
The ground rumbled further as Alfred feels the earth move. Birds flying all over the place now finding a safe spot as other wild animals squeezed amongst one another. Hiding in the deep dark debris. He looks to the sky, the clouds moving like a magic trick, dissipating into a bright clear day. Blinding him.

In a flash, he feels less trauma from the dimming brightness. Dazing him. He opens his eyes again, the monster has been pushed away into the darkness as it stood, disinterested, darker than the night. Below it, Sylvie stood higher than most, covering herself with a clear, glowing white bubble.

She moves further down as she lays to rest on some rocks. Now looking like a head,filled with lush leaves and soil. Further down, a body and pair of feet emerged.

Alfred eyes widened. Her full extension of her powers was unleashed. He peers down at Victor who looked on shock. He probably doesn't know why she was taken away that day. But all of this is going to change.

"Oh my go-"

Lyx looks at the monstrous being. A glowing pile of rock, dirt and magma. Flowing around like veins, except all flowing to the center of the chest. A bright ball of core. Now in the form of a female woman. One in it's original predatory look, one who hasn't realized what is called clothes. But then it is just a bunch of rock.

It's head emerged. Bright light glowing with anger and ferocity. It was rather bald, completely void of hair. It's rather clean face made through the colossal flow of lava and mud. On top of all of it, a bright white bubble sat on top. Rather pleased with these new powers as the layers of life laid around the earth like a peacock. Continents split apart as water swirls in their positions. Five clear sections of an entire map stood in place. Like a model straight from the gods as trash and debris moved around like shields, looping around it.

The moon moved around, cracking out and flattening to a rather flat round shield. All of it's features still the same. Except now there was signs of cracks forming. The large being grabbed it and raises it into the air as it splits in two. Now rather sharp blades.

This show of dominance was impressive. A goddess mad at his work with the sun behind the large floating being, it seemed calculative, it's shadow covering most of it's face. All of it's emotions hid in one giant basket. But whatever she had done was rather brainless. It was now out in the open, in space. The perfect gateway for a better world. Nothing mattered now. It will not be stopped.

Sergio stares into the optics, spotting it raising it's rather gooey body in a star formation with it's black holes, several kilometers away from the moon. She spots Lino somehow immune to all of it's effects, angry and helpless as it moves to speak. Controlling the stereo systems in the place. Confusing everyone hearing it.

"It's useless now. You have cornered yourselves! Just accept your fate!"

His body morphed as space becomes nothing but a black canvas. Eating up everything in it's way. In a blink of an eye, it assimilates everything. Galaxies were nothing to it.

Further into space, a group of blue-skinned aliens watches in horror, the planet nothing but rock and plant-like houses. Rising higher into space. They shrieked as they try to escape in escape pods. Amongst the panic, a couple places a baby into a small space ship. Big enough for it to fit in. The couple kisses it in the cheek as they whispered to the rather innocent baby.

"You will have to make a name for yourself elsewhere. Goodbye, remember... us."

They broke into tears as it launched up into the air. The baby watching in horror as the space pod escapes from the now dark landscape. Assimilating it in the process.

The machines moved faster than light, trying to evade the large darkness, now blanketing the whole universe.

It laughed. Feeling it's mouth with it's metallic tongue, still full of goo from the past. It's job is almost complete with the main course now in at the palm of his fingertips. With all the light eradicated, now the parasites are a surefire kill and a new era can be created. One which it doesn't include all of these monsters. Repentant and all bowing down to a fate where no one crosses the line. The best way to do things. Just like the programming said.

It looks up to see the being glowing brighter than most. Hardly ignorant of the black holes. He asserts even more force upon them. But it was determined. The 'veins' became brighter. It's circle of debris now forming into a large bright core. Rather transparent but made apparent from the bright light. Forming around it as lightning flashed all around the body.

It tries to go even further in, trying further to break and disrupt it but it was too late. Shrieking by the loud light that burns through as the large being rolled it's eyes

It's mouth became wide, watching all of the darkness is suppressed, shattering the universe as everything swirls back around, becoming normal. It tries to endure even further. But it was too much, it feels like millions of TNT's are blown up in his face, like several supernovas...

Sylvie watched coldly as it screamed in pain, dissipated further, burning through to the last bit of goo in it's mouth. Now nothing but dust.

"He was finally gone. But at what cost?"

