Clarifying things with Isaac and Max

In Max's apartment…

Isaac, Max, and Hunter are holding onto a glass of whiskey each and sitting in silence.

Max and Isaac told Hunter what happened after he and Mia left, but Hunter was unable to offer any insights why Liz is upset. He does not get it either. Women are complicated.

Max perked up at the sound of shuffling from the main door. With Hunter here, it can only be Sabrina or Liz and he really-really hopes that it's Liz. He held his breath and his eyes widened when the door opened… and it's Liz!

In next moment, Max's mood dampened. Why is she here? Did she come to scold him? Or to break up with him? Max felt that he can't breathe. He can't think of a reason why Liz would break up with him, but he can't figure out why she is angry either and with Hunter coming here and spreading his gloominess, now Max is on a verge of panic.