
The sun dazzled like crystals in the sky, diminishing every day in the rough, deteriorating landscape. What was it days? She couldn't tell at this point. Her brain had been playing tricks with her lately. So far throughout the weeks, she had known the biggest threats in the entire corrupt prison compound. Glad only there had powers that could benefit them. But even so, she can feel her powers drain every day. The stagnation only electrified every time she attempts to break her circuits. Burning through her veins and her rather empty stomach, she looks at herself. Now barely the slender healthily proportioned female her friends and colleagues had known her for. Now simply just little lean meat with presence of bones. Barely a looker. Her skin oozed with blisters, filled with inflamed pimples and infected wounds that scarred her since her imprisonment.

She is still surprised how she is even alive. Barely surviving being beaten into a pulp and tortured daily half of the day. Constantly hearing the disembodied screams of what seemed like Lino's family. Even though the authoritarian regime he created under his control was as rubbish as the holocaust in the second world war that happened a century ago. It paled in comparison in what the allies were doing to them even after the conflict. She looked at the dim sky, listless as the calling of the night. Were they even capable of running this country?

She turns to her right. The mould creeping closer to the machine ever so slowly. Its' doors determined to seal her shut forever. She looks down. Dammed by a society spineless and blind to react to the happenings around the globe. Thinking that all was well in this dystopia. Riddled with criminally high starvation rates and a crashing economy amongst a rise in mafias and gangsters.

"When will the day come?"

She closed her eyes, listening to every footstep with impunity. Hearing their boredom, wandering around the complex tirelessly. She wished to hear what they were saying. Listen into the mingling about the status of her colleagues. It could only come later however. She knew it herself. Her time had not arrived. Maybe not even now. She adjusted her bleeding legs, feeling the uncomfortable, damp and smell undergarments filled with what seemed like some solid things she didn't even want to think about. Every movement seemed awfully slow, infecting her choice with tight ruggedness she didn't want to have. Her guards uncaring and lacking any concern in what they do as they slam the doors, shutting her in with 3 spoonfuls of oatmeal everyday. Sickening her at the very thought of a sludgy meal completely inedible and unhealthy to eat.

"Your meal is here. It seems you have been doing well considering it had been 2 weeks!"

Goddammit. They are already here for her. She watched staring at the sickening tub of trash roll up to her face. The trolley not making things much better. Squeaking through the floor like thoughts gone in the wind. Despite looking professional, completely covered in a suit of armour and stealthy thick clothing, the guards were absolutely blind in whatever they do, sloppily scooping another spoonful of inedible food they probably hate.

"Now eat!"

The man hastily took the metallic spoon, it's grease dripping down to the grime and dust, staining the usual dust as it begins to settle. Drawing ever so closer to her with every drip beginning to trickle down the remains of her shoes. Scarring it further like blood splatters. She looks at him, his young and punchable face snickering at her plight, angrily lunging 'the meal' at the tired host as she watch the blotches trickle down her dirty and torn shirt. Irritating her skin by the touch. She looked into his stupid face, her head contorting wildly as she bit the spoon by her mouth, preventing any form of movement as her stained mouth is greeted by the runny oatmeal. Irritating the man and his partner, who had just arrived. His rifle pointing directly into her head as the spoon is stuck by her mouth in limbo.


He nudged further in, irritating him further as she notices a pistol at hand. Gripping tightly as she rolled his eyes. They were dead to her. As he repeats his attempts again, he watches her with sudden surprise, watching as she pulls the spoon away from him, lurching him further forward as she throws the spoon like a spear, flying through the air like a harpoon as it barely missed his partner, who was incredibly terrified. Overreacting at the endangering situation he was in, shooting at her rapidly till she was dead.


The man quickly nudged him to the ground, slapping him awake at what he had just done. His gun jamming as he falls, knocking him out of his sights and returning him narcissistic senses. He rubbed his head with annoyance and irritation, watching in horror at the machine, whistling and bellowing wildly behind his prisoner.


She ripped the cords out aggressively. The electricity still fizzing out, damaged from it's use as she dropped to the dusty floor, blowing through the dimly lit room like an explosion, blasting and irritating her captors. She grasped her chest, drained from her abilities amongst the burning scars and wounds grazing her skin. She turned back to stare at the machine finally able to see properly for the first time after 'two weeks'. It was smoking heavily, each shot from the gun earlier ripped through it's thin shell. Turning the humble metal box into a messy monstrous heap of junk, igniting electricity rapidly as an unknown golden liquid drips down to the floor. Was that her powers? She couldn't tell from her fluttering eyes, hurting her vision constantly. It seemed diluted yet eager. Beginning to pond the machine with the ignited electricity beginning to melt it to nothingness, attempting to kill itself in it's own flames.

"You fool!"

The men aimed and fired, each shot rippling through the walls as dust filled the smoke and air. Visibility clogging everyone's sight as lights and led rallied and blasted communication to a standstill. She had no clue what was going on, attempting to fire back with her hands but nothing came out. Looking more like a fool than a hero. But any longer in the room and she would be dead. She quickly sneaked out of the room, crawling through the dust amongst the clear view that remained. Hopefully that the guards would be distracted.

Each step and grab pulled through her lacklustre skin. The heat becoming unbearable by the second. Jostling her emotions of a need to save herself and others as their screams and shooting became silenced by the pops and crackles of an imminent time bomb. She clambered onto the buttons. Slamming onto the exit as she falls down to the ground onto her knees. In front of her armed men surrounded the entire corridor, firing rapidly through the smoke in hopes of their new kill.


She quickly nudged herself through the smoke and rolled the trolley to the door. Led pelting onto the warm and moist handles. It's gooey meal sloshing around like a boat in the rough seas, barely able to hold itself together. She crawled further, spotting the rifle the man had as he succumb to the smoke, laying unconscious. She doesn't know where the other guy was. Though the way the man laid, he was most certainly dead. She clasped her hands, bidding a peaceful passing amongst a hostile environment as she left with his rifle and his filthy outfit. Hardly covering the torn shirt which hid her protective gear.


They fired in volleys, surprised at the screaming trolley as it rolled over and burned through the cracks in her armour like spewing magma. Firing uncontrollable in the reaction as she fired. Slamming through the crowd with cold and bitter lead, Each shot spewing blood though their loose heads and the now clambering smoke. Attempting to sink her further into unconsciousness as the fire raged harder. Blasting through the corridors into a large inferno. She looks passively at what she had done, the guards terrified and frozen in fear. Hating herself even more through her descent into madness, dashing out of harms way.

She lurched through the corridors, clambering onto the walls with her legs barely able to handle herself. Where was her powers when she need them? She couldn't tell but know it was it. What had happened to her was truly a death sentence. A demotion to normality. Her legs blistered from her forceful exit and her hands shivering from her lack of meal. Jumping through a large door with the inferno hot on her heels, blasting through the building in a powerful shockwave. Ripping her now empty rifle in pieces and with the structure trembling under it's own weight.

She panted, smiling at her breakout as she got back on her feet, ripping off her shirt and turning them into gloves for fighting. Her sweat noticeably aggravating her wounds with the infected wound by her neck getting worse by the day. She couldn't know how bad was the damage. But she knew she had to get out of here. Her legs trembling from days lacking any training as she looked ahead. Staring through the low ceiling at a woman playing with her whip, swinging about and damaging the panels above, absolutely not caring for the property itself.

"You really have a nerve to get yourself out you know?"