Struggle, a Breakthrough in the Expression of Thought

The people in charge of the various clubs seemed to have misunderstood.

Those who spoke up first, saying that they wanted to come to Jingzhou, were small clubs with minimal funds prepared.

They had thought that they would not be able to raise enough funds to buy a core player even if they sold everything. At the most, they expected to get a support that also played the commander. They never would have expected that Boss Pei would give them a core player to make up for their shortcomings!

What's more, Boss Pei was not asking for much. He was giving all the clubs roughly the same price: a transfer of membership fee of three million yuan with a return of 2.2 million yuan for the clubs to improve their environment.

To the clubs that were lacking money, Boss Pei was showing them additional grace and care! They were so grateful that they did not know how to repay his kindness.