Isaac has lunch with Chris (2)

Chris surprised himself with this outburst. Why did he say that he held Liz's hand? He didn't want to say this, but he was upset that Isaac is accusing him, and he called that man 'Max'? That means that Isaac met him. What's with the sudden change in attitude?

Isaac's eyes flashed when he heard Christian's words. He remembered that Liz told him how she stopped having lunches with Christian at work. He wondered if this is the reason. 

Seeing that Chris is emotionally compromised, Isaac continued probing: "So, you touched her? Was she happy that you are holding her? Did she frown? Or did she try to get her hand out of your grip?"

Christian is not easily intimidated, but the way Isaac is looking at him is how predator looks at its wounded prey. "What do you mean?"

"You are a strong man. Much stronger than my Liz. If you want to hold her hand, there is nothing she can do to prevent it. Did you harass her?"