Derek looked amazed. He looks at the rest, happy that Caze and all of the others are put to rest. Immediately celebrating on the streets as the animals wandered peacefully in the rubble.

"Stop right there!"

He looks around, surprised to see Shane nowhere to be seen. Atsuki and Verda also seemed confused as they looked around. The tight bond still strong as ever as they levitated with the building right below. She was supposed to be here. Unless...

He looks up in the darkness. The stars rather bright as the white being stood rather confused, the guy meanwhile was nowhere to be seen as well. He gulped as he looked at Alfred, who has also realized that the duo were missing.

"He may be doomed..."

They clashed, slashing up asteroid belts as they burst into nothing but dust. The bright violet lights from their force all struggling to catch up in their brawl. She was hoping he wasn't breathing. The torture should be over. He after all ought to be arrested. But there he was. Unamused and running away from the madness immediately as it ended. She punched hard, carefully trying to keep herself under control as they tackled each other. Attempting to push the other far enough to fall. But it was still a tie. Neither was gaining nor losing.

They dashed through the belts as they hit Pluto. A little too far out at this point. Seeing the opportunity, Shane immediately blasted herself, pinpointing his possible next move. An all movable force, moving in all directions.

He lands on Pluto, his shirt nearly torched and revealing his body as he quickly launch from the ground back towards the giant being, the light barely able to catch him. At this moment, he spots Shane, barreling down hard from her entry, tearing apart her white jacket and shirt. A red comet. He tries to steer away but he is going to fast. He feels a hard tug, his clothes barely holding together as he is swung like a rag doll up into space as he saves himself. Jumping back into action.

But she is hot on his tail, immediately bursting out to punch him down as they head through the asteroid belts in the other direction. Punching harder as Lino tries to catch himself, trying to find a much suitable place as they finally hit earth again.

He was eager to meet up with her again. Hopeful that she can also help. But he feels a sudden impact from a large force that tore up his shirt, as he falls forward before being thrown past her and into a nearby asteroid, nearly destroying it as it cracked. She punches him hard, attempting to knock him out. Each blow like a TNT igniting on his face. He quickly catches her fists as he pushes her away, now levitating amongst lightning around her as he is finally on a position to stand.

"Why are you running!"

She was literally on fire, angrier than the red sun. As she was about to dash at him, he quickly makes sign language. Hoping that she would calm down. She after all looked worn out, her sweat flowing out into space as all her veins glowed. Her shirt was now just nearly half a tank top.

He looks as she eases in her position, floating down at him as he quickly explains all of it in sign language.

'Look! I may be born with tons of power for exploitation but all of these wasn't my fault. I was after all hoping that the collaboration between me and my uncle would bring about a new age. One of new intellect, of immortality. Who could have realized how Kruger and his aide then, Yan, wanted it for world domination. Attempting to forcefully take it away to rid the world with subliminal messaging?"

He sighed as he continued gesturing his words, "I may be no hero. But after all, I am no villain. I had to escape with one as my uncle died. Being crushed in the lab by a Super then was an awful way to go out. With all the secrets relating to the war closed, I rather not see Derek ever again. He won't accept me like that. I'm in too deep."

She shook her head, moving her arms in sign language and informing him the needless escape as she took a torn photo, an evidence from the burnt house. The exact photo of a torn family Derek had.

He sighs, upset that he had to face up to him. All he wanted was to create a proper life. Ensuring such an event would never happen again. Though finding the right men for the job was hard.

He sulked, using sign language again. This time he asked for her name. She looked away, feeling rather weird from his question. Probably he wanted to know who arrested him...


He looked at her wide-eyed. Rather curious considering he had also a lost daughter. He sighed as her mind began to crumble, collapsing on the ground as she grasped to all semblance of rigidity.

"Where am I?" She awakens in a dark place, lifeless and morbid. Above the dark sky, a small semblance of memory began to form but only in small patches. A man similar to him walking out of the house. Screams of a child, hope for a family as she is sent away in that darn large truck as she never saw them again.

"Are you ok?" He gestured, uncertain as to what happened as she got up rather shaken. Still uncertain of the newfound images. Who was her family? He patted her softly, comforting her as she cried. A love that she never felt.

As she stopped, she spots a 'grey dragon' close to the moon. Staying still right in front of the being. Rather curious yet cautious as they spot the dark blue and silver mobile suit join up, attaching it to its back. It's mono-eye moving to the large head as it glowed a sense of determination and devilish thoughts.

"Oh no..."