
They charged at each other, clashing face to face as their poles broke creating huge ripples of wind rocking the arena, Anbar gasped in awe as the other three look at the scene bored. The wind shattering the glass and lamps of the mock-up shopping district and blowing up Shane white dress to reveal a black workout pants, making Shane's cheeks flush. She hurled a bunch of Italian insults at Sergio as they both landed on their feet, both eager to duke it out harder when a old lady Shane recognized from the arena booth earlier charges into the room, "What the f*** is going on here!"

She glances at two crazy girls attempting to duke it out with broken sticks. Her hands crossed as Ken and Silvia

"You both are gonna have to pay for that son of a gun." The duo look at the two wooden sticks, giggling. It shouldn't be hard to pay for that.

"Umm I mean that son of a gun." She looks at them annoyed, pointing up to the ceiling where a huge crack started to form. Shane and Sergio looked at each other, imagining the large amount of money needed to just cover the thick wall. They laughed uneasily, gulping at their new 'financial bonds' for the government, "We can definitely pay that..."

"From this moment until next month, you both are not permitted to train here! Battle canceled." She gives them a pink slip and stormed out of the room, seemingly trying to radio the upper management about the crack as Ken and Silvia jeered.

"That was a rip-off!" Ken and Silvia left the arena, holding each other's hand at one point before letting go. Pretending they weren't a pair. Behind the rather potentially odd love couple, Ambar looked at the scene, awed by the destruction left behind. Broken buildings and a crack in the rather strong tower. Totally the best place for training.

"Let's go for breakfast, I'm starving." Shane said as Sergio nodded, amazed by how she was still able to speak enthusiastically after that battle, nevertheless they continued joyfully as Atsuki watches silently from behind like a stalker.

In the meeting room of The Light Of Men - 300th floor

"Are you sure you want to cover this up?" A nearly bald old man, made puffy by his coat looked at Alfred, skeptical of his proposal.

"Mr Saxon, I know it is dangerous but we can't say it now, we are still having a conflict at our borders with five teams dealing with the situation there. Paranoia will kick in if we do this. That's why I told Energy Breaker to keep silent."

"You need to make a decision fast." He looks at Alfred who made his final say as an old plum man from the previous government and who survived the massacre makes a say. "Sir you must decide on a proper way to deal with this situation. Think of your family's ruined legacy!"

Saxon clutched his arms, hearing his advisors ramble. His family, or their remains, had just finally have a hold of the organization. The truth must be sealed. They always had power as rulers of the previous government. But now they had lost it all. Barely surviving from his family's massacre. He doesn't even know where his son is after he ran away.

He can't handle the truth, just like the broken people now. If it is found out, it will plague the folks with paranoia as they lose faith in their government and riot for better arms. If he follow them, all the plans made by the other countries in the Plymouth Treaty, all of which he must follow, would fall. It is after all something they don't want, since they want to keep control of the country. Sure he feels disgusted by their plans, but as victors, they have the final say.

However it won't backfire as hard if kept a secret. Though if it was to be found out again, the plans would be ruined even harder. Riots all over the country would escalate, questioning the government ability to handle the situation. Losing the position of power his family always tried to climb up to. He thinks for a while, laying his hands on the table to fiddle from his stress.

"Alright... Alfred, don't leak the incident out yet, but create a team of the best individuals for the job Alfred . If the situation becomes volatile, we will come clean. But as much as possible, hide it from everyone. Also keep that guy in check."

"Yes sir!" Alfred responded proudly. Happy to serve.

"Meeting is adjourned."

In a nearby Wendy's

"I'll take the Breakfast Baconator, the Maple Bacon Chicken Croissant, Two Sausage, Egg & Swiss Croissant, a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit and-" Shane looks at the menu as she looked at Atsuki. A moment of silence ensures as the cashier stared at each other. Onlookers looked on at the famed heroes with curiosity, some taking snapshots. Especially at the now blushing Shane and her ruined dress from the battle last night. The large metal wings from Atsuki, which did not blocked her looks did not help. Sergio looks at her, worried for her image as she breaks the silence.

"You know you can speak right?"

After so long, Shane finally hears the first few words ever said by her in the whole month. "I'll take the Breakfast Baconator as well." She spoke with a strong Japanese accent, such that onlookers were starting to laugh, only being stopped at the size of her 'wings', which rustled metallically and hissed from the large flow of electricity.

"All takeaway," Shane continued as she sees the workers get to work. They were quickly surrounded by 'fans', people who supported them whenever they went due to their extraordinary abilities. Shane always hated to be amongst fanatics. The popularity is not necessary but rather a hindrance. It was hard to breathe in the tight space, but she had to endure it. Fans constituted as a judge for the upper management for promotion. It was a ridiculous tactic and Shane wished that it was erased for good. It was a hindrance and does not constitute a true hero. She looked around to see Sergio and the others surrounded by the most people with kids and even elderly men and ladies. Man it must feel good for their egos when they are part of the special squads, especially with their five figure salaries every month. As they grabbed their food, they quickly squeezed out of the fast food restaurant, escaping from the large crowds.

"Phew let's get back to work!" Shane and Sergio's team brisk walk on their way back. Their shiny badges always catching the public's eye, exciting the people and filling their hearts with a sense of safety as they quickly walked on.

Through the crowed entrance of the Light of Men, past special operations vehicles. Large automated robot enforcers run about the large lobby, happily interacting with other people finding assistance despite their daunting looks. Hoping to help assist them in their problems.

She looks at the lobby, made just as amazing as the building. It held large intricate paintings of past events such as the super tsunami that destroyed Japan. It also commemorates all of the famous people such as Ernest Hugo and his invention of worker robots. The large round memorial hall spiraled all the way down into a long bunch of televisions screens and to their feet. Through the large sparkly floor, large gatherings of workers and large couches, they spot Hanson grabbing a McDonald's breakfast meal from a delivery rider. As the rider left, Ken looked at Hanson, crossing his arms and shouted across the entrance in a goofy manner, "You betrayer."

"Your lack of dignity startles me," Silvia added as she look at his bag of food.

He looks at them grumpily. So much for buying his own food. It felt just as bad as attempting to burn Wendy's at their Twitter account. "Man can't you just give a break?" He whimpered as his team giggled.

"Alright lets head back up. I still need to work on my shield." Ambar broke the silence as they all nodded, heading up. Shane waved Sergio goodbye once again. Glancing at Hanson still whimpering next to Ken and Silvia. It felt good seeing her again. But now she had other things to do.

She looked at the wrist watch they had provided, a tracking device for those who are not part of The Supers, where many warnings from upper management were made from her report. Asking her that saying it out has rather terrible after effects. She rolled her eyes, scrolling down to see messages to meet the man from the attack. Finally, something a little more productive.

She watches the large television screens surrounding the large lobby, constantly filled with the latest information on incidents and events. Joyfully writing out despite the latest conflict. It's latest incidents were a lot of missing people. She had heard of the recent disappearances of other individuals that morning as she waited for Sergio. It was amazing how an entire bus full of tourists just vanish on the countryside.

"I better keep a close eye on it," she told herself.