"Skylark Plan" Tour experience

Half an hour later, the investors arrived.

All of them were like huge chickens with their tails raised, coming to Pei Qian for credit.

It was as if they had been carved out of Li Shi's skin.

Pei Qian had a fake smile on his face as he sent them and Li Shi onto the roller coasters one by one. He helped them put on their seatbelts very warmly.

The investors were flattered that Boss Pei had personally put on their seatbelts. However, they felt like he was sending them on their way looking at Boss Pei's expression.

Perhaps it was because this place was too dark that the shadow on Boss Pei's face looked scarier…

The starting point of the indoor roller coaster was pitch black. There was nothing inside. It was a little scary.

The roller coaster was a row of four. There was a relatively large gap between the four people in the same row. Their feet were in the air. They could sense each other's existence but would not interfere with each other.