Victor slowly wandered down the stairs. His arms and legs more manoeuvrable than before. A benefit that he had always wanted ever since he got injured. His lungs and bodily functions were even better. Recovering ever so slightly ever since the use of the system. But even then, his treatment under the gooey substance had taken substantially, hurting every time as the particles reformed the bones. It didn't made things better that he had to strip naked in order for the process to work, let alone the chamber beside his was Atsuki's. Something which made him feel personally attacked yet marginalised by outsiders despite their absence. He could only wish for that strangling addiction of adrenaline once hooked up to his machine in a time like this. To look away from their personal statements only from their point of view that were often painful to read. But nevertheless it felt great moving around once again albeit in a limp after 2 weeks. As the third week arrived, he could only hope things get better for him and Atsuki. Although he feels rather sad for Baku, still waiting for Leroy to repair her. It was already hard pressing for her to endure the lack thereof of a strong frame. Screeching and clanking constantly in the shiny armor that she could not remove as they constantly awoke from their healing slumber.
He looks outside. The city unfortunately alive with violence and anger ever since Lino's death. He was glad of the catastrophic reveal of his dealings ever since his claimed treatment against the people of Sector B. But even more curious was the disappearance of the rest of the family, somehow claimed to be done by Energy Breaker and Tremor. Absolutely out of the blue and infuriating the public. Their reputations in shambles with their jobs 'claimed' to be revoked. Was this revenge?
He couldn't tell at the moment. Each day, the confidence he had for Sergio waned. Confusing everyone including the new 'girl' he had seen. Unable to understand the reason for their actions and the rampage they had incited. He could only hope they still have some decency and give themselves up. After all, they should still remember the purpose of their job, correct?
He sighed, carefully making his way down to the hangar which had seemed to made massive changes. Ever since the conflict, the government seemed to want an opinion from the museum, especially after the machines were used in the conflict effectively. Not necessarily happy that the ancient mobile suits kept in storage for years were more reliable than the new standards nor were they happy about Sebastian's antics. However to his surprise, parts and men had been supplied from NEOSU, what seemed like a Japanese trading company, to fix the machines. A benefit he thought would never come to past. The museum has also seemed be even more popular than before in the day, exciting workers. Watching everyone attempting to glimpse at their saviours after the news broke of their existence in the museum. Their children clambered up their parents' backs and even the disabled made their way up the hill just to see the giants, their hope for a stronger future in the violence. What made him even more surprised was the generous gift of the broken Attec Speeder, now laying on the wall alongside the other old machine. Taking up a ridiculous amount of space along the provided runway.
In the hangar, workers were scrambling upon ladders and cranes, each attempting to restore and modify the machines to it's restored glory, their paint now shinier than ever with the electronics tested daily. Watching their grey and black painted fingers attached to large wires, all of which were hooked up to a large computer, moving properly in order as they fizzed about. A satisfying moment.
"Hey Phantom Pain how is it going?"
He wanders to his position, rather envious about his lack of fats around his stomach. Yet he was excited. Glad to meet him as he makes a bow, hiding his oil covered gloves and his rather hastily worn attire, barely able to get himself geared up for his work. Victor looked at him, still rather surprised and excited by their appearances, still unable to comprehend that he works alongside them. Even with such excited workers however, Victor's tired face couldn't be erased, still in pain and in need of sleep. Although as he looks back at the hardworking worker, he couldn't help but smile a while amid his sore red throat which wheezed upon every breath.
"Ok I guess... I came here to see my Attec Speeder..."
He looks up at the machine, it's green amber eyes glowing with happiness from their reunion after the fresco. Still contemplating it's uselessness after being constantly pummelled under his ownership. It's arms and legs had been rebuilt extensively, completely replaced with a more robust and powerful set of limbs. Made stronger with extensive springs and retractable limbs which extended it's melee range. Most of the weapons it previously had returned, completely revised and improved in it's careful placement by a corner. Still being decided on their position. It's head was completely rebuilt from scratch. It's shades now had a purpose. Barely displaying information to the pilot in a green ominous glow, glitching about from it's position as engineers struggled to perfect it, now angular and made to form around it's eyes. Retracting every time it was not in use. It's dark paint had been completely removed, now just simply a bright white which glimmered in the dim lights as it's shadow overshadowed the entire hangar.
"You should be proud of it! There had been several details which had been overhauled."
Victor looks at the machine as he raised his eyebrows, rather unconvinced from his statement as the worker from Japan struggled with his words, rather afraid of walking into the wrong path.
"It isn't the outside that just counts, the inside matters as well!"
He gestured at him, grunting every step as he works his way though a lifting machine. Whirling to life at his response with the duo brought up high to a unique view above. It wasn't necessarily high. Not even up to the level of the cockpit. But it was high enough to see a unique, complex set of equipment up above. All barely covered by the new set of armour fitted for the cockpit. Completely different from the ones he had used as a dome surround the pilot chair, filed with different camera screens with seemed to showcase a full 360 degree view.
"Now before you start to complain, we can all agree that the Heighten Physical and Mental Body System was terrible. It had after all been shortening your lifespan based off Teck Toph Industries reckless methods of building the system," he shook his head, rather infuriated by their disregard for the safety of the pilot as he continued, "Thus it had been completely removed, replaced with a new AI named Young. It won't depend on a ticking time bomb like previously. Only serving the purpose of assisting you in the battlefield like grabbing potential targets and helping manoeuvre out of extreme situations."
As Victor looks at him, the man points at him. Rather unamused and grumpy as he retorted quietly. Hoping not to grab anyone's attention for 'scolding' a higher ranked individual.
"No buts! That system is scrapped forever. I can't believe how our rival would still use such inhumane tactics to improve their machines. Not even our rivals Airlanders or Homme Fusil, who do not even make robots, be as dirty as this!"
He gulped, silently nodding at the resistant man as the lift brought the duo down. Seemingly just as infuriated as him after hearing the secret of the system. Each grunt seemingly making the pilot curious if it was biased. But then again he shouldn't be complaining. His body had already been in shambles and the liquid is stupid expensive to use, barely healing his organs alongside his bones. It was about time the pain had stopped.
They clamoured along, explaining the other robots as the machine silently twitched it's head, creaking about the wires and to look at the men. It's movement startling the engineers whom looked at their computers. Hysterically murmuring about the errors they may had made as they fiddled with the keyboard, their worries hidden amongst other workers dealing with their own projects. The machines' eyes looked on, glaring at the duo. It's rage still unrelenting and unnerving to even itself. For his work wasn't done.
"You did a terrible job, Victor."