Max's confession

Max turned off the shower and pulled a bathrobe around Liz before carrying her to the bed.

Liz's body was on fire, craving for Max's kisses and more (much more) touching.

Liz was in a daze. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, and her lips were left hanging when he started kissing and sucking on her neck, moving slowly lower.

A soft moan escaped Liz when Max took her nipple in his mouth. He sucked on it hard while his tongue danced around it, and he cupped her other breast with his hand.

Liz never felt anything like that. She loved that Max can invoke such a strong sensation which made her whole body tremble, and at the same time, she hated him for making her lose herself, unable to resist succumbing under his skillful ministrations. She could describe the current feeling as: helpless.