Trouble in Chinatown

"Hey! Can you tell them to not contain me in this windowless room? It feels depressing!" Derek moaned as Shane entered the room in a white hoodie and long jeans after a good long shower. A not so itchy feeling as he placed down a large brown wallet to bribe her. But she won't budge.

Derek had been placed in an isolation ward in the middle of the building. His room filled with armed guards who glared at her as she entered. Doctors claimed that he was held here since have be infected with radioactivity from that being. But she suspect that there is more to it than it seems.

"Look I can't do much about this. That's the best my organization can provide." She explained as Derek pulls up a picture of them as he pulls out a entire picture of his whole family then. She glances at it. A family with three kids. A large but otherwise normal family, but why does she feel so much pain?

She shrieked. Her mind spiraling out of control as she goes into a complete shutdown. Falling down into the void. Through the dark void, large pictures emerged of another girl in another life. She stands up, observing how it was the exact family in the picture. In complete detail. It was blurry, but it felt real. She watches as the girl screams, lumbered into the van as she is knocked unconscious. Why was she able to see this so clearly? She screamed for help, only to hear the echoes of the void. She frantically finds a way out, to find a answer but she couldn't do anything. Swallowed into the darkness as screams echoed aloud in the darkness.

"Madam? Are you alright madam?"

Her eyes waken to a bright light from the room. A soldier look down at her as a doctor comes around, checking on her. She glances to her left, the man pinned to the wall, surprised as to how she fell so quickly to a photograph.

"I'm ok... let's commence the interview." She flips her hand, shooing the concerned doctor and nurses away. Panting heavily from her experience as the large soldiers puts him back down. Still rather worried as they left for the front door.

He must have felt that The Light of Men could do better at provision of a better location on his 'holding room', besides he had already fully recovered. Just some minor injuries. He just wants to head back to the junkyard and grab his stuff. But he really is screwing her around.

He leans forward as he stares into her coldly. Impressed by the photograph, though he feels suspicious about what was going on. Was she a part of the operation that took her away? He slams the wallet on the table as he started his conversation, "Now you should somehow know my family. From all that concussions..." Shane sits down on a metal chair next to the bed as he continued, "Now I have a deal. Let me into your organization." He shows the photo again as she looks away in defeat. He wasn't supposed to join, he would have to go through several major physical and mental tests before he could be accepted. But he definitely knows something. Especially with that photograph of his. Why was all of these apparitions appearing in her face? She closed her eyes in defeat as she puts down the picture he held.

"Fine. But only if you answer some of my questions relating to last night's incident so that I know what is up with that twat."

"Sure, just let me out of this cage afterwards." Derek mumbled as Shane takes out her notepad and pencil. The cold breeze getting heat from her hoodie and long jeans as she starts her work.

"Ok, what did you see then?" Derek look blankly in the room after hearing her question, trying to visualize what happened then, hoping to help them out. But all he remembered as just that absolutely power he had, "Not much. But I did remember a Bright glow, then a loud squeal coming from my mom. Then just a bright green then orange glow. You know, now I regret that I wasn't in the house at the time." Shane looked at him disappointed. Not much leads from here. But it confirms that Caze was the first to fall.

She bids him farewell (to Derek's annoyance), taking one last glance at the weird man with the weird picture he had as she head down into the labs at the basement where Boss was waiting, slouching on the corridors filled with dreadful white paint and vinyl flooring.

"You know that you are not supposed to continue investing into this case?" He looked at her, seemingly prepared to remove that badge of hers. She stares at this man, trying as usual to think of the interest of the people in this sector. But he is not thinking about the late game. She knows this and pauses to think, knowing her next few words may determine what happens next.

"Boss. Yes, I know I do not have the right to interfere with the affairs of this sector. But as a concerned individual living in this place. I want to keep this place safe. However I never agree to simply ignore any case. Especially since it involves a rather large anomaly. Even though they aren't really important, but that doesn't mean that the only survivor here doesn't get to know what's happening. Even worst, this situation will complicate the war when it decides to make it's move. So for the sake of myself. Please let me continue to work on this case."

Alfred stood there, staring at her seriously at her words. He always note how she was always serious, especially in her work but her 'deathly' expression paired with her statement makes it bold and loud. He sighed as he made a compromise, "Ok I'll let you continue to look at their bodies and evidence. But no more than that. The 'safety shield' here must not crumble." Shane was elated and proceeds past the cold man to continue the investigation in the labs where she looked into the gooey specimen. It was large and dark sophisticated place with multiple high tech machinery for testing what seemed like black magic as blue luminescent lightning illuminated the place.

She was hoping for something interesting, but to her disappointed, the scientists were baffled by the weird reacting molecules. They bring her to a white board, pointing at the images. They were all moving molecules. Nothing really to think about until they pointed out what looks like molecules from metal and plasma. She raised her eyebrows, writing down on her notepad. Once she was done, it was already six.

"Yikes, that's way past my schedule!" She look at wrist watch as she left the coroner's office. Their bodies will be investigated further for more symptoms and special injuries. But until then her work was done. She heads further down to the car park, where her grey, old Madza coupe with large aero dynamic covers was waiting. She always felt happy inside of it, especially with that exhaust note from wankel rotary engine and it's curvy looks. But today felt different. Especially when she sees the dead bodies of these innocent victims. The charred skin, shattered bones and blown organs inside were too gruesome to be unseen. She feels the screams, pain and agony through the pictures. Yet why were these images appearing? She sighs, determined to find out tomorrow as she revs the car to her satisfaction and head out, the tires skidding as it left the lot.

Several districts away from ground zero

The dark green sports car moved silently through the empty streets of Chinatown as it parked by the curb. The nice car it stolen felt to flashy in the rather terrible background. The place was a slum filled with gangsters, especially The Tribunals. Relics of buildings from the Two Year War still exists, with crumbling buildings with dirty Chinese decor, tons of smelly urine reeking from the drains and lots of vandals on the street. It's amazed how the place was so empty at this time. But the huge silence was overshadowed by the loud hum from the huge floating air base stacked above the neighborhood with it's thick pillars. Heavily armed soldiers fitted with digital cameras and arm and leg boosters stroll through the neighborhood. Their leg boosters pounding the neighborhood as they went. To it, it was most likely an excuse to grab control of Chinatown, to keep an eye on the chinese gangs running rampant in the area. It glances around, sensing how they were still there, under the shadows.

It stepped out of the car, thankful that it found a different plate for the car. Not raising suspicion amongst the guards alerted about the incident there. It morphed into Caze and concealed itself in the dark. Making his way past cameras and guards, jumping through roofs and abandoned buildings with chinese words of The Tribunals, true relics of dominance. It continued on until it reached an old hotel with boarded windows. The neon glow still fizzing as he sneaked by the vents. It turning into several black gruesome blobs as it slithered down the in-active air vents.

It remembers reading up from the internet on its past in the library earlier disguised as another person, it being the best hotel in Chinatown in its hay day. But the War had hurt the company running the hotel badly, causing the place to close down. A new Chinatown was placed near The Light of Men, but the remnants remain. A good place to recruit others, it thought to itself.

After a long crawl, it finally reached the basement. Something that it's bloodlust always loathed. Through another vent, it hears a Chinese man running orders loudly as sluggish footsteps pounding the ground. With a further glance into the vent, it spots a man relaxing like a king on a large crate of boxes. The Tribunal's boss was here. It morphed and waits as the the sluggish footsteps became silent when it struck.

"What the heck! Why is she her-"

As it was tackled into the ground, it watched happily the loud screams that echoed the night sky rippled with a bright green flash and a bright inferno. Just like pigs.