"Oh wow, you only realized it now?" Victor hears a familiar voice, Eddy on the other side. He however seemed nonchalant unlike Verda from their conversation, more passive than the others. It stood tall, more menacing than before as it poised a modified shotgun rifle, made with recognizable parts from Gouf and the Sleipnir, a machine from Aldnoah Zero, adding upon the remains of his machine. Behind him, the funnels are fully exposed, obvious to him that the funnels remaining were kept.
"Welcome... you know it's unbelievable how the tables had turned?" Eddy coughed on the mike as it screeched, nearly causing men to lose their hearing as he continued, "Unlike you however, we took great care of it. I know I shouldn't be rubbing it on your nose, but so far you have not impressed me when you used this machine. Now it is in safe hands. Look at poor you, now using that old clunker?" He laughed as Victor scoffed. No matter how good the robot was, it all came down to the skill of the pilot. He fiddled violently with the lever in rage as the butler stepped in, rather unfazed in that unique looking robot.
"You do need to realize, this is it's grandpa. The first one ever made. This thing ain't no slouch either you fool!" He shouts back at him as the machine hissed, smoking flying out of it's exhaust ports as Eddy responded, rather immaturely.
"Ok boomer!"
The butler was rather chill about it as Eddy fires his shotgun, all falling out of commission in the process by a giant rock wall.
"It's weird how it's just you. After all, this match up seemed unfair.... very fair for us!" Sergio spoke out from the microphone, muffled with age. At this moment, she spots bright red flashes. She quickly turns up to see several Scheulders' and Dachs', the names of the mono-eyed machines stationed everywhere in their conflict. All thrusting down towards them and carrying spears with their massive mini-guns poised at her machine's vital points.
"Spoke to soon. Just like your head, only filled with nothing but stone!" Eddy mocked Sergio as she leaped, thrusting towards the robot which whipped out a large katana, stopping her almost instantly. He continued, "Simmer down dimwit, I'm just getting started! Yan has finally recognized me and my abilities. Now you will all know why I'm officially crowned the greatest pilot of the century!"
He thrusted her down with even more force. The Evangelion struggling to take hold, sinking down the barren, rough ground. Sergio was not a fan of that, immediately creating a large hand of the concrete, trying to chase him down as he fired his shotgun to break the rubble. Behind him, his men were all over the place, distracted by the butler as he cuts down everyone with his sword, cleaning and startling everyone in the field.
Victor, spotting the opportunity, immediately fired the rail gun. It was a huge miss however, seeing Eddy, moving even faster than before and more fluid than ever, surprising Sergio in the process as her newly made concrete hand struggled to keep up.
"Darn it! They didn't repair the systems!" He looks on, more heated than ever. To make matters worse, his railgun breaks, jamming on the trigger.
"For crying out loud! Why now?!?" He shouts on the mike, infuriated by his dumb luck. He breathes out, sensing an individual coming at speed as he thrusts up. Barely avoiding Eddy who was thrusting him with the katana.
"Bwoah! New type abilities?" Eddy speaks on the mike, rather pissed as Victor rolled his eyes in the cockpit. Adding fuel to the fire, "No, it's better piloting skills!"
He punched the robot down, causing Eddy to lose control and skim the ground. Provoking him.
"Your just lucky! watch this!" His voice boomed on the mike, bursting out the sword like funnels as they headed straight for everyone. Firing it down at everyone and blowing up machinery with lead bullets.
Victor notices the smaller explosions compared to before. Less destructive, less potent.
"Wow, they restricted the funnels, probably for him and just him..." he thought to himself as he fumed, his robot has been tampered with. He hates him even more now. He did not deserve to ride his robot! But just at this thought, he realizes how the Butler was nowhere to be seen.
As he flies back, past soldiers scrambling to run away from the blasts, he spots the machine dodging all of the shells, striking a large blow on one of the funnels which blows up on impact. Charring the thick armor.
"Let me show you the reason why old men is just a term," he spoke rather nonchalantly as his machine immediately transformed back into a large fat medieval sword, ignoring shots from the funnels and thrusting straight down at Eddy who is now dragged across the battlefield, barely avoiding soldiers from Sector B, who just arrived. In all of this madness, the mobile suits fired at each other, Revel Types on one-eyed monsters, Ports and KEMPs on tanks, each not backing down as they are left on a stalemate.
