Max wants his dessert

~ Elizabeth's apartment ~


1:46 PM

Max and Liz finished their lunch and Liz is making sure that Max rests in the bed.

Of course, Max is not a man who will miss the opportunity to get handsy with Liz. They are back to 'touching' status, Isaac went out for lunch and he texted Liz that he will be at the mall, it is just the two of them. Perfect.

Max waited for Liz to remove icepacks from his back, two more left… one more…

"Ah!", Liz exclaimed when Max turned around and pulled her on top of him.

She squirmed a bit to get off, but he held her in place firmly.

"Don't move so much, you will make my back ache again.", Max warned her.

She stopped moving and sighed. "At this rate, you will never get better. Don't you understand that your back is hurt? You need to let it heal without straining it again. Every time you are careless, you are returning back to square one, and there is a chance that you can make it worse."