The cold barren ground. A place trampled upon by hateful ants. Now occupied by the sounds of war. It was still hopeful that there were other options of settling things amicably and have a piece of quiet. Just like now. But things would soon change. The ground shakes by the sound of rumbling of engines and stamping of feet. The war has started.
The tanks crushed down cars blocking their path, all featuring the latest in technology from the Americans. Above them, jets and mobile suits soar into new heights. Tracking the ground ahead as two single dots appeared on radar.
"Targets foun-" the men spoke on the radio as they became frantic, their machines all uncontrollable as they lift into the air. Dan and Steve tried to grab onto something, but the power is overwhelming. However above them, they spot a woman, equipped with a pair of 'wings' completely unfazed.
She was tired. She hoped another war wasn't waged, her state of mind was still snobbish from her shot. But here they are. With a large whoosh of invisibly, she pins the girl down and places everyone down safely. All cheering loudly, only to be silenced by a yellow glow.
"Verda what are you doing here? Go back to work," Atsuki looks up at her as Verda defiantly poised her staff down at her. Still rather confused and angry as to why they were even fighting.
"Then why are you doing here you stupid jerk! All for ruining a giant metal suit?" She retorted as Atsuki tries to assert control upon her. But the strong bond around Verda is strong, probably because of her staff. She didn't not even know she was part of a metal suit until recently. She is under control then, how could she know?
"Hey do you not realize then I was under someone else's control? You can't rule that as an offense!" She stared at her pissed by that remark as Verda shook her hair, nonchalant about her remark, adding fuel to the fire as she giggled, "And does anyone even believe you?"
Atsuki growled at the remark, trying not to attack despite knowing the intentions of the men below. Her reputation was completely tarnished from that incident, no one still know what had happened. Even governments are hounding her phone. She watches Verda laugh further before choking, pleasing Atsuki as she continued, coming back to earth and ferocity.
"I do not know what your friend wants with us, nor do I know why. But get this! You will fall where you stand from your stupidity and overbearing patriotism! Be still!" She immediately waved her staff at her as Atsuki feels the overbearing impact from her psychic abilities. Pummeling her into an old building with a loud crash. Walls immediately crumbling inwards onto her. She tries to move but it was beginning to overwhelm her, she after all was beginning to heal. She hears muffled noises of gunshots and explosions. She gulped. She may be injured, but had always been waiting to prove herself again. With a burst of energy, she destroyed the rubble and breaking her bond. Startling her as she rose above her with the sun right behind.
"Is that all you got?"
She hissed as all her 'feathers' emerged to attack her. Causing her to whizz and dodge. They flew with huge agility. Constantly missing her impacts with buildings as they made their way up to her.
"Yes finally! Eat ass!"
She laughed, annoying her teammates on the radio as they began to complain. Fearful how she has become unhinged, screaming back like a monster unlike a normal human. Just like how she did back when she was under control.
"Can you chill? We haven't got this boat rocking!" Shao Lin replied in rather bad mood as Atsuki calmed down. Sighing at how she was unable to speak properly. Perhaps she should just keep her mouth shut. Just like every single time. She turns around, the 'feathers' still around her. However all seemed to be in slow motion. Stuck upon a yellow boundary around her.
"Impossible... no one can catch this! Not even jets!"
"You are not the only one with tricks like these. Your offense is your problem!" She turns the shards back at her, barreling back at the same speed. She immediately threw buildings at it, destroying few of the shards as she began to halt these 'feathers'.
She directed more force towards Atsuki, now struggling at the overwhelming force.
"This staff is given by my mother, fun isn't it? Especially how you saw it commanding about during the war a decade ago?" She laughs as the men fired back with their weapons. Atsuki, realizing her potential with that staff immediately tries to shout out loud at them. They definitely would have no chance against her. But it was too late.
Atsuki watches the lead bullets and giant shells all halted in front of her as they are thrusted back. Immediately taking out most of the men as reinforcements arrived. In the form of large giant robots.
Verda seeing this tries to halt them in their face, almost succeeding if it haven't been for Atsuki who has gotten personal. Instantly feeling a large force on her, pushing her to the ground, close to the cracks that the inhuman being had set earlier.
"Aren't you the distracted one?" She forces Verda down to the ground, the 'feathers' all behind her. Though she could somewhat feel that the power being taken away by Verda. She cannot be distracted now. She has her now.
However as she tries to grasp a larger foot hold on her abilities, she is jolted by the sound of a dark looking Revel Type. Blasting away the gravel which ruffled her hair.
This sudden jolt allowed her to slip, immediately turning the tables in a sudden shock as all her 'feathers' now turned against her. Creeping ever so closer while her head bobs over the bright glow beneath.
"Looks like you spoke too soon!" Verda laughs as she looks away and towards soldiers, all trying to fight their way through to help Atsuki. How foolish. With a single swipe of her hand, she traps the men in their place as she turns back around. The woman trapped in her place, was now gone? What was she trying to hold onto then. She looks forward to see a large debris, a fallen pillar from a large building. She scoffs, where was she? It couldn't be that she is behind her, is she?
She tries to turn around, but she is frozen in place. She had corrupted her powers. With the staff held firm. She tries even harder to break away. However it was useless as she hears a hot breath followed by a soft whisper.
"I'm just getting started," she immediately lodged her down the cracks, Atsuki right behind as all her 'feathers' followed suit. The large obstacle is now gone. They should be fine...
"I don't know if Atsuki is feeling good, but I doubt she has done enough..." Victor looks in the large hole made, feeling rather fearful yet brave as Sergio and he, now standing on a large floating platform, the Mano F6F, looked on at the rather beastly Revel Type. The butler following shortly right behind, landing smoothly on his feet as it transformed from sword to a giant robot.
The Revel Type was black, now featuring red highlights with a larger and more scary-looking backpack. Featuring a lot of wings and a curvier armor set. The hands were a lot different. But through the cracks, Victor saw the deal. The chest and head was definitely unchanged. Now featuring a third eye on the head. Probably larger cameras. His mobile suit was now in their hands, as he had thought.
"That's mine!"