With his distraction, he lost his footing. Watching himself nearly get decapitated by a Xafefe, a mono-eyed robot made for the elite guard. He quickly uses the pickaxe to block the bayonet attack. Hoping for the best.
He is shaken, watching as the machine falls down, crushed onto the ground by a large 'maracas'. He looks up, spotting a robotic doll with sharp blades in the hips for a dress. The Spanish army were here with their own prize, the Bailarín. The machine looked down at it with concern as it grabs it's 'maracas' and continued fighting. All for an unknown cause.
He turns to see Sergio, making a star for herself, a boss amongst the armies as everyone around her stood in fear and awe as they are trapped by rubble. And yet here he was, not even doing anything. Why is he even a pilot anyway? He is determined. He glares at his target. That old man won't steal the show. His show.
He blasts off, flying at speed towards the robber as he picks up the pistols. Firing away at the Scheulders' and Dachs' foolhardy enough to stand in his way, most all still distracted by the large sword jetting down onto the ground and attempting to impale a giant Gundam to its knees.
"Back off old clunker!" Eddy fires back, putting back the sword and using the shotgun. Igniting the armor. Theold man spotting the threat, slices it off cleanly, blowing up on impact. But the damage was done. The legs were torn to shreds by. Barely able to hold the robot up straight as it reverses. With concern, he fiddled to check his robot. But Eddy finally has a chance.
"Be gone you stupid old man!"
He yells on the microphone, taking out the
Katana again, determined to put the old man in his place with the funnels right behind. At this point, he hears a loud siren from the sensors.
He quickly turns around to face the dot, but he was too fast. Victor drops his pistols and goes straight to his pickaxe as he neared slices off the head. Damaging the monitors while the funnels goes silent. He licked his lips, angrier than ever.
He kicks the gundam in the cockpit, stunning him as it falls down onto the ground. Immediately pinned by Victor who lands on him with a thud. He makes quick work, slicing off the hands and the head. He feels sorry for destroying his robot. Imagining the faces of mechanics who would have to restore it again. But the message must be sent.
He beats down on the cockpit. Slicing deeper into the armor like a madman, murdering his victims in the weakest of places. He chugs down another slice when he stopped. The cockpit hatch opened. The man steps out hands up in his head.
"Good, at least I didn't have to kill you and make myself contemplate again," victor voiced out. He looks back at Eddy, bleeding from the impact, staring down at him as he screeched, "Just kill me! Make it bloody brilliant!" He tries to provoke him. But he just stood there, to the annoyance of Eddy, who hackles at him, " Why? Just why? Why not be like everyone else? Isn't it your duty?" Victor sighs as he voiced out again, "No. To be honest, I do not know why I'm fighting with you. But here's the thing. I'm never gonna kill anyone again." He drops his axe to the butler's amazement, shocking the soldiers around him.
"Then hear this! This is an unfair world, one where it is to kill or be killed. And I... feel so disheartened by the fact that you are waging war on an innocent country. I can't stand this anymore!" Eddy screams out further, barely holding his breath as he pulls out his pistol. Victor scrambled to get down and stop him, but it was too late.
The blood spewed all over the cockpit as he falls forward, resting on the armored cockpit door.
Victor tries to look away. The brutality of the shot was getting too much. It almost felt too much like all of his regrettable actions. These hauntings should end. With a sadden look, Victor moved back and left the cockpit. Using a lever to be lifted down to him place. With a roll around, he closes his eyes and salutes. Another pointless soul lost to the terror of war. They always said how war is a bad thing. Perhaps they should have done more than just talk.
He looks away, spotting the butler looking at him amazed by his large amount of respect. The soldiers all were looking at him, rather surprised by the respect given to the enemy. Up above, he sees a large helicopter, bigger than most as it is escorted by jets and mobile suits. Flying right over the distracted Sergio, still trying to trap men and wreck several enemy machines.
Their job was sadly not done. Looks like he would have to give him a proper burial soon. He stares down at the cracks, rumbling. They were still fighting down there... hard. He sighs as he rolls his eyes.