Anyone Of Tengda's Designers Knows This.

Yan Qi could not help but frown. "Rules and tricks?"

He was very confused. He had been in the game industry for so many years. Why had he never heard of such a thing?

The games industry was the same as the novels and movies industry. Strictly speaking, it was a creative industry. Creativity was very important.

What was there to talk about when it came to creativity? Wasn't it all based on a flash of inspiration?

If ideas could be replicated in batches, the creation of the cultural industry would be much simpler. It would just be around ideas and constantly build manpower.

The fact was that there would never be a lack of labor, and creativity would always be rare and irreplicable.

That was why real game design big shots were respected in the game industry.

That was precisely their scarcity and irreplaceability.

Thus, Yan Qi instinctively did not believe Li Yada's words.