Sunday at the beach (3)

Tyler finished his game quickly and he decided to watch Mia's and Hunter's second match. He has to admit that Hunter found himself a girl who is not only pleasing to the eye, but also in a good shape and has some killer moves.

"Who is that?", a female voice sounded next to Tyler.

"Hi Suzy." Tyler frowned at the amount of makeup woman has on her face. He is not a makeup expert, but he can see that Suzy has A LOT of it on her face. He does not know that Suzy is hiding marks left by Mia on the previous day (incident in the women's dressing room in the sports club).

Tyler can see hostility in Suzy's expression, and he knows that she is one of the girls who hopes to get Hunter's attention. Tyler decided to pour some oil into the fire: "Are you asking about Hunter's girlfriend?"

Suzy clenched her teeth. She knew it! That woman acted all innocent around Hunter, but she was seducing him! "What is her name?"