"What is this?", As Shane followed the group (except for Victor) down to the basement car park to their vehicle, she was honestly expecting better vehicles such as scramblers that Team Six had. But she did not expect to see their vehicle being a wide purple Honda van with a wide body kit, two white stripes at the front fenders and aftermarket wheels and television screens in the car. Above the van laid a rather ubiquitous panel she could not figure out. But even so, it would totally 'blend' in.
"Look don't complain man. This is a Honda Stepwagon that is now powered by a formula one engine. Its hard for Leroy to even find such an engine, let alone one out of the factory nowadays," Shane kept quiet in the backseat from Baku's statement. Noticing the two-cylinder F1 engine cramped up amongst turbochargers at the front of the vehicle on the driveshaft, taking up a bit of space in the vehicle.
Leroy grinned as he started the car, immediately revving and purring for a challenge. He stamps on the accelerator, his passengers lurching back from the G forces in the vehicle as the vehicle screamed. Keen to prove his driving skills as he heads out of the garage. He looks up, spotting Victor also launching out, blasting at super speed through the now quiet traffic at morning.
It was a long boring yet terrifying drive up into the national park, the trees zoomed by as if it was a frame in time. Shane was starving and craving for a meal. She was dreaming of being in a restaurant now for breakfast. Her stomach growling. Aggressive and assertive, trying to warn her how she may just as well eat her own well built muscles.
"Hopefully this would end soon," she thought to herself. Just then Victor radios in, "I'm checking the aerial view from a far distance. Can't seem to go any closer since the place had now been more fortified than before." He then sends in footage to the van where Shane recognizes the machinery belonging to Ambar. It was impossible to access the base head on with the now installed surface-to-air missiles, turrets and large human sized robots patrolling the area. Something that Ambar would not do when it is just a simple patrol. There were also civilian SUVs and sedans parked outside which sparked all the red flags. Was it the ones that made all the tyre markings? Then she spots the green Lotus, looking at it sly and disappointed. Humiliating them at their lack of progress.
They quickly found a parking lot in the national park and head down a flight of stairs to a viewing platform overlooking the hillside and ocean. "Alright this is close enough, let me set this thing up," Leroy whispered as he brings out his mobile phone, a new rendition of the Iphone but now like a black panel. He taps a button. Hoping for a quick response but all was quiet.
"Umm is that supposed to do anything?" Shao Lin looked at him unamused as he spammed further on the plastic screen. Wondering if it was an error. Shane shook her head. Disappointed by the lack of coordination. Those non-Supers would be shocked by the performance.
A loud hiss emerged, seemingly from the van. She turns back, the van's roof now raised up high with a large weird, black circular panel rising further to a large height.
"So that's why it took so long."
He quickly typed in several codes onto his mobile phone before it revealed the cameras in the area. All of them seemingly destroyed.
"Not nice. But there should be a solution..."
Leroy mumbled as he quickly types in another set of codes, finally allowing him to access the memory of the cameras. As he played the footage, the group gathered around became shocked and disgusted.
They watched as the monster levitated to Ambar's position in broad daylight, strangling him as he tried his hardest to contact the others. He painfully moaned as the camera footage is cut. Leroy heads further through the footage of other cameras only find the group's final stand with dead and burnt men and women (that Shane felt were from The Tribunals) along with robots before being pinned. It morphed into Sergio, taunting her as a bright green flash cuts the footage. Shane becomes nauseous, weeping silently. Her friend has now fallen to it. Flashes of memories from yesterday flashed before her eyes. She clenched her fists in a silent vow. Their deaths won't be in vain. It confirms that it could morph into anybody and be anybody. A prospect Shane didn't wish for it to happen.
"What do we do now?" Max asked fearfully,
"How about we attack them now-" Baku said as Victor interrupts her, to her annoyance.
"No can do. It's best to watch out and plan. We can't just go into a mincing machine, do you want us to fall just like them? We unfortunately must wait. Mission failed." He grimly responded, steering his large REVEL back as Shao Lin comforted the now heartbroken Shane. As they left, Leroy quickly moved and concealed a machine in a bush, connecting the device to the wrist watch he had modified. He shook his head in disbelief, the group was already broken before they started.
Inside Nightingale
"They are tracking us."
A now reanimated Ambar with glowing eyes stubbles up to the control room, now made to feature a makeshift throne from parts of the now non-functioning control room. Beside it was Atsuki and Sergio who stood silently beside him. Acting as its bodyguards despite being in a sleepy trance. It looked up, seemingly impressed. So far, most of the people either attacked him or defended from him. But none seemed to be as passive and calculating as their group. It stood up, staring at him, as Ambar continued, "They are acting really smart. But we must be cautious of their actions."
"Yes we must. But we must obtain more resources to truly rid earth of their underlings. To realize the goal of removing the parasites plaguing every universe." It replied as Hanson and Silvia enters the room, Hanson seeming wanting to reply only for a still wounded and rather smelly Silvia to cut in, to his frustration, "Look there is an energy conversion creation facility at the outskirts of the city, if we can obtain the facility, we can finally have to power to cleanse Sector A."
"Then this is where we would head next. Silvia, gather the men and the weapons, we will strike tomorrow when they least expect it." As Silvia headed out, Hanson turns to him and asked a question, "Master, it is about time you had a name. It's time for a notable class of entities truly ready for the right course."
It sat around in the dark. It remembered how it was originally called Lyx back in it's dimension of slimes. Proud of how he managed to bring two dimensions to their knees. He always loved the fear in their faces as their life slowly comes to an end. There won't be a need for such a change.
"That sounds perfect master, now may I prepare for tomorrow?" The zombified men asked as it shooed him away to his acknowledgment. Struggling to talk from the same old pain once again. It always had come. Had it not accidentally shot some fuel canisters would it be fine as usual. But now, it was struggling to think, it touched the back of it's head, feeling a huge chunk missing.
But then again, his plan was already set. They already infiltrated inside The Light of Men. But it was not yet the time to do so. It smiled as it lounged by his throne, waiting for the right time. For they will finally know what it is like to lose.