Set It At Full Speed!

The corners of Pei Qian's mouth twitched. He was in a very bad mood.

I knew it was that scammer Boss Li again!

Why do you always get into trouble at Thriller Hostel?

Needless to say, Boss Li must have brought a group of strange and unknown investors to package this route and the shops around the roller coaster project.

No wonder Chen Kangtuo said that he was not lacking in publicity funds. Someone else was paying for him!

When Li Shi saw Pei Qian, his eyes lit up and he walked towards him briskly.

"Boss Pei!"

Li Shi was in a great mood.

He could almost see the future of these shops as he watched these shops being renovated one by one, with reasonable planning and perfect layout.

Boss Pei was obviously a walking God of Fortune!

Li Shi was a little worried when Chen Kangtuo came to talk to Li Shi previously. After all, Boss Pei did not give any instructions. Chen Kangtuo seemed to have taken matters into his own hands.