the gang boss' neck area causing him pain. Excruciating pain.

"Ummmfff mymmm!!!"

Muffled screams to deaf ears. Most of his Pain receptors are turned off but not all of them are the procedure was only enough to prevent the patient from dying from shock from the DNA being rewritten by the werewolf virus.

The gang boss convulsed like an epileptic. His nails grew long and sharp. His limbs elongated. His teeth grew sharp and pointed as his lower face morphed into a bald dog like snout. His eyes turned red glimmering with ferocity as he struggled to free himself from his bindings to no avail. He looked like smeagol only doggyfied and taller.

"Alright we will start injecting the new strain after the transformation and record the effects of Alpha Drug on Subject 3975 as soon as the transformation is finished, hand me the Alpha v2135."

The transformation into a werewolf soon finished and is followed by another injection. This time it is injected directly into the spine. The werewolf howled in great pain as soon as A 2135 was injected. His long gaunt limbs slowly bulged with muscles, his nails and teeth gained a sense of metallic sheen to it, seemingly sharper and stronger. The sparse hair in his body became a thick fur and made him look more wolf than before. Then, a tail slowly grew behind him, in the beginning it looked like a rats bald tail but it was soon covered with thick black fur. The dog with a bad case of hairloss became a majestic black wolf. Although it is still trying to break free maybe due to the pain of his genes being recoded and everything being restructured, it would sometimes stop and scream as if it was trying to speak.

'Progress... Ahh. I love science. Hahahahahaha'

Many criminals died in the course of the experiment. Some rejected the virus transmitted from the bite while others can't cope with the pain of transformation and died due to shock. Viktor didn't care though he simply wanted to create the most proper image of a werewolf in his liking. If thousands had to die then so be it.

"Take him away. Extract samples and make him undergo testing as soon as he recovers."

Viktor walked away from the lab with Golie in tow. His white laboratory coat disappeared as soon as he exited the door.

"To the orphanage."

The two walked for some time, Viktor could simply apparate anywhere in the ship but chose to walk with Golie as the latter could not do the same due to the many enchantments carved along the walls of the ship.

Entering a well decorated door, a vast expanse of land appeared before them. There stood a beautiful castle in middle of a forest. It was well lit and was warm and cozy. Children's laughter could be heard from inside every now and then. While the grown ups conversed among themselves.

'Hah... The fruits money can buy turns out priceless when well thought of.'

This castle is in fact not alone in this seemingly endless forest it is just one of many that Viktor spent millions of galleons on to make. Most castles contained people of the same race and some are a mixture of different races like Asian, Caucasian, Latin etc. Its like a huge social experiment where people are observed for their behaviour when grown in different situations.

These castles are in fact the "Orphanage" that Viktor mentioned before. The children are taken from all over the world saved from poverty and war. Taken into an eden where they could play and learn. Its just too bad that their childhood isn't very long as they have a purpose to serve. Through a growth accelerating potion developed by Viktor himself, these children can reach full maturity within five to seven years.

"They are growing well, there are even magical ones among them. Make sure to educate them properly based on the curriculum I designed the statue of secrecy can kiss my ass! The whole of humanity can kiss my ass as well!"

Viktor hated the rules. Especially ones that tries to put a leash on his actions. Laws are important to establish stability and peace but Viktor lived in an era where everyone can have superpowers and he clearly understood that the one with the bigger fist is always right. Even when he didn't want to abuse his powers he didn't want to be on the receiving end of the beating.