Olivia meets Isaac

~ Elizabeth's apartment ~


8:59 AM

Olivia entered Liz's apartment while humming a song. She has earbuds on which are blasting her favorite playlist. 

Usually Olivia is more alert and would check the place for Liz (and Max), but she knows that since they returned from Hawaii, Liz is staying with Max, so Olivia assumed that the place is empty.

She moved through the living room in the direction of the kitchen, and her steps were dance-like. Olivia looked at her feet like she is trying to ensure that her choreography is spot on.

"Ahh!", Olivia exclaimed and dropped grocery bags from her hands when she was startled by the sight of Isaac who is sitting at the kitchen island and sipping his coffee while reading news on his iPad.

It's not that he is scary, but she didn't expect anyone.

Olivia swiftly removed her earbuds when she saw that Isaac is looking at her questionably.