A New Dimension

"Seriously?" Everyone looked at Derek and Leroy from their explanation as the portal continued to whirl violently. It just felt surreal that they managed to discover that while they were away dying to sadistic creatures.

It was a purple circular portal, above the large wired chip made through several large holes meant for cooling. It stretched through the endless void, a darkness that stretches upon the abyss of the light in the middle that blinded them.

Leroy carefully setups the device on the floor, equipping it with longer wires as he looked out for Derek, making sure he did not tamper with his work ever again. He types in more commands before announcing that it was safe to run.

"Ok so who is going into the portal?" Leroy asked as the group looked at each other, "I cannot enter since I need to make sure the portal is stable."

"I would also have to most likely help him," Baku added as the rest looked at Sylvie.

"Hey don't look at me! I still need to inspect Hanson and bring him to quarantine," Sylvie sneered at the others, the teenager with long green robes struggled to pull the knocked out man into her medical room on a stretcher if it wasn't her brother coming in to help her.

"I'll go," Shane replied as Shao Lin also raised her hand. Agreeing to follow her.

"Hey you, since you caused so much trouble, you are to join them!" Leroy glared at Derek who was trying to sneak out, "The proper punishment for the proper nob!" Baku said in delight, adding fuel to the fire. Derek sighed as he slowly accepted his fate.

"Now to test the portal!" Leroy quickly pulled out a drone that looked like a ancient Parrot drone back before the Great War five years ago as he flew the thing in and back. A camera which was fitted, managing to see the other end, which was complete darkness with some sense of a pavement before returning back without any damage. Shane and Shao Lin attached cameras Leroy had made on top of their heads which feature an emergency red light in case of emergencies as they rush in. The young child robot however had to kicking Derek inside, to his infuriation.

The portal was a literal mind blow as Derek struggle to control himself inside the swirling void. Leroy's drone would have been disabled if it wasn't for the large inappropriate amount of protons and electrons forming around him. Close to puking, he becomes dizzy and crashed onto the pair on the other side.

"Urgh! What was that for?" Shane groaned in pain, shouting out curses at a nearly dead Derek. Shao Lin meanwhile had already stood up and looked on in disbelief.

The place was darker than black itself. The sky seemingly had fallen. She was only able to make out several tall buildings and infrastructure in the darkness, all in terrible condition. Several lampposts somewhat illuminating only several streets. She knew something terrible has happened with remnants of war such as tanks and police cars. By this time, the duo had risen up and were awed by the destruction here.

"I think we are in his own creation..."

Derek shutters in shock as he spots a battered Crown Victoria having the insignia: 'Milton City Police Force'.

Suddenly a harpoon shot close to Derek, shattering the rear window of the cop car. A helicopter appeared, shining a blinding ray at them as men and women in tattered clothes and dirty body vests surrounded them with weapons drawn at the ready.

"State your purpose!" A loud mega horn with a male voice sounded from the blinding helicopter. Seemingly still angry about what had happened earlier when they have yet to know their existence.

The trio looked at each other, gesturing each other on what to do before Derek eventually broke the silence, "Hi... I'm Derek from another universe... I'm paired with my friends here... as our universe is being attacked by this weird blob of a creature," as he said that, everyone looked uncertainly.

"Was it able to shape shift?" The male welding a mega horn asked, a weird question to the trio which they nevertheless answered.

"Yes." Shane replied as the group behind them became frightened, yet strangely determined as they put down their guns and melee weapons. The Silovsky landed as a young teen exited the vehicle, several large men in business suits flanked him.

"Hi, my name is Dwayne Leong. Nice to meet you all," Derek was amazed, Caze had just created an alternate universe with living people. Was was his computer even? The trio shook his hand as Shane began to talk, "We are here after discovering a portal from an ancient chip back before a war we were having two decades ago. We were wondering if you know where this thing had existed?"

"I'm sorry. The only vivid thing we all remember was that a huge black hole ripped through the afternoon sky as it began to consume the entire universe. I was then shopping with my girl, she..." Dwayne struggle to speak, probably to the massive trauma as Derek cuts in, "Don't mean to spoil the mood, but did you guys see a pencil earlier on defacing your city?" Dwayne nods, unsure why he would say that as Derek struggled to talk.

Was it even ok to say the truth? He tries hard to contain it but his guts say otherwise. Giving up, he finally relents and continued his talk, "I'm sorry to say this... but you guys were all a simulation made by the first victim of the monster's attack in our universe..."

His words shocked the group as Shao Lin and Shane gasped. The people of Milton City and their universe had been living a lie.

"I'm sorry, I have to say that since the same chip that was powering his computer was also the same thing powering a gateway to your universe..." Derek frowns, he probably shouldn't have said that. Now everyone living in this universe would be at a loss. He could imagine how on the other side, if they saw the recordings, they would be equally shocked.

"Also, was there any details that stood out?" Derek asked as Dwayne, now at a loss struggle to say his words, "There was black goo from the other universe..."

Shao Lin was shocked, She doesn't know if it was her intuition or for other reasons, but she was right for keeping him here. He was the damming piece that solves all of the puzzles. They must protect him.

"Look I'm sorry for saying that just now. Must had hurt your feelings," he pats Dwayne on the shoulder in comfort as he sulked. He continued, "Anyways we will most likely be coming back for assistance relating to the same threat you guys faced. Hope we can get along." He raised his hands as Dwayne gives a firm handshake. Swiping away his tears.

"Sure... stay safe..." he leads them back to the portal. Still active on the cold ground as they stare down at the rather lonely and sad group of individuals as they returned. Rather amazed by the wealth of information he possessed.

They landed back at their spot as Derek trips and pukes. Behind him, Leroy stood rather amazed from the information he has seen. His raised his eyebrows in silence before lowering from the mess would have to clean again.

"What is wrong with you..."

He felt annoyed considering he lives here amongst the other Supers. It was new home long after living in the dormitories. A far cry from the luxuries they can get here. But he would rather save his energy for work later as Maximillian comes in with documents. Large stacks of paper filled to the top of Max's head. Most related to Shane.

"I don't know what you had just done, but you are gonna have to do something about this..."

He clumsily placed it down, the papers full of crosses and notes of contradictions from the higher ups. The one who order Supers around. Shane and Shao Lin looks closer at the notes. All of which stating reports of the denial of the recent incidents and the terrible job at the Energy Converter Site. To make matters worse, she would have to do a large write up on the newcomer in the workplace. Dammit words travel fast.

"No... I have to work till dawn again..." she put her hands by her head as Shao Lin pats her on the back. Her load would be reduced by her. Helpful but still painful. She looks away at the sunset. Gulping at her now added work load.