Liz and Mia talk

In Elizabeth's apartment…

Liz closed the door of her apartment, leaving Max and Isaac in the hallway and she saw that both of them are confused but she didn't care. Her mind is a mess and she is upset and it's all their fault!

She went to the kitchen and when she returned to the living area, Liz slumped on the sofa with a bottle of wine and a glass. This is what she needs: silence and wine.

Liz was halfway through the bottle of wine when she heard shuffling from the direction of the front door. Liz narrowed her eyes angrily, ready to scold Max. Who else could it be? No one called to announce their visit, and the person at the door obviously has her apartment passcode which means it's either one of her besties, Olivia, or Max. Bri and Mia would announce themselves and it's too late for Olivia, which leaves Max. Didn't she tell Max not to come until she calls him?

Liz was surprised to see Mia.