Shower together

Liz swallowed her non-existent saliva. "What?"

Max's left eyebrow arched as he observed her face getting redder by the second. "You heard me. Let's shower together."

"Is that the next step?"

Max needed a second to remember what 'step' she is talking about before answering: "Yup."

Without giving her a chance to respond, Max scooped Liz in his arms and carried her to the bathroom.

In the bathroom…

"Tub or a shower?", Max asked Liz while lowering her down to stand on the floor.

Liz's eyes darted nervously between the two options before responding: "Shower."

It's not that she does not want to be in the tub with Max, but what she imagined was too steamy and she decided on a more conservative option. After all, the shower is double-sized, with a large rainfall-like output from the ceiling (other than the handheld option) and they can stand in the shower without touching each other. Right? RIGHT?!