Sunday at the beach (4)

Mia and Hunter won their second match.

"Team 27 wins over team 9 with a score 21:17", the announcer officially ended their game.

"Good game!", Eric (from team 9) said while shaking hands with Hunter and Mia.

"Same here.", Mia responded.

"Where did you find this gem, Hunter?", Tom (from team 9) asked.

"She is my girlfriend.", Hunter said smugly.

"That didn't answer my question.", Tom complained.

"My intention was to tell you to mind your own business." Hunter placed his arm around Mia's shoulders.

Tom looked at Mia with complicated expression.

Mia felt Hunter's firm grip on her shoulder, and she smiled. "We can have a rematch anytime."

Eric's face lit up. "That would be great! How about we exchange phone… Oy! I was talking to her!", Eric complained to Hunter who was pulling Mia away.