The Story Behind Tengda Games

Li Yada's words made Yan Qi feel a little ashamed.

It might be a bucket of cold water over his head and was very hurtful but it also objectively sobered his brain up.

That was indeed the case.

He did not have a strong urge to create this game. He only felt that it was good enough to pass. How could he conquer players and make them feel like they could not stop?

However, on further thought, Yan Qi felt that Li Yada was being too blunt.

They could innovate just because they said so?

If innovation was like cabbage being sold on the streets, would there be so many rubbish games every year?

Did he really think that the producers of rubbish games were all evil?

Of course, some producers or investors might not understand, or they might really be hell-bent on making money. However, many of them were just not capable enough. What could they do if they could not make good games?