We are all Willing to Move to Jingzhou!

The H4 Club originally had the strength of being a runner-up. The midlaner was a shortcoming previously. However, their combat power jumped instantly after changing to Huang Wang.

These clubs finally confirmed their suspicions after being abused for five days straight. The H4 Club might have paid a lot of money for Huang Wang, but it was not a loss at all! They actually profited!

The H4 Club would be able to win the championship two weeks later if that were to carry on. That had a huge reward of 1 million US dollars plus some skins and a lot of attention!

No one wanted to be a leaf; everyone wanted a beautiful rose.

There were only two weeks to go. It was definitely too late to add on to their training. The only way was to take a leaf out of the H4 Club's book—to buy players!

The other clubs would definitely not sell their precious players because everyone wanted to play in the world tournament.