Isaac has lunch with Chris (1)

~ Seattle, Seafood restaurant on Pier 57 ~


12:09 PM

Isaac is sitting on the third floor in a seafood restaurant with a great view of the port and the ocean. The restaurant is located right next to the Seattle's Ferris wheel. Isaac is at the table in the corner, so he can enjoy from the other side the partial view of tall buildings which are making the Seattle's downtown.

Why is he here? He agreed to meet for lunch with Dr. Christian Snow.

This morning, Isaac was ready to scold Liz for sleeping with Max. But then he saw them come out of the bedroom, holding hands, and smiling, and he realized that Elizabeth is a grown woman, capable of making her life choices. Why would he meddle in her love life? And she seems to be in love with Max. Or at least happy.

Isaac confirmed during breakfast that Liz and Max look like any other young couple in love. This is the second day how he is watching them, and there is nothing out of the ordinary.